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Thursday, December 1, 2011

45+ Ways to Keep Christ in Christmas

It's December and the Christmas season is in full swing. It's so easy to get caught up in all the gifts, parties, shopping, and wrapping and forget the true meaning of Christmas. I recently saw a funny comic on Pinterest that said something to the effect of "I find it ironic that the day after we celebrate being thankful for what we have, we become greedy and go crazy buying more stuff." Too true.

It's important to consciously choose to participate in activities that keep the real spirit of Christmas in our homes and hearts. Below is a list of such activities that I compiled last year for a church activity. Many of them apply to members of the LDS (Mormon) Church, but plenty will work for you if you are of another Christian faith.

Keep Christ in Christmas

· Hold a family testimony meeting.

· Read about prophecies of the Savior’s birth in the Book of Mormon.

· Read the Christmas story from the Bible.

· Memorize The Living Christ.

· Make a list of your blessings.

· Watch the First Presidency Devotional on the first Sunday in December.

· Watch Music and the Spoken Word Sunday mornings.

· Make thank you notes to use after Christmas.

· Learn a Christmas hymn to sing as a family.

· Read a Christmas story from the Friend or Ensign.

· Make or use a service advent calendar- no one gets the treat until a service has been performed.

· Write down on paper, roll up, and tie with a bow, a gift you are going to give to the Savior.

· Keep track of all the service given by family members in December in a white stocking, gift box, or manger scene. Read the good deeds on Christmas morning.

· Write your testimony in a Book of Mormon and give it away.

· Make Christmas ornaments that focus on Christ.

· Visit Temple Square- especially the nativity scenes and the statue of Christ in the visitor’s center.

· Make a flannel board nativity and leave it out for children to retell the story.

· Use simple costumes to act out the nativity story.

· Write letters and make cards to send to loved ones far away.

· Color, paint, (or purchase) a nativity scene and hang it in your home.

· Watch an uplifting Christmas DVD together such as Joy to the World.

· Have a "white" Christmas--attend the temple.

· Go shopping together for Sub-for-Santa or angel tree gifts.

· Help children clean out toys and donate good used ones to charity.

· Make dinner for a neighbor in need.

· Help children write a story about the manger on Christmas night.

· Write a note to a missionary.

· Have a Bethlehem dinner.

· Have a family Christmas music night with instrumental and vocal performances.

· Attend a live nativity.

· Listen to Handel's Messiah and learn the story behind music. (See Ensign December 2010).

· Make a Christmas advent candle, and read a Christ related scripture each night as candle burns.

· Wrap meaningful and uplifting Christmas books and open one each day and read together.

· Collect uplifting Christmas stories and compile in a binder to read as a family each day.

· Collect or make from paper symbols of Christmas and teach children the meaning. They could draw one from a gift bag and tell how it reminds them of Christ.

· Go for a nighttime winter walk and enjoy the beautiful stars and talk about the special star that appeared at Christ's birth.

· Draw names of family members on Dec 1st. Secretly serve that person all month. Reveal on Christmas morning.

· Make handprints of children, cut out, and print "I will have helping hands for Jesus."

· Determine a need and perform a service anonymously.

· Forgive and make amends with someone.

· Give family members a “golden gift.” Wrap a Christ centered gift (book, scriptures, CD, etc) in gold paper and open on Christmas morning.

· Purchase nativity play sets for children

· Strive to be more like the Savior each day!

Helpful links:

Christ Centered Traditions Blog
Helps for memorizing the Living Christ at Discover the Scriptures
Nativity Matching game
CHRISTmas at I am Momma- Hear Me Roar

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Glimpse of Easter Weekend

My mom made this cute centerpiece.

She made these baskets on her Silhouette machine.

I made these delicious ham and egg cups for breakfast.

Find the recipe here.

Husband's Easter basket. The bunny visits him every year!

Some men in our neighborhood did a service activity to trim trees. I collected a few of the branches from our trees and put them in a vase.

I love the bit of spring it brings to our house.

I cut some tulips to take to my grandma. She has been very sick in the hospital. However, she is doing much better now and I am so happy! I love her so much!

My mother-in-law made this cute display.

She also made this incredible cake.

