Friday, December 29, 2006

We're Just Spinning On Some Granite That We Like To Call A Planet

I was watching Larry King Live last night with Oprah and Friends on it talking about life, spirituality etc etc. My attention was caught by one particular topic. That is if you are pessimistic or optimistic when it comes to viewing the world today.

The party line for the most part was "Hey I have an intellect, of course I am pessimistic." Looking at the world today, it is damn hard to argue against that. Our government is a disaster and that goes for both sides of the aisle. Our environment is hosed. Our people are angry, marginalized, tired, or, worse, forgotten completely (Katrina, anyone?)

Then the spiritual side of the coin was flipped and I have to say it really spoke to me. How can you NOT be optimistic when people are actually engaged in this type of discussion? How can you not be optimistic when you look around and see that yes, there are problems everywhere, BUT...people are talking about them. What is more, people are doing something about them. But more need to become involved. By more, I do mean you :P

I hear people say that poverty, AIDS, Darfur, and the environment are just too big for one person to fix. They are right, of course, but they miss the point. Each time one person signs a petition, or donates to a charity, or writes their congressman, they become one of many. THAT is where change comes from. Ignoring that fact is just a cop out.

Which brings up charity in general and peoples attitudes in particular. I find it funny that people get all irate at folks like Oprah, or Sean Penn in New Orleans, or Bono. It's almost as though they are PISSED off that these celebs have the power and money to make such grand gestures. The root of that, of course, is jealousy. But to denigrate the causes these celebs champion or their contributions to them is disgusting! It's the "Me Generation" concepts at it's very worst. It's like not watching shows such as An Inconvenient Truth because it is too much work to try to change or "When The Levees Broke" cause it is too depressing. I shit you not, I have heard people say that. I'm sorry but when people live through that, the least you can do is watch and never forget, and work to make sure it never happens again.

I am not rich. I pretty much pay for everything kidlet needs up front and get pay back from her dad when and if I ask 50 million times. But I am so much better off that so many other people. I give blood, I donate to soup kitchens several times a year, I give to the Katrina and Tsunami funds to this day, and I donate time and effort on the Charity Auction here at work. I never, ever walk by a salvation army red bucket without tossing in a dollar. Every time from Thanksgiving on to the New Year. That one dollar is not going to make or break me. It may make or break someone else.

That's my whole point. It does not take grand gestures. It does not even take a ton of money. All it takes is your voice. Pick something that matters to you and tell someone that it does!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Only The Lonely

You Are Likely an Only Child

At your darkest moments, you feel frustrated.
At work and school, you do best when you're organizing.
When you love someone, you tend to worry about them.

In friendship, you are emotional and sympathetic.
Your ideal careers are: radio announcer, finance, teaching, ministry, and management.
You will leave your mark on the world with organizational leadership, maybe as the author of self-help books.

It's A State Of Affairs And A State Of Emotions

Happy Dance! That counter is now showing less than 90 days! I am in just a HORRID mood today. It's that end of the year "I am gonna be cranky rather than sad" routine. Although lately work has made it easier to be cranky. I am now outta here for the night. Going to go get me a very large beer. Thinking a Fosters big can.


Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Thursday Thirteen #5

Hold yourself people I am gonna be SUPER original and go for the New Year's Resolutions for this weeks TT list. I know, I know. I am such a free thinker ;)

I hate New Years as a holiday in general. Something about enforced party-hardy crap makes me want to stay in doors and be a grump.

Besides that, New Year's is Amateur Drunk night when those who barely can, feel they must. Who needs that? So I generally refuse to partake of the Resolutions etc etc. This year, buoyed as I am by the success of my quitting smoking, I have decided to give it a whirl. Hell, I can always laugh at it next Dec :P

1. Walk more. Outside like. In nature. Yeah.

2. Lose weight. Don't ask me for a number, I'll have to bite you.

3. Get a computer and get it set up at home. You would think this would be easy but I have found it really easy to live without one. Shocking for me.

4. Start a college fund for the kidlet. Since pigs will probably fly out my butt before her dad pony's up tuition!

5. Cut down on coffee. Just writing that freaked me out.

6. Drink more water. As with everything on this list it is not that they are difficult to do, I just suck at remembering to do them!

7. Pilates. Do them, don't just buy the cd's. You can not wave them over your ass and magically tone it.

8. Cook at home more often. Which is hard since my days are usually 12 hour plus ones.

9. Learn to mentally go "lalalalalalalalalala" when people say things that piss me off. By people I mean family and ex's, etc etc. It is not that I get into arguments as I usually don't respond, but I don't need the blood pressure going up as well.

