Yep, S is for scoliosis... I bet that was the first word you though of :) We made the trek to Upper Marlboro again to meet with the spine specialist who told us that Zoe will be wearing a back brace until she is done growing because her spine is shaped like an S. Amazingly, Zoe doesn't have pain (or probably more accurately she doesn't COMPLAIN of pain). The doctor said a couple times, "Are you SURE you don't have pain??" I think her threshold is pretty high... She also has a spinal fracture and her legs are different lengths. As a result of all this, we have 4 MRIs lined up and more x-rays of her hips and legs. I keep reminding myself what a blessing it is that we have insurance!!! We are just hoping that the scoliosis is not caused by another neurological issue. The MRIs will determine this. After the spine doctor, we went to Chick-fil-A and the girls had a blast together.
The day after the spine specialist we had chemo again. Zoe's nurses had begged her to bring her violin and play for them. Although Zoe is shy at times, she really enjoys playing her violin for people. All the nurses and doctors stopped what they were doing and came to listen.... It was touching to me to see how excited they were to listen to Zoe play. Z felt like a superstar :)
I feel like we get amazing care when we go to chemo. Not only do Zoe's doctor and nurses provide excellent medical care, they do SO much to truly support her emotionally. They understand how tough this is for kids... I felt a bit overwhelmed because they are doing so much to show they care - it's difficult to know how to express to them how much it means to us.
Nurse Mary surprised Zoe with some of her incredible cookies. The picture isn't very clear, but she does AMAZING work!!! She made all of the princess dresses with very specific detail. AND not only do they look fabulous, they taste incredible! Nurse Tiffanie made St. Patrick's day packages for Zoe and Claire with all sorts of surprises. Zoe was so excited and couldn't wait to get home and give Claire her package. Alex (the violinist) and Heather (Nurse Tiffanie's daughter) came back to the clinic to say hello - it meant a lot that they would take time off work again to drop by. We are so blessed!!