
Basic principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church
What is the teaching of the Church in the field of social responsibility? Are there basic principles that Catholic entrepreneurs can put into practice to promote the common good and ensure the respect of the person and the dignity of their family?
7 Tips for Young People to Love the Sacred Heart of Jesus
The person and the message of Jesus Christ exert a powerful fascination for young people
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If you don't live as you think, you'll end up thinking how you live.
Letter to an abortion survivor
​The commandments of the environment
The ten commandments of the environment by Benedict XVI
Free markets and respect for subsidiarity
Free markets and respect for subsidiarity Presented at the Vatican the note for a reform of the international financial system
Worthwhile Risks
A Dam Against Temptation
One of the great problems in spiritual life is to have cracks that lead us to lose energies, to expose ourselves to temptation, to gradually turn away from the right path.
Can I compose this man?
Can I really compose this man? The answer is no. As much as you try to change your husband as a wife, you will not succeed.
V justice and solidarity among nations
Excerpt from the Catechism of the Catholic Church; Third part (life in Christ); Second section (The Ten Commandments); Chapter Two (love your neighbor as yourself); Article 7 (the Seventh Commandment); Point V (justice and solidarity between
Consciousness as an inner Sentinel
Ethical Investments gain strength
Profit from Virtue in money
The ultimate question: is there God?
Communication and love for a couple
How to learn to express your feelings, emotions, and needs? Sheila Morataya explains how.
Pope: Unemployment is dramatic and poverty is not only economic
the efforts made to seek alternatives to understand the economy,

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