SGML, HyTime, and XML Applications in Government, Military, and Industry Sectors
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SGML, HyTime, and XML Applications in Government, Military, and Industry SectorsNote: Apologies for the state of this page: the material needs reworking and reorganization. Meantime, help yourself to the links. -rcc Contents
The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)[CR: 19970529] [Table of Contents] OSTI's activities include extensive use of SGML: ". . .One of these initiatives, for example, is the Department-wide effort to implement standards which will allow for the full-text electronic exchange of scientific and technical documents. OSTI also serves as the central point for the collection and sharing of scientific and technical information management activities of interest to DOE and its customers." "The initiative to implement standards for the electronic exchange of scientific and technical information was promulgated within the Department of Energy (DOE) in August 1991 by the Office of Information Resources Management (IRM) Policy, Plans, and Oversight, when they announced an initiative to achieve electronic exchange of scientific and technical information (STI) within the Department. At that time the Department adopted the International Standards Organization (ISO) 8879, Information processing - Text and office systems - Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), as defined in the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication 152, as the DOE standard. The DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), which coordinates STI management within the Department, was given responsibility to manage the transition." [from the Reference Guide for the Department of Energy Technical Report Document Type Definition (DTD)] Links:
Address: IRS (US Internal Revenue Service)[CR: 20021112] Recent [2002 Q4] description of IRS activity in building XML-based e-file support:
Earlier information: A large number of IRS documents are available in SGML format in the IRS-SGML Library on the FedWorld Information Network. The SGML documents are complete with DTD. The IRS-SGML Library had some 90 documents as of April 11, 1995, and the list is said to be "updated each morning". The documents are encapsulated in self-extracting binary files (".EXE" MS-DOS compressed files). The IRS was one of the earliest adopters of SGML.
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO)[CR: 20001206] [Table of Contents] References for USPTO and its SGML/XML DTDs governing electronic filing are provided in a separate document. National Library of Medicine (NLM)[CR: 20000217] [Table of Contents] The National Library of Medicine (NLM) in Bethesda, Maryland, together with the William H. Welch Medical Library of Johns Hopkins University, has been building medical databases for full-text information delivery using SGML encoding since about 1988. The Online Reference Works (ORW) project and the more recent HSTAT database are examples of this continuing effort. HSTAT (Health Services/Technology Assessment Text) is "an electronic resource that includes the full text of clinical practice guidelines, quick-reference guides for clinicians, and consumer brochures." One of the NLM's Online Reference Works is Principles of Ambulatory Medicine, the third edition of which was produced from full SGML, using SoftQuad's Author/Editor software package. Frequent updating of information in the Principles of Ambulatory Medicine (PAM) project and associated reference book(s) is expedited through the use of modularized information stored and processed from a database using SGML. Various other CD-ROM publication projects at the NLM also use data encoded in or converted to SGML. For internal use, the NLM has experimented with the PAT search software developed by the University of Waterloo Centre for the NOED (marketed by Open Text Systems). Links:
Addresses: Library of Congress - Encoded Archival Description (EAD) and Finding Aids Project[CR: 19981103] [Table of Contents] The US Library of Congress and several research level institutions have been engaged in the collaborative work of the EAD (Encoded Archival Description) initiative for several years. These institutions use the schema documented in the EAD DTD, and currently encode their archival finding aids using the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). The documents are viewable on the Internet using SoftQuad Panorama, or in some cases, are translated into HTML on the fly. Archival finding aids are "descriptive bibliography" or "metadata" tools which take the form of inventories, registers, indexes, guides, and similar resources created by museums, libraries, repositories, and other kinds of archives. An announcement was made in January 1998 that the EAD DTD revision, to be released in early 1998, would make the DTD XML compliant. Searchable EAD Finding Aids collections include the Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive Collection, Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE, California State University, Dominguez Hills, Duke University EAD Project, Durham University Library's electronic document collections, The Harvard/Radcliffe Digital Finding Aids Project (DFAP), Iowa Women's Archives, Library of Congress Finding Aids Project, University of California, San Diego, Mandeville Special Collections Library, University of Virginia Library, Yale University Library EAD Finding Aids Project, American Heritage Virtual Archive Project, University of California EAD Project, Museum Computer Network EAD Site (MUS-EAD), Research Libraries Group (RLG) Fast Project, and others. See the LOC's "(EAD) Sites on the Web." [August 06, 1997] The Library of Congress announced the availability of its new home