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Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Another Dream

This dream has to do with Spiders.
I HATE Spiders! So for obvious reasons, there will be no Pictures accompanying this post. (and yes Morgan, that spider on your home page is freaky too! and I won't read that post!)

I've always hated Spiders, since I was a little kid. I think it was all those sci-fi movies with Giant Spiders, Or maybe the old Tarzan movies where he gets trapped in a giant spider web! I've gotten better over the years, but very slowly. It use to be if I saw a spider, some one would have to go into the room to kill it before I would go back in. Now as long as I have something LONG enough and BIG enough, I can beat the crap outta them!

So, I don't remember in this dream, what led up to the spider part, but I'm outside and I open the passenger side car door. There is this large spider web going from the top of the seat to the bottom front. You know the kind that's all spun in circles and attached at the corners. Actually if it weren't for the spider part, they're quite a work of art. But there it is with a spider in the middle, So I want to get it OUT of the car with the spider in it. So I take my finger, (why didn't I use a stick?)... (because it's a dream stupid) and quickly run it from the top of the web, down the seat, and fling it out of the car. Of course it's sticking to my finger, and I'm shaking it vigorously trying to get rid of it! It finally comes off on to the ground,
It landed on my pant leg! so I start hitting it with my other foot. (I'm wearing socks but no shoes, and I'm outside..... stupid dream) I finally get it off and it falls into a quivering crumpled speck. (the entire spider was only about the size of my thumb nail, legs and all)
And then I awaken, heart racing.
I say to myself,"it's only a dream", my inner self says,"but it was a SPIDER DREAM!"
I say to myself,"but it was a tiny spider", my inner self says"but it was STILL a SPIDER!".

I know it's a phobia, and I am slowly getting better.
I hate stupid dreams.

Saturday, December 30, 2006


Last night I had a dream. Actually I dream a lot. And I have some very weird one's. But I only remember the one I have when I wake up, and the one I awoke from this morning, is one with a reoccurring theme. I have this dream often.
In this dream I'm either running or biking, and at a pretty fast clip. I even pass other runners or bikers. I'm always going to a certain destination, it's always quite far, and I always know I could get there faster by car, but I don't have the car with me, so off I run or bike. And sometimes during the dream, I start out running and then all of a sudden I'm biking, or vise-versa.
But I never reach my destination. I always wake up before I get there. And sometimes, before I get there, I'm all of a sudden back where I started, and I start again!

So, some questions;

1. Does this mean I'm speeding thru life with no clear goal or life objective?

2. Or, deep down I don't think I'll be able to reach the goals I have?

3. Does your body burn more calories if you dream running then if you dream sitting?