Blanket WIP

This week I have been working on my (Japanese) flower garden blanket, it started out as a shawl, but I decided that it would make an awesome blanket.  It took me ages to work out the pattern as there are several variations of it on the web; in the end I used Lucy of Attic24’s photo.  I was a bit concerned that my petals were too full, and tried a smaller hook, as I am a loose crocheter.  However it still puckered!  Curious I tried different wool and it worked out flat.

(The light colours are really pale greens and lilac, I had to use a flash as the light is bad today.)

So it is the type of wool.  I prefer the raised 3D effect as it gives the blanket texture.   The wool is King Cole Riot Double Knitting, there is an amazing range and so far I am using 4 colour ways.  I might do some blue and teal and purple colours on the outer edges.  Leaves floating along in a stream!

It is such fun to make and very fast as I don’t have to decide what colours and so on for each motif.  Being a ‘join as you go’ project there has to be some thought to placement, but that’s not hard.

The colours make me think of the colours of autumn/winter and I found some photos of my garden I took a few weeks back.

Along the boundary, they really are next door’s trees, don’t you love borrowed landscapes!

Under the plum tree, I think I will have to move the cotoneaster as it will take over if given half a chance.

I also did some doilies this week but will leave that for another post.

Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful week everyone.


  1. I love these join as you go projects! This is going to be a fabulous flower blanket!!

  2. Love the colors you choose for your flower blanket !!! And the color of autumn...
    Have a great weekend !
    Thank you for your kind visit !

  3. It's looking beautiful, I love the colours. :)

  4. Beautiful flowers for blanket!!!
    Happy weekend.:*

  5. What lovely colours you have picked for your blanket! The pattern is great, it's such a lovely concept - and thanks for sharing your garden pics too. Hope you are having a fab weekend


  6. Lovely work Zana and your colours are a great match for autumn/winter. xoJoy

  7. Ohh, so pretty flowers!! Looks great and the garden pictures are beautiful, too :-). Thanks for your nice comment on my scarfs & happy Sunday! Nata xxx

  8. Wow, that's going to be one beautiful blanket! The flowers are beautiful and so is the yarn :) xx

  9. Hello Zana and hello NZ a place I hope to visit one day as my nephew is always inviting me over there :-)
    Thanks for visiting and leaving your comments on my latest post.

    Beautiful colours and beautiful flowers that is going to be one gorgeous blanket.

    Your garden looks absolutely wonderful ....nothing beats the colours of nature.

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  10. Your blanket is coming out beautifully! Love the colors of autumn!


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