10. Write more. Hence the blog :P

11. Take more time off for myself and the kidlet to do fun things. Yes this means having a life. See below!

12. Save up for a trip next Spring with kidlet someplace warm and Southern =)

13. Never forget to stop and look and listen. Particularly when I get to Maui. Life can go by so very fast and if you don't take the time out to notice the beauty around you, what's the point?

Wordless Wednesday #6

Find The Cost Of Freedom

** I wrote this back in September just after I found the news out. I have bumped it to the front page to share comments with all carnival readers and non carnival readers.**

I got a call from my mom while I was home last week with some news. Not quite sure how to describe it. I am still processing it and frankly I can't come up with an adjective that works without sounding overwrought or flippant.

My dad is my dad in every sense of the word other than genetically. I am the product of my mom's first marriage. She wanted a baby, he didn't. She pretty much went on a black ops mission to get pregnant and voila, Baby Me.

This was the 60's. Tail end of it at the very least. And contrary to pop culture myths it wasn't all peace love dove. Mom was a hippie, biological dad was a hippie. They had varying degrees of commitment to the causes and the recreational "mind expanding" drugs out there. She was Students For A Democratic Society whereas he was a Weatherman. Differing ideologies is an understatement. She was into pot, he was into everything. The inevitable happened and they split up. I was about 15 months. She met my now dad when I was about 17 months. We did the hippie thang (complete with living in a school bus and communes) for another 2 or so years. They married when I was around 4 and Dad adopted me a year later. So Dad is Dad. The biological dad never showed up at the adoption hearing.

So here I am, 37 years old, and have never met the biological Dad, aka Brad aka The Sperm Donor. That nickname implied he willingly donated, when of course he didn't. Which is why I never held it against him, especially after I had my own kid. Never fancied a tearful Oprah meeting moment. I have a dad, ya know?

But let's be honest, I would have to have the intellectual curiosity of a slug if I never pondered the man, right? According to my parents (yes Dad knew him too) I am a poster child for Nature vs Nurture. My rants, my sarcasm, my natural inclination to get involved with seemingly lost causes. Gotta give the man a nod for my intelligence. His IQ was off the charts. The US Navy does not try to head hunt you at 15 for the nuclear physics program if you are the village idiot.

So given that I have spent my entire life being told how much I look like him, and how much alike we are personality wise, of course I was curious about him. Not in a sappy "Lassie Come Home" kinda way. Just curious.

Too bad, so sad. Mom called me in tears last week and announced that he had died. His obituary was in the SLC papers. A cousin called.

So here I am. Processing. On the one hand, I have a dad and get pretty bent when people hear the history and refers to him as not being my "real" dad. On the other hand, it sure as hell closes the door on any kind of lookie loo, now doesn't it? No first hand look at this person I am like. No comparison of personality traits. Seriously, I am not sure what my reaction to this should be. Never having met him or lacked a dad, I can't fake tears. On the other hand, it really is just so very final.

So I would like to take this moment to simply acknowledge him and the contributions he made, willingly or not, to my existence and my personality. Thanks. I like my sense of humor. I like my sarcasm. I like "sticking it to the man." So wherever you are, thanks.

"Find the cost of freedom
Buried in the ground
Mother Earth will swallow you
Lay your body down"

Bestest Blog of All Time Carnival 1.2!

Ok guys since we are all just exhausted post holidays, head on over to the Bestest Blog of All Time Carnival hosted by Jessie! She has done all the work for you and has a lovely list of posts to read!

Your's truly has a post up which I will bump on up to the front page shortly. Then I am off to work. Would you believe, I took 2 whole days off?!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Friday, December 22, 2006

WOW! Bestest Blog of the Day? Me?

Jessie and the lovely folks over at Bestest Blog of All Time have gone all crazy and given me the Bestest Blog of the Day Award for today. And now I am all blushy and goofed out. Perfect for someone who supposedly can write a half way decent blog, eh?

To the new folks who are stopping by, HI! I feel like I should tell you something about myself. Hrmmm...I am 37, I have one daughter, 2 cats, 1 Partially Ex'd husband, and a job I am at all too often. I LOVE books and music. I like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain.

Oh..that went horribly off track didn't it?

Thanks for stopping in and leave me a comment, I'd love to visit some new blogs!

Don't Leave Me High, Don't Leave Me Dry

Well after one of those weird pointless last day before the holiday days, I am out of here. We were all a bit weird and a bit more into eating fudge than working. Before I go I am going to take the good advice of my kidlet and toss off the links to some of my favorite posts for those of you visiting here courtesy of Bestest Blog!

It's The End Of The World As We Know It and Starr did not feel fine. Got to love feverish rambles. I still stand by my view on John Cusack movies.

