Greetings fellow thinkers, futurists, nerds & weirdos!

Do you hear it? That faraway ‘YES’ pinging like gravitational waves from distant colliding black holes has at long last arrived, altering our perception of the universe forever. That compels us to bellow back to our beautifully weird brethren across the universe - “YES!”.

Join us at the Ace Hotel in Palm Springs
July 8-11, 2016

Tickets go on sale March 19th at noon PST

Pre-sale March 18th at noon PST

Our dear friends, and long-time YesAndians, Haley & Simone of Moving Portraits, helped us create a visual introduction to YxYY.  View both videos at this link and share it to help multiply the Yes!

Gather with us to re-awaken that creative, ideating part of our minds that, let’s face it, needs a good shake from time to time!

Answers to all your burning questions can be found in our YxYY004 FAQ.

Need help justifying YxYY to your boss? We’ve got you covered

We're hiring! Help us make the YES this year.

Partner with us! YxYY Partners bring, on average, 78% more YES to the world.

And finally, help us spread the good word by sharing this link! We trust YOU to choose the next generation of YesAndians! 

Yours in Yes,
Ann Larie Valentine - Deb Schultz - Willo O’Brien - Amy Muller - Hillary Hartley