page for finding aids using the Encoded Archival Description standard. This page serves as a central location for the Library of Congress' own implementation of EAD and provides access to all finding aids at LC which have been encoded using EAD. Links to reading rooms for the various special collections lead researchers to other online finding aids (primarily ASCII) also available at LC. In addition to listing the EAD finding aids and providing a link to the ftp site for downloading finding aids, stylesheets, and navigators, the page links to instructions on navigating finding aids using Panorama. The finding aid home page replaces the page maintained by American Memory." [from the announcement] "Archival finding aids are detailed guides to primary source material which provide fuller information than that normally contained within cataloging records. This page provides links to all the archival finding aids at the Library of Congress which have been encoded in SGML using Encoded Archival Description. Other kinds of online finding aids for collections at the Library of Congress, primarily in ASCII format, may be found through web pages for the reading rooms; many more finding aids in paper format are available for use in the reading rooms of a number of special collections divisions. Special collections may also be searched through the Library of Congress catalogs. [January 30, 1998] Daniel Pitti (Project Director, Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, University of Virginia) submitted a public post to the Encoded Archival Description List to the effect "that Version 1 of the EAD DTD will be fully compliant with XML." Version 1 of the EAD DTD has been under development for several months, and was recently reviewed for "final" changes in a meeting of October 31-November 2, 1997, by fifteen members of the Encoded Archival Description Working Group of the SAA Committee on Archival Information Exchange. A summary from the preceding post: "The EAD Working Group consists of sixteen individuals representing the United Kingdom, Canada, the Library of Congress, the National Archives, the Research Libraries Group and OCLC, and a number of American academic institutions and one historical society who have been involved for almost three years in the development of EAD. The WG is currently engaged in preparing three documents for final release early this year: version 1.0 of the EAD DTD, the Tag Library, and a set of Application Guidelines."
SAE J2008 (and T2008) Automotive and Truck Standard[CR: 19980824] [Table of Contents] "SAE J2008 is a family of standards developed by the membership of the Society of Automotive Engineers in response to the mandate of the Clean Air Act to partition and provide easy access to emission-related automotive service information. At the heart of this SGML standard is a relational Data Model for Automotive Service Information rather than any particular document model. The SGML definition set forth within J2008 provides a hierarchical representation of the Data Model. In addition, this standard provides models for common text constructs such as tables, paragraphs, lists, and procedures which are found within automotive service information. . . It is important to note that the J2008 DTD, unlike most industry DTDs, is copyrighted and cannot be freely distributed." [information from Dianne Kennedy, see below]
SEC EDGAR Database[CR: 19980225] [Table of Contents] "SGML MARKUP: EDGAR filings require Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) data tagging to identify specific information within a file package. SGML tags are words or letters surrounded by right and left angle brackets, for example. There must be no blank spaces within the brackets. Hyphens are used to separate words within tags with more than one word. (Example: ) Note: If required tags or values are missing, the submission will be suspended when filed." [from EDGAR Handbook - CL 11-28-94 However. . ., as Chet Ensign said: "There is an Edgar DTD. However, like HTML, I think it is more a formality than something that is actually used by most of the financial publishing houses to control markup of information. In fact, one of the project directors of the original EDGAR initiative told me that he didn't consider it an SGML application at all." [CTS 980223]
FOSI: Formatted Output Specification Instances
MSR Consortium - Engineering Processes[CR: 19990517] MSR is a German consortium of vehicle manufacturer (DaimlerChrysler, BMW, VW, and Porsche) and suppliers (Bosch, Siemens, Hella and VDO). MSR was founded in 1994. MSR supports the joint development of electronic car control system by enabling process synchronization and proper management of information exchange. MSR has established working groups dedictated to theses special fields. They are called MEDOC, MEGMA and MEPRO. The MEDOC working group develops standards, methods and tools for information exchange in the engineering process. MEDOC offers unified application profiles (DTDs) for both data and document excange based on the SGML/XML technology. So far MEDOC has defined:
All these DTDs and their documentation are public and downloadable from the MSR homepage. References:
IETM (Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals)[CR: 19980910]