Girl, Get Me Out Of This Hell Hole Also known as the last time I tried to take a semi vacation get away.

What's Up Pussycat? Weird web crap I giggle at.

I'll Keep You My Dirty Little Secret Ooohhh!

Stop Stop Talkin Bout Who's To Blame The Back Story Theory of Too Stupid to Date. (warning. Pissy language herein lies.)

Tiny Dancer In A Cast The joys of motherhood.

One Life One Blood One Love My serious side comes out.

With that I am out of here and I wish you all Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Bestest Blog Of All Time Carnival #2

Check out Bestest Blog of All Time to find out info on Carnival #2 as well as Bobby's great Link Exchange program!

Carnival #2 will take place on Dec 27th and it looks like Jessie has graciously agreed to host it.

One Night In Bangkok And The World's Your Oyster

Thai food tonight me thinks. Ohh...or Pho or Bun. I am in a soup mood and at the same time filled with very little inclination to cook. I'd make the Killer Beer Cheese Soup but the idea of peeling 12 potatos is unappealing.

Ba dum dum.

That's right folks I'll be here all week.

Which in fact I will. Doing dinner at Mom's tomorrow night and then will be in to work on Saturday and Sunday. Just not sure how long. Monday I am taking off completely. I am already down for a friggin road trip. I have to get on HWY 26 and cruise out like I am going to the coast to meet the Ex (husband variety) and pick up the kid around 10:30 on Monday am. Sort of a rest area swap since they are spending Christmas Eve at his girlfriends parents house. And they live out in the back of beyond halfway to the beach in methlab land.

I had offered to drive her half way to Gresham that night so she could see HIS family but she is not feeling that much running around and has put the breaks on that idea. Sucks that she has to spend Christmas Eve with a bunch of people she could give a rats ass about, but oh well. You can't pick your parents or the skeezes they date.

I did the good mommy routine last night and took her out to buy Christmas presents for her dad and his girlfriend. Yes, you read that right. Her father is that much of an asshat that he doesn't think to help her with presents for people like his girlfriend or gosh, me, her own mother. I have purchased every Father's Day, Christmas, and birthday gift he has ever had from her in his entire life and that includes the last 7 years since we split up. My mom pays for mine. He pays for jack.

I did draw the line at getting anything for her obnoxious Emo Spawn children. Uh uh honey, Mama don't play that.

Come On Baby, Light My Fire - Thurday Thirteen 4th Edition

Last week we delved into my Seedy Past and took a look at all those cradles I might wanna rob. Just to prove I am not ageist (or a total pervert) we will spend this week taking a peek at some older gentlemen. I now present to you The Thirteen Older Men Who Could Rob My Cradle - Thursday or any other day of the week.

1. Johnny Depp - Do I really have to say ANYTHING else? Hello? He is the only one getting a picture here. Just look at him!

2. John Cusack - What can I say, he had me at the boom box. The Depp Man may be hotter, but somehow Mr. Cusack seems like the type you'd actually marry. It's a close 1/2 ranking on the John's.

3. Damon Albarn - The UniBrow brothers of Oasis need to stop being pissy about Blur/Damon. Noel, Liam....get thee to a tweezery.

4.Colin Firth - I looove Colin. Bridget needs to get a clue!

5. Hugh Grant - Then again, maybe Bridget has a clue. Hugh is my "faintly brushed by scandal" entry of the week. But let's be real, a guy - any guy - going to a prostitute is a shocker, because......?

6. George Clooney - Oh the Dr Ross glory days of ER. Actually, George gets better every year.

7. Dermot Mulroney - I'd take a Wedding Date or any other kind of date with him!

8. Clive Owen - I have a thing for the UK guys, you notice that? Totally wasted on Jennifer Blandiston.

9. Daniel Craig - Listen, he can shake me OR stir me. Bond is back.

(Ok now, don't get all creeped out, but we are entering Dead Man's Land. Yes the following 2 are indeed departed. What can I say, once a goth girl, always a goth girl.)

10. Michael Hutchence - What you need, indeed. I saw INXS in concert on the KICK tour. Front row seats. He had on black leather pants. Excuse me whilst I get a cold drink.

11. Brandon Lee - "Buildings Burn, People Die, But Real Love Is Forever." He was The Crow. And yes, I'd want him with the makeup :p

12. Paul Newman circa 1960's - Hey! We are dealing with fantasy here. I got 2 dead guys on the list, why not time travel? Watch Newman in Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, Exodus, or Cool Hand Luke and I dare you to name anyone who is better looking. Even Mr. Depp should be nervous. VERY nervous.

