Showing posts with label Birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birds. Show all posts

Thursday, February 19, 2009


A friend here in Eastport took these beautiful pictures of Waxwings that were in his garden recently. I simply had to show them off. Click on images to enlarge.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Hot and sunny, what a weekend it's going to be. Temperature now 34 C in the sun. Just came back from the store, came through the gate and up ahead of me the chickens were wandering around on the freshly mowed grass in the shade of alder and aspen trees murmuring contentedly. My heart filled with joy that I've been able to give them a good life.

My daughter and grandson are coming tomorrow. Didn't think I'd get to see him while he's here but they decided they could make it out for a visit. Next weekend is the long Labour Day weekend. After that there won't be many people around as tourists and summer people will be heading home. Not much happening really other than wandering around the gardens seeing what has to be moved next month. Just have to find spots for plants that need to be put in better spots for them. I'm in a bit of a quandary as whether to move the rose trees to the new bed I have prepared in September or wait until spring.

I took this picture of a finch and as it has some red on it's breast, I'm wondering if it's a young male starting to get it's red feathers. I'm afraid I don't know a lot about birds, maybe someone will be able to tell me. Click on for better view.

There are six Blue Jays back and forth all day long.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Chilly Day!

Yesterday morning we woke up to snow...yes, SNOW! After it was all over there was about an inch or so on the ground then it changed to rain. It's suppose to be miserable all week and chilly temperatures as well. The perennials are all coming up like mad though.

Then, Roger steps out on the front deck and goes down through it...loose board. I was in the kitchen and heard my name being called, went to see what was going on and saw an arm half way in the door flaying around near the floor. Luckily he didn't break his leg or tear it open as there were nails on the underside of the board. After I help him drag himself up out of it he says "Why doesn't anything like this ever happen to you?" lol.

So this morning we are hoping to haul all the unwanted stuff down to the road for pick up next week. Although I expect there will be more grumbling about what I've put in the pile. ie: this morning he sees an old window I have in the pile and asks why this is going. I say that the glass is all broken out. Well, he says, maybe we will need it sometime. Argh!!!

Yesterday, two new birds in the garden.

A white throated sparrow.

A very poor picture of this little one but the only one I managed to get. I do believe it's a Kinglet, though not sure. Hopefully he will hang around so I can get a better shot.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Mostly Ducks

While in the city we went to the park. My daughter brought a bucket of seed so ducks and pigeons were coming from all directions. Too bad the sun wasn't shinning, we had to put up with a bit of rain. I don't know much about ducks so don't know what kind they are. Here's some pictures for anyone interested.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Weekend

Early Friday morning we set off for the hours drive to the big stores. Stocked up on bird seed and groceries. I bought a sunflower seed feeder, just what I need, another feeder, lol. I saw it was on sale so I couldn't very well let that go now could I. We decided then to go to the Dollar Store. This is a great store where every thing is a dollar and I like to pick up napkins and the odd bits and pieces. Roger spent time going through the cds and ended up buying one with Russian Tenor Zurab Sothilava singing Georgian and famous Russian Folk Songs. I've never particularly liked Russian Tenors but on hearing this guy, wow! His voice is enough to make you weep. Beautiful!

Saturday morning, although I kept saying I wasn't going to go, we headed off for the flea market. We got there about fifteen minutes before it was to open and there was a line up. Although it was snowing, nobody seemed bothered by it and were happy enough to stand outside and wait. Once the doors opened and we got inside it was packed with people. Could hardly get down the aisles. I got myself a great shoulder bag for one dollar, a coffee press..again one dollar and the cutest blue cooking pot for, I think, 25 cents. Not a bad morning at all.

Looking outside after supper last night I saw just the tail of a bird on the sunflower feeder. From the angle I saw it I thought it might be the first sparrow of the season. Went out and took a picture and it was this little cutie.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Haven't been doing much. I managed to eat a one pound solid chocolate bunny on the weekend, tut, tut! Still cold here and lots of snow still about. The bay is packed with ice as far as the eye can see, consequently the wind blowing off it is making the temperatures cold. Hopefully I'll get into the city to see parents and daughter in April. Have to see a few good days in a row before I attempt it. I've hauled my box of seeds out three times lately, going through them and putting the box away again with a sigh. Oh well, soon I hope.

I haven't seen the Robin for a while. I put out a bag of chopped apple, banana, etc. in case he came back. The Redpolls are still coming but not as many. The Blue Jays, which I hadn't seen for some time are now here every day. I do believe there were two Woodpeckers doing the mating thing as one was chasing the other up a tree trunk. And I've heard tapping in the woods, they apparently tap on trees during mating season.

Black Capped Chickadee

Dark Eyed Junco

Thursday, September 20, 2007

September 20th., 2007

The friend from Nova Scotia flew back yesterday and after the party the night before I wasn't feeling all that great. Slept most of the afternoon and went to bed very early last night. It was a good visit as always.

Got up this morning feeling ready to take on the world. I decided it was time to start in at the garden. There was a fair size raised bed that had gone to mostly weeds so figured I'd tackle that. I dug it all up, added lots of manure, went up in the woods to get some leaves off the ground and added those. Ever watchful for bears as the woman down the road said her cats wouldn't go outside....something big must have scared them. The plants I dug up out of the raised bed were bagged to give away and I then dug up Phlox and Black Eyed Susans to put back there. That finished, I had a Russian Olive Tree that was in the wrong spot. So I then dug up an area where it would be better off, again added manure, leaves, etc. I got the tree out of the ground and planted it in the new place. That done, I figured I'd better quit for the day as my body is starting to ache.

In the meantime the Grey Jays had put in an appearance. First time I'd seen them in ages. I did get a couple of pictures but still not as good as I wanted.

Grey Jay

Blue Jay


Mushrooms on log

Thursday, May 10, 2007

May 10th.

Overcast this morning. Yesterday was a perfect day, sunny and warm. Afternoon temperature was +22 C. I was on a high. I put new plastic on the small greenhouse. It was windy and I was in a bit of a mess at times, up on the ladder trying to keep the plastic from flying all over the place. I finally finished it then had a pile of Lily bulbs to plant. Then planted more seeds in flats and pots, cleaned the deck off and hosed it down, raked up more debris around the garden, lopped off a pile of tree branches that had broken over the winter and raked leaves up in the woods to add to the compost pile. The day ended with a feeling of contentment.

I'm hoping to re-do part of a fence that had gotten beaten down over the winter within the next couple of days, then I think the worse will be over and done with. Then it's back to weeding. I figure if I do a bed each day I will be able to stay on top of it although the chickens are certainly helping me out with that. A few pictures below, just the regulars. Still trying to get a good picture of the Fox Sparrow.....hasn't happened yet.

Monday, March 19, 2007

March 19th.

I walked down to the beach this morning to see what I could see. Just one lone Gull! It was so windy and cold that not only were my fingers frozen but I could hardly keep the camera still. I did manage to get the pictures above.