"The definition of an IETM used by DoD in the IETM Specifications is as follows: An IETM is a technical manual, prepared (authored) by a contractor and delivered to the Government or prepared by a Government activity, in a digital form on a suitable medium, by means of an authomated authoring system; designed for electronic-window display to an end user, and possessing the following three characteristics: (1) The format and style of the presented information are optimized for window presentation to assure maximum comprehension; that is, the presentation format is "frame-oriented", not "page-oriented". An IETM can be presented either on a desktop workstation or a Portable Electronic Display Device (PEDD); (2) The elements of technical data constituting the IETM are so interrelated that a user's access to the information he requires is facilitated to the greatest extent possible, and is achievable by a variety of paths; (3) The computer-controlled IETM display device can function interactively (as a result of users request and information input) in providing procedural guidance, navigational directions, and supplemental information; and also in providing assistance in carrying out logistic-support functions supplemental to maintainance." [from NAVYSGML document, cited above] TCIF/IPI (Telecommunications Industry Forum Information Products Interchange)[CR: 19980824] [Table of Contents] The Telecommunications Industry Forum (TCIF) is sponsored by the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) -- a group supported by 2,000 experts from 300 companies which develops consensus answers to industry problems. TCIF was founded in June 1986 to promote understanding and implementation of global standards, guidelines and emerging technologies involving electronic data interchange, electronic commerce and bar coding. "The purpose of the TCIF is to provide a forum for purchasers, manufacturers, and suppliers of telecommunications equipment, products, and services to address issues relating to industry standards associated with the provision, procurement, and use of such equipment, products, and services." "Information Products Interchange (IPI) is a working committee of the Telecommunications Industry Forum. IPI was established to select standards and guidelines capable of allowing the interchange of a variety of information products for the telecommunications industry . . . Most of the IPI Committee's published work has to do with the Telecommunications Interchange Markup (TIM, an SGML DTD) and the Telecommunications Electronic Document Delivery Package (TEDD)." "The TIM Document Type Definition (DTD) is a specification for describing the structure of telecommunications and other technical documents, using SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language). The TIM DTD is based largely on early versions of the DocBook DTD developed by the Davenport Group. TIM extends DocBook by describing additional structural constructs that are often found in techncial documentation. It may now be the best general-purpose (or 'interchange') DTD for technical documents in many industries. Filters and stylesheets are being developed to convert documents from many word processors and desktop-publishing systems into TIM, and to convert TIM documents to DocBook, HTML, word processors, and browsers like Panorama, DynaText, and OLIAS. Besides providing the basic markup for paragraphs, lists tables, safety messages, and other structures used in technical documents, TIM also enables hyperlinking by the author or end user (when supported by the browser), and permits any type of graphic or multimedia object to be included in a document. TIM markup also provides many attributes that can be used to pass meta-information to applications. For instance, sections can be identified as parts, chapters, appendices, prefaces, or any other specific type, so that each can be labeled, formatted, and searched appropriately." [adapted from the ATIS server description] TIM 1 was approved as a TCIF Guideline in December 1995, and revisions for TIM 2 were begun in December 1996. As described in the TCIF Information Publication TCIF-IPI-97-004 (Issue 1, 10/24/97), several of the DTD changes were aimed at making the TIM 2 specification XML compliant. These included changes to the SGML declaration, removal of inclusion and exclusion exceptions from content models, implementation of external cross-references through URLs, restricting the attribute data types to the XML-valid AttType values ('TokenizedType' -- in particular, NMTOKEN for NAME, NUMBER, and NUTOKEN), and restriction of PCDATA to content models having repeatable 'OR groups'. Thus: "except for changes to adapt to the not-yet-finished XLL linking specification, TIM is already XML-complaint and ready for the next generation of browsers." Links:
Older links, may or may not work:
Addresses: Electronic Component Information Exchange (ECIX) - Pinnacles Component Information Standard (PCIS)[CR: 19990623] [Table of Contents] [June 23, 1999] "'ECIX - Electronic Component Information Exchange - For Internet and XML-based Component Information Exchange'. The Electronic Component Information Exchange (ECIX) project is dedicated to designing standards for creation, exchange and use of electronic component information, including ASIC cores. The ECIX architecture and standards are extensible, unambiguous, well documented and are maintained under the direction of Si2. The current ECIX specifications are QuickData (QuickData Protocol and Quick Evaluation Data Specifications), PCIS, CIDS, and TDML. A new, XML-based version of PCIS (Version 1.5) was announced in June 1999 at DAC '99 (36th Design Automation Conference). ECIX is an abbreviation for The Electronic Component Information Exchange Project. The goal of the ECIX project is to define an information interchange standard for the electronic exchange of component data. An interchange standard supporting ECIX and Electronic Data Books (EDBs) is called the Pinnacles Component Information Standard (PCIS). PCIS was conceived by the Pinnacles Group, a consortium of electronic component manufacturers originally consisting of Hitachi America, Intel Corporation, National Semiconductor, Philips Semiconductors, and Texas Instruments. Hewlett Packard and IBM Microelectronics