let’s active.

Jason Sery, the Portland cop who shot James Jahar Perez five times in the first 19 seconds of a routine traffic stop, received the Portland Police Officer’s award for Portland’s Top Cop last Saturday. Now, the grand jury has let him walk.
The Oregonian reports the officers told Perez he would be shot if he reached his hand into his pocket. What they don’t ask is WHY THE COPS DRAW GUNS WHEN THEY PULL SOMEONE OVER FOR FAILURE TO SIGNAL.
Be at Pioneer Square, noon, tomorrow (SAT April 24) for the Police Accountability March.
Don’t forget the March for Womens’ Lives on April 25 in D.C.
In lighter news, Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich will be celebrity-judging a vegan chocolate chip cookie baking contest at Food Fight Vegan Grocery on May 1, from 1-1:30 pm. Seriously.

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