Showing posts with label Hawaii. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hawaii. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I forgot to drink last night. Bah. Hum. Bug.

I did vacuum, clean the bathrooms, finish the last minute packing, take out all of the garbage, clean the cat box, pack the cat stuff, send the cats to my parents house, finish ripping 4 cd's and doing the iTunes, water the front porch flowers and water the back porch flowers. All between 6:30 and 10. Thank goodness today is only at 10 hour day. By the time I clock out I will have 32 hours for this week and it is only Tuesday!

Not surprisingly I went to bed early.

Tonight is sleepover at PDX time! I have crosswords and a book to read so I am set on that account. The final errand I have is to stop at the Mac Store and get a wall charger for the iPods. Then I swing home for a final watering of the flowers and to pull the garbage cans in and then head over to Mom's. My plan is to shower there and eat and then have dad take me to the airport. And by this time tomorrow I will be sitting in a nice Hawaiian airlines plane headed to the land of Aloha!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Nude Noodle Model Parlor In The Nefarious Zone

Holy Shit. THIS is a Tango. There are often great dances on Dancing With The Stars but So You Think You Can Dance is leaps and bounds (HAR! Dance pun!) a better show for dance. These two are professionals. Every week they will feature different dance styles from around the world. Uncle Nigel puts on a damn fine dance show.

I would LOVE to be able to dance like that. More than money I think have that talent would be seriously awesome.

Got my Rolling Stone with the Glambert on the cover. That boy is Hawt with a Capital H. Not playing for my team, but hey he did fess up to possibly being bi-curious. Millions of women have new hope in their heart. His brother calls him a "glittery alien from Planet Fierce" and I agree.

8th Grade Grad was entertaining. Man her principal is a tool. Mush Mouthed Tool at that. We had dinner with my parents before the ceremony then met up with her Dad and his GF. Then we all got numb bum on those damn narrow wood bleachers. Mubble Man gave a suitably uninspired Stairway to Heaven themed "speech." Or mumble. Kidlet's Dad was rolling his eyes. I told him I was glad he was there cause I felt like less of a bitch =)

Child O Mine got two giant bunches of flowers (one from me one from her dad...and we somehow managed to color coordinate!) a brand new version of her favorite purse (she calls it precious) and the Wayfarer glasses I covet. Oh and her dad gave her a hundred bucks. I got her a couple of her ever popular band t-shirts (Green Day and a truly awesome Mozzer Posse shirt with Morrisey on it) and a bottle of French Lilac perfume. We still don't know how much she gets from the Fund Raiser. Hopefully I will get the cash on Monday.

Let's see. Weekly schedule. Dance for small child tomorrow. Saturday we are taking Harley and Gabe to visit with their "sisters" over at my mom's house since they will be there while we are in Hawaii. Mom has a house/cat sitter who comes in when we go to Aloha Land.

Sunday sees Kidlet, one of her BFF's and Moi will working with Cascade AIDS project in the Portland Pride Parade. We are walking with the CAP team. Then Kidlet goes to her dad's for the week until Thursday night when I get her back and we do our hell night. We have to be up at 2am so we can be at the airport by 4am for her flight to DC.

The Hawaii counter is now under 2 weeks. WOOT! Kidlet is taking her computer so I will blog and post some pictures while we are there. Maybe :P

I am such a Blog Tease. I leave you with Citizen Strummer an the Mescaleros and another Tangolicious song.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Secret To A Happy Ending Is Knowing When To Roll The Credits

Gosh. It's gray outside. And rainy. In May. Where oh where could I be? Oregon is gorgeous do not get me wrong but a month of so more of nice weather a year would be all kinds of awesome.

In the homestretch on American Idol and I have spent way too much time on message boards. Sorry folks we all know pot does shit for me, I am left with reality tv as my vice. We have culture wars shaping up on Idol with the finale the producers so obviously want. Gay Boi versus Grieving Christian Widower. How gay. (That was for you, Matt)

I have come to the conclusion that while politicians suck ass, and pharmaceutical companies are right close behind them, the worlds biggest douchebags are in Television. Cause fear, hate and dissent makes them a butt load of money and they do their bestest to keep those dollars rolling in. And yet I watch the stupid show. I tell ya.

