
must-see video: we dog jason kenney

Diary of Jason Kenney, Minister for Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism. March 18, 2009.

Early in the day, Kenney speaks at one of his many ethnic ass-kissing events. The event proceeds quietly as planned. The floor is opened for questions from the audience. Ken M stands up. "Mr Kenney," says Ken, "I'd like to know why you are deporting US war resister Kimberly Rivera and her family, even though Parliament voted to let them stay?"

Ken is escorted out of the room, all the while saying loudly, "I only want to ask Minister Kenney why he is deporting Kim Rivera."

After his next event - sponsored by a Young Conservative group and Hillel, a conservative Zionist organization - this happens. If you haven't seen it, please watch.

Then Mr Kenney attends another event in Toronto. When it ends, this happens:

Wait, the day's not over! Mr Kenney goes to London, Ontario, for an event at Huron University College. And this happens.
War protesters dog Kenney

Federal Immigration Minister Jason Kenney was met during a London visit today by dozens of angry supporters of Iraq war resisters.

Signs that read "stop the deporatations" and "U.S. war resisters welcome here" awaited Kenney outside Huron University College, where he gave a speech, 'Good citizenship and the duty to integrate.'

Inside, Kenney told a crowded hall that every war resister who faces deportation is subject to the federal courts.

"I am not going to allow political judgments to trump the fair and consistent application of the rule of laws as it relates to anyone," Kenney told an audience of about 250.

Earlier in his speech, he noted Canada accepts 250,000 permanent residents a year.

"We cannot and should not be cavalier of the challenges of that growing diversity," he said.

Kenney argued there's a need to streamline the immigration program to better meet Canada's economic needs, adding that only 20% of newcomers with who are granted permanent residency have opted to use free language training programs offered by the federal government.

Josh Randall, a U.S. war resister who is now a permanent resident in Canada and lives in London, said he disagreed with Kenney's comments, adding the Harper government ought to "listen to the will of Parliament," after it had passed a motion that would allow war resisters to stay.

Kenney has been criticized over the appointment of Doug Cryer last month to Canada's Immigration and Refugee Board, which hears applications for refugee status.

Cryer has publicly defended the right of churches to denounce homosexuality and now sits on the tribunal that decides whether gays are allowed refugee status in Canada.

Kenney called the criticism "completely ridiculous."

"To suggest that Canadians who fully support traditional marriage are somehow unable to recognize real persecution where it exists is ridiculous, completely ridiculous," he said.

I'll have video of this last event later tonight.

Gee, do you think Mr Kenney knows about this issue now?

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