have more recently joined the effort. The Pinnacles Group has now become part of the CFI, as the Electronic Component Information Exchange Project. New members are joining to participate in its further development of the ECIX standard. [adapted] "The ECIX project decided to develop the application standard using the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). SGML, defined by the international standard ISO 8879 in 1986, is a widely accepted and supported standard for the encoding of structured information. SGML defines the range of valid structures for each type of document using a Document Type Definition, or DTD. The ECIX project selected SGML as its document modeling and interchange format for the following reasons: (1) It is vendor and platform independent; (2) It allows data expressed in other industry standards to be included and referenced; (3) It is supported by commercially available tools and services; (4) It ensures the longevity of the electronic component data; (5) It supports the current publishing processes (such as paper and CD-ROM)." [extracted from the White Paper] References:
Component Waveform Diagram Standard[CR: 19990308] [Table of Contents] In May 1997, Silicon Integration Initiative (formerly CFI) and its Electronic Component Information eXchange (ECIX) Program partners "solicited candidate representation formats for waveform data that could be developed into an open EDA industry standard via a Request for Technology process. The goal of defining an open standard for timing and waveform diagram data is to allow component suppliers to supply computer sensible waveforms that describe component behavior in a single format that: 1) gives the customer a choice in what waveform browser or other support tool is used, and 2) allows the component information provider a choice in what waveform editor or other generation tool is used. The standard resulting from this process will be designed for use by ECIX compliant datasheets for representation of timing and waveform diagrams describing component characteristics. It is planned to promote this format as an industry-wide standard first through Si2 and then formally through IEEE/IEC." Efforts continue [1998] under the Waveform Markup Language (WML) Working Group. XML/SGML compatibility: The review panel determined that for maximum value of any new standard, the representation for Waveform Diagram information should be XML/SGML compliant. This is important in order to maximize the potential for inclusion of Waveform Diagram data as PCIS-encoded information in it's own right at a later date, while not sacrificing any objectives of the near term. Using Waveform Diagram data encoded as specifically 'tagged' information for this domain offers a solution which can be used standalone (i.e., pointed to by a PCIS <model> statement, and the data is accessible as a separate file as it is today), while not sacrificing application performance. At the same time, the use of XML/SGML compliant tags enables the eventual use of directly encoded Waveform Diagram information in the PCIS data stream as an embedded part of a PCIS instance (i.e., embedded as tagged information directly rather than as a separate file)." Links:
Addreses: ATA DTDs - Air Transport Association of America[CR: 19970221] [Table of Contents] "ATA is the Air Transport Association of America. Founded by a group of 14 airlines meeting in Chicago in 1936, it was the first, and today remains the only trade organization for the principal U.S. The purpose of the Air Transport Association is to support and assist its member carriers by promoting the air transport industry and the safety, cost effectiveness, and technological advancement of its operations; advocating common industry positions before state and local government; conducting designated industry-wide programs, and assuring governmental and public understanding of all aspects of air transport." "About ATA Specifications: The development of recommended specifications for industry is an important function of trade associations such as ATA. These specifications allow industry participants to achieve major cost savings through the use of common systems and procedures. ATA's role is to facilitate this process by bringing industry members together to reach a consensus that all can support and implement. Thus, ATA specifications ("SPECs") are voluntary industry agreements on accepted means of communicating information, conducting business, performing operations or adhering to accepted practices." [from the ATA WWW server]
Addresses: Railroad Industry Forum: Electronic Parts Catalog Exchange Standard (EPCES)[CR: 19990623] [Table of Contents] "The Railroad Industry Forum (RIF) is a task team of the National Association of Purchasing Managers who were tasked to develop a standard for the exchange of electronic parts catalog data within the North American railroad industry. The RIF members are comprised of major railroads and railroad manufacturers. SoftQuad and Applied Image Technology (AIT) provided the RIF technical expertise during the two-year effort for completion of the standard. Mary McCarthy and Betty Harvey, on behalf of SoftQuad, Inc. developed the EPCES DTD." "SGML -- Standard Generalized Markup Language -- is utilized by the EPCES to encode text, data and provide for the linking of information elements. SGML, an International Standard, provides an unambiguous syntax for describing whatever a user chooses to identify within a document. An SGML DTD provides the structure that categorizes all information in an SGML encoded document. A tighter DTD structure yields a more reliable information exchange by reducing ambiguity in encoding documents. In the course of defining the EPCES, it was agreed to develop a tightly structured DTD