Many people provided valuable insight, feedback, and assistance with this work.

We are indebted to Mamie Rheingold for initial background interviews and research during the course of this project.

Also many  thanks to Elizabeth Goodman, Allison Woodruff, Genevieve Bell, and Jill Miller


In the technical sense, flotsam and jetsam have different meanings. Flotsam is the part of the wreckage of a ship or its cargo found floating on the water. Jetsam is cargo or parts of a ship that are deliberately thrown overboard, as to lighten the ship in an emergency, and that subsequently either sinks or is washed ashore. (While we're on the subject, we might as well mention lagan, which is goods thrown into the sea but attached to a buoy so they can be recovered.) The common phrase flotsam and jetsam is used to refer to the entire residue of a shipwreck, and is not redundant.


Found Magazine


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