13. Brad Pitt - Confession time here. When Brad was younger, he was gorgeous, yeah yeah I know. He just didn't do it for me. But he is getting ever so much hotter the older he gets. He was just a bit too pretty in his youth. No girl wants a guy who is prettier than her, even Angelina. Of course she is so gorgeous she ranks as the one woman I could see switching teams for.

And there you have it!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Some Where Over The Rainbow

Bond just reminded me of my trip to Hawaii in responce to my whining I had no life. SO...I had to update.

14 weeks from RIGHT NOW!

/scampers off

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Ho Ho Ho Wordless Wednesday #5

99 Luftballons


Talked to my designer today and I am on the list for a revamp to Typepad in Jan or so. Which means webring fixes, notifying all the lovely people who linked me to link the new site. Blah blah.

Template is somewhat fixed. Expandables are still not expanding but hey. Better than before. I am in NO FRIGGIN MOOD to redo widgets today. Doing this in the training room as is :P

Oh yes, must get the typepad thing going

So blogger is having issues. Not a biggie, I was getting board with the template anyhow. But this left hand side shit is ANNOYING. It's not just me, as I am seeing frantic posts from others on the message boards. It's just stupid :P

Monday, December 18, 2006

Slow Dancing In A Burning Room

So I bit the bosses head off twice today. Not bad, not bad. It was not totally off the wall ballistic. Just, well, snarky.

Took the kidlet lunch at her dad's. Get this, she stubbed her toe on the treadmill and split the top of her toe open.

The Ex (BF Variety) who also happened to be a Sagittarius warned me about this. Archer types are supposedly accident prone. How lucky am I? I am pondering TV tonight. What do we have? Top Chef?

Bleh. I already miss Survivor and Idol can not start soon enough.

Yes. I am a Reality TV Ho.

We Could Be Heros, Just For One Day

Having a David Bowie rock out moment. I suppose if I were forced to choose one song, Hero's would be it. Love that song. At work. Everyone is super cranky. My boss just pawed through my printing (large excel spreadsheet with attachments) and got it all out of order. I am breathing in slowly and doing my Jedi Zen Mind Trick to calm myself.

Whacking ones boss with a stapler is generally not a move guaranteed to increase your upward mobility. The weather is odd. It looks like we have a frosting of white sand outside. It's freezing fog. I HATE this weather in this state. Oregonians are such piss poor drivers to begin with, they really do not need the addition of any sort of inclement weather funsies.

I am locking my earphones in place and heading back to the back to put together my packets today and tomorrow. No school so I do not have to go play Kidlet Pick-me-up and I can really pack on the overtime. I am shooting for 35 hours this pay period. I seriously need to get caught up. Of course my program is still hosed so creating my jobs is taking for ever.

Get this, we have a group of our IT guys, the Vendor's IT guys, and some Microserfs all working on fixing this issue. They are called "The Anonymous Software Vendor Application_01 SWAT TEAM.

SWAT TEAM. Capitals their call, btw. Do you see what I am dealing with here? This application went tit's up on Oct 6th. It's Dec 18th.

I am screwed :P

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Bestest Blog of All Time Carnival Edition 1.1

Bobby over at Bestest Blog has posted the submissions of the first ever Bestest Blog Carnival. Go on over and check it out!

Eight Crazy Nights

This ones for the kidlet
Check out this site for a live and lively updated version of the original

Let's Call Me Quirky Rather Than Weird, Mmk?

Miss Tiggerprr over at her scratching post has tagged me with the infamous 6 Weird Things About Me meme.

And you know what? I am totally stumped here and I have had to enlist the help of family and friends. I mean, let's face it if you read this blog in depth, it should be pretty clear that I just AM weird.

However, we have put our heads together and come up with the following quirks for your consideration:

1. I have a thing about supplying the dialogue to silent movies. Mind you it is not the ACTUAL dialogue. It is my own creation and usually wildly inappropriate (kinda like me!)

2. I can name all of the ruling Kings and Queen England from William the First (that bastard) all the way on up to QE2. I have a thing for history in general, English in particular. I buy textbooks for fun.

3. This one courtesy of my mom. I have a tendency to repeat a word over and over when I am excited or tired. It's not a stutter in that I say the entire word correctly. I just say it more than once! Of course that is a neurological thing that I can't be held responsible for as I pointed out to her. I also asked her if she poked the handicapped when she came across them :P

4. Also provided by mom, I have issues with lids and tops. Like for jars, toothpaste, etc etc. Apparently I don't like the put them on with any great consistency. Mom pondered the thought that perhaps I had a fear of enclosed spaces. It's one of those things that I am not very aware of, but looking at my desk, I see caps and lids and an open bottle of hand lotion. What can I say, Don't Fence Me In!