by applying the following guidelines: (1) Focus markup (define data elements) on the content of traditional OEM parts catalogs (as opposed to Industrial Supply catalogs and maintenance manuals); (2) Provide a structure that accommodates a minimal use of text - typical of over 80 percent of the Rail Industry parts catalogs reviewed in Phase II; (3) Pattern the best practices of other Industry DTD's when applicable to the EPCES." EPCES relationship to ATA 2100 - There is a high level of correlation between ATA Illustrated Parts Catalog (IPC) structures and the RIF sample parts catalogs. However, the ATA IPC standard incorporates more advanced effectivity and revision control information than evidenced by the RIF samples and has richer markup capability due to a more stringent style guide for ATA parts catalogs. Although the ATA IPC DTD was used as a baseline in the development of the RIF-EPC DTD, the RIF-EPC DTD is designed to meet the specific requirements of Rail Industry information. SoftQuad incorporated elements unique to the Rail Industry as well as knowledge from other sources to develop the RIF-EPC DTD. In the area of drawing and image specifications, EPCES closely mirrors ATA 2100." Links:
CALS: Continuous Acquisition and Lifecycle Support (formerly: Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistics Support; recently "Commerce At Light Speed")[CR: 19970425] [Table of Contents]
The Air Force Product Data Systems Modernization (PDSM) Program Office Technical Manual Specifications & Standards (TMSS) Project[CR: 19990920] [Table of Contents] "The Technical Manual Specifications & Standards (TMSS) and Digital Support Suite (DSS) Project, was established in 1986 to create and maintain Air Force TMSSs. Utilizing Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), these DSSs contain the tools and templates necessary to tag the digital technical manuals and process them on open systems that comply with version B or later of MIL-PRF-28001, or the DOD JCALS system. The most current TMSSs and their related DSSs are located in the TMSS & DSS Repository. New acquisition programs shall use the DSSs contained in the Performance (MIL-PRF-) specifications repository. Legacy (existing) TO data, created before the release of the new acquisition TMSSs, shall use the legacy DSSs that are also available from this repository. . . If the required Air Force DSS is not listed here, please contact the AF PDSM Program Office for more information. Other useful information such as: helpful hints, hard copy ordering instructions, training, points of contact, other SGML links, Data Item Descriptions, MIL handbooks, and symbology, are also available at this site." [from 'Background'] References:
USAF SGML Repository[CR: 19990920] [Table of Contents] [See previous entry, which in part supersedes/corrects this section.] "The USAF has been in the SGML investigation and development process for approximately eight years. This involves supporting publishing of technical manuals with paper output, as well as content-tagged data base forms, and interactive electronic presentations. "The Web site contains the approved as well as the developing SGML templates that the Air Force is requiring in technical manual acquisitions, viz.,pertaining to Technical Manual Specifications & Standards (TMSS), Digital Support Suite (DSS), Air Force Product Data Systems Modernization (PDSM). These templates include DTDs, FOSIs, and various other SGML based templates. The DTDs are intended to be universal in application, the remainder of the templates are developed to "run" on the JCALS engines. All templates are available for download directly from the WEB page." A typical DSS has: The Document Type Definition (DTD), The Formatted Output Specification Instance (FOSI), The Screen FOSI, The Auxilary Tag Description (ATD), and The Tag Description Table (TDT). Links:
MIL-STD-2167A: FOSIs and DTDs related to MIL-STD-2167AThese directories contain rough drafts of DTDs and FOSIs developed for MIL-STD-2167A by Bob Agnew. See:
MIL-M-28001B SGML documents (Navy site)
Army SGML Registry and Library (ASRL)[CR: 19961108] [Table of Contents] The Army SGML Registry and Library (ASRL) is a site for "the U.S. Army Publications and Printing Command (USAPPC) Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) Registry and Library (ASRL). The ASRL is part of the Digital Publications Development (DPD) Program, and is the Army operational site for the DOD CALS SGML Registry (CSR) and CALS SGML Library (CSL). The ASRL is the central SGML data repository and single-point source for Army-approved SGML objects and constructs for publications developers. USAPPC is the approving authority for all Army standard SGML objects and constructs." "The U.S. Army Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) Registry and Library (ASRL) will contain all Army-approved SGML constructs, such as document type definitions (DTD), formatting output specification instances (FOSI), and SGML tag description lists authorized for use in the preparation of Army publications. All DTDs, FOSIs, and SGML tags shall be officially registered with the ASRL prior to their use for developing any Department of the Army (DA) publication, including administrative, doctrinal and training, technical and equipment publications, and Electronic and Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (ETM/IETM)." [from the FAQ] Links:
Addresses: Government Information Finder Technology - GIFT (Canada)[CR: 19960708] [Table of Contents] "The Government Information Finder Technology (GIFT) is an infrastructure that delivers a search and retrieval capability to Government data and information in its original format over different government sites and locations."
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