
YOOOOO. I am Julianne Escobedo Shepherd. I transmit these missives from Brooklyn, NY. I am a writer and editor by profession and have written for a trillion publications so instead of listing a bunch of magazines, newspapers and websites that you love, hate or have ceased to exist, I suggest you google that. I specialize, both professionally and personally, in music, politics, pop culture, fashion, art, dance, film, feminism, Latina issues, the Mayan apocalypse and, occasionally, rants. If you wish to holler, my ish is locatable at jawnita at gmail dot com. I also have a tweeter. If you do hit me up, I request that you utilize the serial comma when necessary. Free the serial comma!

3 Responses to About

  1. Hey whats going on ,

    I wanted to see if it was okay to send you my mixtape for you to check out and post. My info is listed below and i think you will enjoy what i have to offer


    STREAM MUSIC: Life – http://usershare.net/de6ekn4138kg

    Hollywood FLOSS

    House of Dreams http://www.mediafire.com/?f8d19l11hj1na80

    LABEL – Kwiet Riot Music Group


    Hollywood Floss, a Houston, TX native, doesn’t favor the usual requirements to be a southern rap artist. Matter of fact, with influences ranging from Andre 3000 and Nas to Prince and Sade, Floss brings a fresh air to the new generation of southern Hip-Hop mixing eclectic meaningful music with conscious dynamic lyrics…“I want to make music everyone can enjoy, but I never want to give off a fake persona…”
    Born August 4, 1983 the Houston resident hit the music scene in 2006 and since has given us various original projects such as Art of Fiscal Intelligence, Xperiment Volume 1 to his latest opus House of Dreams(2010 via Itunes). His musical journey commenced as a manner of connecting with his close-knit family. Preceding the loss of his cousin, he affirmed his decision to pursue a music career and after building his buzz locally Hollywood Floss has solidified his internet presence. At any given moment hear and see his work on Hip-Hop’s most notable blogs and publications such as XXLmag.com, DJBooth, Kevin Nottingham, The Smoking Section and 2dopeboyz.




  2. zervas says:


  3. Hi Julianne Escobedo Shepherd,
    Saw a really off the beaten path article which I assume is yours.

    Within the article, well before I reached the quote “It is time for engagement from mainstream politicians, or otherwise radicalization can only increase” I recalled another quote which you might appreciate and this in both languages translation and the original:

    “We know that the solution to terrorism isn’t more repression and
    police state measures, but really solving the social pro
    blems that make terrorism seem like a recourse.” – Justin

    “Sabemos que la solucin al terrorismo no radica en un aumento de
    la represin o de las medidas policiales, sino en aportar
    soluciones reales a los problemas sociales que hacen apare
    cer el terrorismo como un recurso” – Justin

    My website item without a futher introduction might be off the wall but actually empowers the people to collaboratively join forces and avoid the proverbial divide and conquer being applied by our collective “ruling elite”.

    Look forward to the possibility of your own collaborative contact.

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