5. I have a thing for retaining bizarre, pointless, music trivia. Weird stuff like knowing all 4 members of Crue while never having owned a Crue album. Why do I know this?

What drives me nuts about it is that I always forget one or two minor things which I know but for some reason, refuse to retain. Here are the big two. I always forget 1 of the 5 bands that Eric Clapton has been in. Sometimes I space John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, and other time I space out Blind Faith. But I ALWAYS forget one of them. Much like I ALWAYS space Vince Clarke's name when we get to talking about who left Depeche Mode and went to Yaz and the Erasure. I have actually woken up in the middle of the night and said "VINCE CLARKE" out loud after it has been driving on me.

6. This last I thought of right away while reading Tigg's. She writes that she still to this day sleeps with the covers tight around her neck to keep away zee vampires. A habit she picked up in childhood. I, on the other hand, used to wake up and be PISSED off that I was NOT made a vampire in my sleep. I blame this on reading Anne Rice at age 10. And yes, I am Gother Than Thou. (That's an in-joke for the black clothed contingent.)

Now for my tags. Hrmm.........

Dr. Blogstein although I am almost afraid to ask :P



The Widget


Yes I can count. That is 5 not six. I don't wanna re-tag folks and Bond got picked with moi. Sue me!

Shop Smart. Shop RED Smart


And Catch The Silver Sunlight In Your Hands

Well. A deep subject, I know. I am fried. Last nighta PGE Substation right around the corner from the office caught fire. No power. No post :P

It's still burning in fact, but the power has been supply has been diverted to other sources. Which is a good thing cause I had no power at home either. Me and around 55,000 other fine folks spent a dark and chilly night. And it was colder than a witch's tit out there. It's still only 21 degrees. The power came back on at my house around 2:30am.

So I hauled ass in early today so I can get some work done after being so rudely booted out last night. It's freezing in here today. It's always cold on the weekends but with the power going out last night for 7 hours it is downright frigid in here. Fortunately I will be in the back putting together mailing packets all day so I should stay warm.

Small child received 200 bucks from her Dad and his GF to spend as she liked. The problem was her dad hates the mall. So I ended up taking her shoping yesterday. She wanted jeans so we hit the GAP. She got 2 pairs of jeans and I got her a top. And I even bought a pair of jeans for myself! Which makes those approximately the 4 item of clothing I have bought myself this year. I think I broke a record :P

She also go Pajamas and slippers and foo foo socks. She is most pleased. Still has 60 bucks left too.

Alright, my nailbeds are turning blue, cause my hands are so cold. Time to go to work and try to keep from freezing to death!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Websenseless Gets A Clue

Idiots. So I am back. Just in time for a day spent doing Charity Auction work. Joys. So super quick post, saying HI!

I am still gonna end up swapping out to Typepad. I just need to get professional web help and template design!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Priscilla Queen Of My Office

Woot! It's a semi twofer for WW.
Please see This Post for an explanation.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Aloha! Wordless Wednesday #4

In honor of our upcoming trip to Maui for my WW I have a pic of the en familia at Bubba Gumps in Lahina from 2003!

**As of Wednesday 12/13 I am at 15 weeks and counting until Maui! NOT that I am excited or anything.......

Life Is A Carnival, Old Chum - Bestest Blog Carnival!

Yes yes, I know. It's a cabaret. But starting RIGHT NOW, it's a carnival. Bobby, the man with the plan over at Bestest Blog Of All-Time has started up a Bestest Carnival.

The only catch is that you need to have participated in his Link Exchange program which is a great deal for you. I found so many great blogs via this page.

So go pick out your Bestest post and ship it off to Bobby. I want to read what everyone considers thier bestest!

Jesus And His Lawyer Are Coming Back

Damn those Eels. That song is totally stuck in my head.

Well I was out yesterday. Vicious headache brought on by smashing said head into my cabinet whilst trying to get out my jelly roll pan. Betty Crocker must have gotten hazardous duty pay. I whacked my head climbing inside the cabinet to try to get a pan that had fallen way in the back. Isn't that just typical? Typically Laurel and Hardy.

All this to make a Buche De Noel for the Charity Auction Bake Sale this Friday. Which turned out Magnifique! If I say so myself. And really it was Julia Child's recipe so I should have used her for the hazard pay line, but then again, she was usually half way pissed when she cooked and I was most certainly NOT drunk. It's a small miracle I live through any attempt to cook as it is. But the cake is gorgeous. Looks similar to this one

That's right, I am a domestic godess.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Snarky Is As Snarky Does

You Are a Snarky Blogger!

