This tiny tag concertina is a fast little make that can be tucked in an envelope along with a greeting for that extra surprise and smile.
To create:
1. Wet watercolor paper with a brush or spritz with water.
2. Brush on Brea-Reese glitter ink. The micro glitter sparkles leaves a nice shimmer (which is hard to detect in the photographs).
3. Experiment with wet on wet, dripping more ink on wet areas.
4. Add highlights by dipping a clean brush and plain water. The plain water will “erase” or lighten the color.
5. Allow drying time. Use a die cut or a tag punch to make tags. Position your punch to capture the most interesting part of your painting.
6. Add your stamped or digistamp images and some text. Attach the tags with strips of washi tape or scrapbook paper strips with a glue stick.
Create a stack of tags for later use. Can also be cute as gift tags, hang tags on wine bottles or attached to a cellophane bag of goodies.