Showing posts with label Flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flowers. Show all posts

Saturday, June 24, 2017

The maker hands

From time to time we must listen to our body and see what it has to say .
We tend to take things for granted but nothing is immutable, nor acquired!
It is already so difficult and frustrating to be in constant pain and living in slow motion, but at least, I was able to do what needed to be done!  Having pain in my hands, wasn't something, I had thought about.
My little hands hurt!
Have you ever thought how important and indispensable our hands are ?
No, I have not.
Our hands are our survival tools and when they are in pain, our soul also is in pain.
My survival tools are giving up !
I am not in a complaining mood, neither do I want to victimize myself. I am kind of private person, but just for today's post, I needed to share why I have been so slow recently.
The hands of the maker are the intermediary between his thought and his creations.
Isn't it said that the hands are the reflection of the soul?
Aren't they the tools that realize or better reflect and transform our imagination into the finished piece?
For nearly two months now, my hands hurt so bad !
In a moment of  introspection, I listened to them.
In order not to sink into depression and stay in my  corner, I decided to paint.  While waiting for my hands to feel better, I painted some metal finding which I will use in my jewelry creations.
Vintage Waziri Tribal Buttons and antique brass leaf pendant painted with swellegant paint.
Beautiful flowers from my "jungle" backyard. :)
Crystal quartz point beads, rare Moroccan fossilised Bryozoan coral pendant and our sour cherries. Birds being great lovers of cherries, it is rare that we can pick them before they eat them all. 🍒🐦 😊
On my journey to seek and connect with others and because of my admiration for the beautiful tribal cultures around the globe, I recently acquired this gorgeous Turkmen pendant.  I will deconstruct it  and use the individual pieces in my creations. This is my way to pay tribute to those who owned it before me and who have worn it gracefully. Now, it is my turn to continue with it and write another kind of story.
I love the wild flowers in our "jungle" garden. :)
Cascades of old bells, beads, and dangles in this beautiful very-long Turkmen Bell-Tassel Head Jewelry with a sturdy Turkmen beaded triangle with a bird perched on top.  
The bells sway with every movement, making a wonderful sound and scaring away demons. Warm age patina. Tassels like this one, was traditionally worn attached to the tops of head dresses, at the sides of head to frame the face, or along the Turkmen woman's single hair braid.
Sour cherry aka Morello cherry
 This  collectible, wearable old Turkmen Tribal Jewelry handcrafted in the mid to early 1900's.
My shop will be closed from mid July through  August. To make room for my new designs, which still need to be photographed, I am offering 15 % off the entire shop, until I close in mid July.  I hope that my hands will feel better by the end of summer !
Coupon code: ETE2017
I wish you all happy summer vacations.
As always, thank you so much for stopping by.  
Merci beaucoup. :)

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The ocean is calling!

This Sunday, I pretended that I was somewhere, where the sea and mountain meet. Where the sea waves crash over the rocks.
I am often bored by simply going to a "normal beach" and sitting there watching the ocean or people gathering around to soak up the sun.  Nope, that's not me or my family.  We like to walk around to see what we can find or explore to see what kind of flore or fauna is there!
So this past Sunday, I let my mind wander to some of the beautiful beaches that I have visited.  Beaches such as those in Scotland.  Brittany in France, and Mendocino in California.
I love the beaches, especially those where the cliffs and the ocean meet.
Where rocks and waves combine, to sing a hymn in unison, a beauty of which only nature has the secret!
Where when the sea recedes for a pause, the opportunity is given to us to collect shells and driftwood.
That's how I love my beach!
That's how I communicate better with her!
These flowers are from my backyard. The purple and yellow are pansies which we call "Pensée" in french. (Pensée means thought) and dandelion. I made a simple bouquet with them and of course, since it is spring, the cherry trees are all in bloom so I couldn't help but to add a little of its beauty to my bouquet creation!
I hope you enjoy it! :)

As always, thank you so much for stopping by.  
Merci beaucoup. :)