You've got a razor sharp wit that bloggers are secretly scared of.
And that's why they read your posts as often as they can!

I am?! Really? I swear to God I tried to think Mary Sunshine thoughts while taking this test. I thought I would be more along the lines of a life blogger. But I supposed I'd have to get a life first, eh?

If You Got The Money, Honey We Got Your Disease

Ever get the feeling that you are gonna get screwed? And not in an "oh baby" kind of way?

I am getting that vibe. Kidlet is supposed to have a flu shot today at her ped's office. But I never got a reminder call for the flu clinic. No one is answering at the office cause it is a Saturday and they are closed. Or open for the flu shot clinic but just not answering. And the website is dead.

Ok, it's a for sure, I am fuxored. Just got my online horoscope:

"Sparks may fly today in your interactions with others. Whether in close intimate relationships or casual discussions with friends, it can feel as if everyone is just trying to purposefully upset you. You can all too easily respond with an overblown display of anger. Don't waste energy arguing. The best thing you can do is to chill out and not take it all so seriously."

But why can't I get pissy? Not everyone can do "overblown displays of anger" with flair, but I can. 13 pieces of flair, no less!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Born To Be Wild

Kidlet and I had the girls night out last night. We had sushi and lattes and wandered the mall. Got her the Official 2007 Green Day Calendar. And we saw Borat last night.

OMFG. I nearly died. It was just the two of us in the theater, which was a good thing, cause the naked wrestling scene in the movie just about KILLED me. Poor kidlet will be scarred for life, I am sure.

I can totally see why people are freaking out about this movie. There are so many levels to this. The uncomfortable laugh when he says such BLATANTLY racist things, the laughing at the other peoples discomfort or their shocking willingness to display their own biases. Then of course you have to accept the fact that you are laughing AT Borat as well. Or at the Stereotyped Broken English Foreigner he is portraying.

I recommend it highly, but only if God blessed you with NOT being born with a stick up your ass :P

She Says Wait A Minute Honey, I’m Gonna Add It Up

Bleh had a meeting this morning where I had to do the reflection and bring a treat. I feel like I have shot my creative was for the day what with that. Our "reflections" are inspirational speeches/stories, quotes, whatever. Very Kum By Ya. What can I say, we are a Catholic organization. It did offer up a funny moment or two. Dr. Blogstein had a funny post on the joy, or lack there of, of going Commando. In said post he used the term "freeball."

My speech used the word "freedom."

I'll let you take it from there.....

Thursday, December 07, 2006

We All Shine On

John Lennon
Oct 9, 1940 - Dec 8, 1980

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Koo Koo Ka Joo Mrs. Robinson, Thursday Thirteen #3

Once upon a time there was a reasonably unhappy 28 year old who developed an all encompassing fixation on Titanic. Let's digress to the backstory on this, mmk? (Bear with me, it's a longish one!)

I am a HUGE Titanic freak. It started way back when I was around 7 or so and Lady Marjory from Upstairs Downstairs died on the Titanic. The story caught my imagination. I have been to Titanic Society exhibits, own pretty much all the books on it, and have seen A Night To Remember just about a gazillion times.

Being a Titanic factual snob, I was distressed to find out James "The Terminator" Cameron was making a movie about my ship! I actually refused to see it when it very first came out. I do believe it had been out for a month before I finally saw it. And I saw it alone, for reasons I frankly can't remember.

I was hooked. I mean, HOOKED. I saw that movie 22 times on my own in the theater.

Obviously something was missing in my life. Was it Romance, Love, Attention?

Oh no, it was nothing so innocent...

I came across several women on a Titanic Fan Site (which I won't link cause the owner was a dickhead and gets no free publicity from me) and aside from loving the movie, shedding tears at the death scene - yada yada yada - we all had one thing in common.

Leonardo DiCaprio and his bones. Specifically, we wanted to jump them.

Apparently, we got a wee bit vocal and descriptive about this desire. We ended up getting kicked off (!!!!) the forum for our "lewdness." Who knew so many would get so offended by a few harmless Hoover Vacuum remarks? (Fine it was a Hoover WetVac but really, that is just splitting hairs.)

I ended up creating a website for us Lewd Ladies. We had message boards, chat rooms, and our banner, a photoshoped picture of Leo and what may have been a horse member. We referred to this artifact as the Cucumelon. (Do you really want to ask why? I didn't think so.) Our battle cry was "Fellow Cradle Robbing Degenerates, Unite!"

So in honor of my FCRDU girls - Camy, Melvira, Lisa, Julie, Selenia- and all the rest of you, I present this weeks Thursday Thirteen.