Susannah is hiding eggs.

Husband has too much fun hiding eggs

The kids are so cute!

This one can't get enough eggs fast enough.

Grandpa is helping get the hard to reach eggs

Two of my cute nieces

I love this shot.

I love this one too.

These two are worn out.


I love Easter because we make a bigger effort to remember the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ. His sacrifice for our sins and pains gives me so much hope. Our Heavenly Father loves us so much and wants us to return to him so badly that he sent his Son to pay the price of our sins. I know that if we repent and come unto him, we can be forgiven and return to live with God someday. He can also ease our burdens because He knows what we are going through. He is ready. We just need to let Him in our hearts.

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Why Create?

In 2008 I heard this talk from President Uchtdorf. It really touched me. Why should I create? Because I am a daughter of God and I can be like Him. "Creating and being compassionate are two activities that we as His spirit children can and should emulate."

These words are so encouraging and inspiring. Creating isn't about always succeeding. It is about learning, growing, trying, and making something beautiful. That can be crafts, outfits, photography, organization, food, painting, drawing, sports, leadership, web design, graphic arts, raising a family, planning a wedding, gardening or a million other things.

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before.

"Everyone can create. You don’t need money, position, or influence in order to create something of substance or beauty.

"Creation brings deep satisfaction and fulfillment. We develop ourselves and others when we take unorganized matter into our hands and mold it into something of beauty.

"You may think you don’t have talents, but that is a false assumption, for we all have talents and gifts, every one of us. The bounds of creativity extend far beyond the limits of a canvas or a sheet of paper and do not require a brush, a pen, or the keys of a piano. Creation means bringing into existence something that did not exist before—colorful gardens, harmonious homes, family memories, flowing laughter.

What you create doesn’t have to be perfect. So what if the eggs are greasy or the toast is burned? Don’t let fear of failure discourage you. Don’t let the voice of critics paralyze you—whether that voice comes from the outside or the inside."

Click here to read the full text of this article.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Seeing Christmas Through New Eyes" (my gingerbread house)

"There are certain words that ring like bells in my soul and remind me of the beauty and meaning of Christmas—words such as “And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus”1 and, of course, “Joy to the World!” “Away in a Manger,” and “Silent Night.”

"There are other words, more cautionary, that are worthy of our consideration as well—words such as:
Every Who
Down in Who-ville
Liked Christmas a lot . . .
But the Grinch,
Who lived just north of Who-ville,
Did NOT!2

"The Grinch, that memorable character from a classic children’s story by Dr. Seuss, had a heart that “was two sizes too small,” and he hated everything about Christmas. Through the course of the story, however, he undergoes a dramatic transformation when he learns that there is more to Christmas than decorations and gifts.

"Perhaps the Grinch’s story is so memorable because, if we are honest, we may be able to relate to him. Who among us has not felt concern over the commercialization and even greed of the Christmas season? Who hasn’t felt overwhelmed by the packed calendars, the stress of finding gifts, the pressure of planning meals and events? In fact, psychologists tell us that during this season of cheer and goodwill, many feel sorrow and depression.

"If we look for what is wrong with the Christmas season, we can surely find it. Like the Grinch, we can grumble and complain, becoming cold and cynical about what we see around us. Nevertheless, if we look for the good, we can see this time of year with new eyes—perhaps even with the eyes of a child.

"The Grinch saw the good in Christmas when he learned to look past its worldly trappings. If we do the same, we can, with the Grinch, proclaim: “Maybe Christmas . . . doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas . . . perhaps . . . means a little bit more!”

"Our heart may not grow three sizes as the Grinch’s did, but our heart will change. Our eyes will open to the miracles all around us—at Christmastime and throughout the year.

I pray that during this season and always, we will see the purity of the story of the Savior’s birth and feel sincere gratitude for His life, teachings, and saving sacrifice for us. May this gratitude cause us to renew our determination to follow Him. May it also lead us to draw closer to our family, our church, and our fellowmen. And may we look steadfastly forward to that blessed day when the resurrected Christ will walk the earth again as our Lord, our King, and our blessed Savior."

Click here to see/watch/listen to the full text of this talk by Dieter F. Uchtdorf.


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