Thirteen Cradles I'd Love To Rob.

1. The First, The Original, The DiCaprio (1974) If anything, Leo is getting better looking. Kinda like Brad Pitt. Less Pretty, More Hot.

2. The Personal Favorite, Stuart Townsend (1972) Where to begin on Stuart. He's gorgeous. He's Irish - Accent? Yes please! Cherry on top - he is a Sagittarius. I love Sag's.

3. Jake Gyllenhall (1980) Even if he was totally whacked out in Donnie Darko and totally NOT pitching for my team in Brokeback, he is way cute.

4. Heath Ledger (1979) Picture my 7 year old asking me to watch Knights Tale, over and over....such hard work being a mommy!

5. Jonathan Rhys-Meyers (1977) You could ski off those cheekbones. Really you could.

6. Ewan McGregor (1971) Ewan and his naughty bits have come a long way since Velvet Goldmine. I can even forgive him that Star Wars debacle.

7. Paul Bettany (1971) Knights Tale, part deux. He was awful in Gangster # 1 and he was still hot. And Wimbledon? Service!

8. Cillian Murphy (1976) I like the Irish, what can I say?

9. Jude Law (1972) Gorgeous. Yes I know the whole dumpy nannygate thing was a bit taudry. But taudry can be fun ;)

10. Edward Furlong (1977) Detroit Rock City is NOT a great movie. Yet I own it...hrm. Edward has had some issues (That Crow movie?!?!?!)but according to my latest People mag he has cleaned up his act and is doing great. Which is good to hear. Edward you can look like the Bad Boy cutie without actually having to BE one!

11. John Mayer (1977) Oh my lord, do I lust after Young Mister Mayer. The fact that he can play the hell out of a guitar is bonus points.

12. Ami James (1972 Tattoo you, indeed. Talk about poster child for Bad Boys. Plus he is a great Tat artist. Pluses are always good.

13 Orlando Bloom (1977) But not Pirates Orlando. I want LOTR Orlando. WITH the ears. I have a thing for druidy types. Sue me :p

I am older than every guy on that list, although with some of them it's a close one. Stay tuned for next weeks TT when I list out who could rob MY cradle.

That's right, Johnny Depp. I am talkin to you!

**Update** Matthew McConaughey is younger than me! Fine, by like 10 months but hey, that is still cradlesque right? So bonus Man in Matthew. He can play naked bongos in my RV any day of the week.

Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me

I am so on pins and needles. Talked to the Mamasan last night and am awaiting final confirmation on......

MAUI(!!!!) from March 28th - April 9th.

The suspence is killing me!

** Update **

It's official! Pina Colada's here I come!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tattoos Of Memories WW #3

There is a common theme for my Wordless this week. I have tattoos of all three of these picture. The butterfly one has a slightly different Kanji symbol but the the butterfly is the exact design I used for my very first tattoo and still my favorite.

The fairy is pretty much exact with a few color tweaks on the dress and the flower. I had a BLAST getting this one done, even though it took over 4 hours. Much love to Rob at Timeless Tattoo in Atlanta. He actually did both the butterfly and this one. Plus he has great taste in movies. The fairy is actually done by a web artist I stumbled across courtesy of a bout of insomnia. I absolutely LOVE her work. Go check her out, Meilin Wong.

The last one is the painting I used as inspiration for my peony tattoo. Got that one last time I was in Maui. Peony's are my favorite flower and they remind me of my grandmother. She died about 3 months after I got that tattoo and I am so thrilled I have it to remember her by.

These Boots Were Made For Walkin

Since I am being good and not giving into temptation (See post just below this one) I have done some web searching. Mind you they are not nearly as awful as when viewed on a scrawny leg encased in a turquoise tight. I present for your enjoyment....

The Tranny Shoe!

Hush Hush, Keep It Down Now, Voices Carry

I love working here when I am alone in the office. It is all quiet and dark and there are NO PEOPLE!

Don't get me wrong, for once in my life time as an employeed human being, I actually like pretty much everyone I work with. Some more than others, but even the idiots I can pretty much deal with.

Only one person here totally makes me nuts and I keep it in check using my own brand of snarky humor. I have to clean up behind her work constantly although she is a legend in her own mind as far as knowledge base goes. She does provide me with entertainment though, so I shouldn't bitch too much. She's stringy skinny. Like an old chicken. She suffers from "oh dear god I am aging syndrome." Picture a 45+ wench who wears the naughty school girl outfit even though her cleavage area looks like crepe paper and Joan Rivers has smoother facial skin. I just refer to her as "Boobies By Victoria, Brain By Barbie" or BBVBBB for the purpose of this post.

Yesterday she had shoes on that no self respecting Transvestite would wear even though they literally screamed "tranny shoes!" Some poor lady in our cafe spilled coffee whilst staring in wonder and horror at them while BBVBBB was in line.

Did I mention she dyes her hair a rather prostitootie shade of red?

Sounds like she just got in. I should go check out today's costume :p

Monday, December 04, 2006

Dancing With The Devil's Past Has Never Been Too Fun

The ex (bf variety) has taken to logging on and off of Yahoo messenger for brief flashes for the first time in months. I hate to sound vain, but what does this mean? Is it directed at me? Am I supposed to notice? At least he is not tossing up song lyric status messages ala my blog titles and my Yahoo status messages. When he did they invariably pissed me off.

Last contact we had was his End-of-the-Year-As-We-Know-It email nearly a year ago (Dec 30 2005) and a fast hope you have a happy bday in Feb of this year. I answered his email in April and never said boo to a goose on his birthday greetings. I mean, what is there to say? "You got a job yet?"

I occasionally post on the Sci Fi boards, which as I have discussed in the past I very nearly didn't because he posted on them. Which I did not know at the time that I went looking for info there. My name there is not one he would know or that I have ever used. But oddly enough, with in days of my first post there, he stopped posting. And the man was posting every damn day prior to this.

Now it may just be me, but damn that seems really freakin childish! Get over it, post your shit, I'll post mine. We were not even posting in the same show forum! I in NO WAY made any references to inside jokes or in any way tried to make it obvious who I was. I could be wrong and it could be that he was just "busy." Probably dicking around "remodeling" his mothers house. Again.

So I am sitting here pondering if I am somehow involved in playground politics. If so, I hope I am not disappointing with my lack of reaction. Hell I don't track who comes to this blog other than who answers comments cause I like to respond to those. I know damn good and well both my ex's could find this blog in all of 1.2 microseconds if they wanted too. I just don't care. I write for me and if they happen to find and read it, tough tits for them.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

It's Funny How Beautiful People Are When They're Walking Out The Door.

First off I must state for the record that today's title is not a song lyric as per the usual order of business around here. It's a quote from Velvet Goldmine.

I got sucked into a HUGE Glitterama Fest last night, and a Ewan McGregor one at that. Watched Moulin Rogue first and then Velvet. I was filled with the urge to swill absinthe and go nuts with body glitter. I can just imagine the hangover I would have today.

What really sucked is that I have been keeping my eye open for Velvet for some time now, since Kidlet would LOVE it. Bowie may be a bit pissy regarding it, but it is serious guilty pleasure time for the rest of us. She'd love Moulin Rouge as well. The child likes her some Broadway musicals. Don't even get me started on her Andrew Lloyd Weber Jellicle Cats phase. I swear, I have seen that dvd over 1000 times. She saw it live as well. She also loved Chicago. Sat through the entire thing and adored it. She was like 8!

Of course I am 100% completely to blame for it. After all, the child's favorite movie (from the time she was 5 I might add) is The Rocky Horror Picture Show. She has the audience participation 25 year anniversary CD. She has action figures. I told her that at this point, even though she has never seen it in a theatre, I hardly think we can call her a Rocky "virgin." If she is then she is the worlds most well prepared Rocky virgin. We have plans for a roadtrip this summer to Washington to see Rocky. Here in Puddletown we only have it in a 21 and over theatre due to booze sales. Which SUCKS. Cause my dad would go with us if it were in town.

It's true, the whole family is warped.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

You Say It's Your Birthday

Well...not my B day. Kidlets B-Day. Yesterday was awesome. Went on a spending spree, which I love doing and courtesy of the recent rise in overtime I was able to do. Took the kidlet to have High English Tea at this great antique store/cafe. Then we went and got our World AIDS Day vibe on by buying ourselves some Product Red merchandise at the GAP. Wearing my hoodie right now and it is most cozy.

Then we hit Fred Meyers (aka Kroger's for you east coast types) and got her 2 150 light strands of purple christmas lights for stringing up around her room. And a killer suede and lambskin jacket that was regularly 130 buckaroos that I got for 25 buckaroos instead. I do so love me some coupon. Oh and we got her a gorgeous birthday cake at New Seasons. Then we did the Christmas Party dinner at my grandfathers Assisted Living.

We just finished up her hella big purchase of CD's on Amazon. She got some good stuffies. REM, The Cure, Rancid, Offspring, Sisters of Mercy, Sex Pistols and the Green Day/U2 single The Saints Are Coming.

Now it is off to have a Birthday Lunch and Cake at her Grandma's and then she is with her dad for the weekend. Which means of course that, like Ahnold, will be back.