On to perkier subjects. Guess where I will be 6 weeks from today? In a plane to Hawaii! Passed out from a night in the airport I am sure, but still. Kauai is supposed to be far less touristy than Maui or Oahu. I am so looking forward to it. Cause I want to see what it would be like to just live there. Cause I am strongly hoping the parentals move there. HINT HINT, MOTHER.

Things I am most looking forward too? Puka Dogs!

And hanging out here...

before going home to this lovely place

And sunshine! Now I just have to bite the bullet and finish converting my songs to lower bit rates so I can fit more of them on my shuffle. Gawd, and finish ripping all my cds. It would take me a week of 8 hour days to do that and I have totally slacked off.

Little Drive By Truckers to send you on your way - World of Hurt. One of the best damn band that most folks have never heard of.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I Once Was Lost But Never Was Found

Ola People! I actually have NO outside of work commitments this week. Which is good cause commitment was begining to sound like a possibility.

I am a bitter bitch today. My mom just made the most awesome ornamental herb garden complete with a water feature in her back yard and I wants it, my precious. I miss gardening. I can actually pretty much whatever I want around my townhouse but my hands are not happy with it.

Mother's Day was nice. We had awesome french toast bread pudding. Mom used cinnamon roll bread and white bread, made the eggs and milk and sugar puddin part, added pecans and cinnamon streusal and made a homemade sweetened cream cheese and cinnamon "glaze" for it. Plus pepper bacon and a fruit bowl with mango, strawberry and blueberry. It was super delicious.

Let's see, random catch up shit. Fundraising for the school trip to DC is done. I don't have a total but it looks like each of the kids (whose families actually participated in the fund raising) are gonna walk away with over a hundred bucks for spending money. Not too shabby.

Our Charity Auction raised over 28k. That is a 5 and a half percent increase over last year. I work with good people. In fact leaving my company will be the only bummer about leaving this state and it is a pretty big bummer.

We are totally spending the night at the airport pre-Hawaii. Kidlet's plane from DC gets in at 11:30 pm on Tuesday night. If it is on time out of Denver. We have to be checked in for the Hawaii flight by 6am Wednesday morning. The drive from my the airport to my house would take 45 mins. We'd have to get up at 4 to be at the airport by 6.

Um....yeah. Gonna work until 8, have my dad drop me off at the airport and hang out till we get on the Hawaii plane. Kidlet rightfully get's first dibs on the shower in Honolulu.

Oh! We have a new station called "The Brew." Kidlet and I call it Butt Rock FM. Heavy heavy rotation of Billy Squire, Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, ACDC, Poison etc etc. With the occasional Rush, Tom Petty, The Clash and Skynyrd thrown in just ta make ya go "wha?" We are quite diggin on it right now.

Green Day fans the entire new album 21st Century Breakdown is now streaming in it's entirety here:

And oh my god it kicks ass. In fact (looks around) I like it more than U2's new album :P

Yeah I went there. I LOVE Horizon but I wish it was just a tad bit more upbeat. Cause I am a dance music ho :P

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I Don't Feel Tardy

Well Christmas dinner was nice. Ham and Cheesey Gratin potatoes and YUMMY carrot cake (a personal favorite) and Kidlet got me The Big Lebowski for my present. The Dude Abides. I LOVE that movie. Easily in my top 10 of all times. My favorite Coen Bro movie as well.

We also got our dates for Hawaii. YAYAYAYYAAYAYAYYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 24th-July 8th. Spending two nights in Honolulu so we can check out Diamond Head and Pearl Harbor then the rest of the time in Kauai. So happy.

Working loooong hours this week in an attempt to catch some cash cause last week was a total wash for about 10 hours paid time. Yay.

That be it for now. Look for my special dedication to all the party animals of both sexes tomorrow. For now I give you Van Halen. NOT HAGAR.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Some Where Over The Rainbow

Bond just reminded me of my trip to Hawaii in responce to my whining I had no life. SO...I had to update.

14 weeks from RIGHT NOW!

/scampers off

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Shut Your Mouth, Try Not To Panic

Good God I am feeling so stressed these days. Totally under the gun. I have too much to do and too little time to do it in. GAH!!!!

Freak out done. My natural Scarlett O'Hara "I'll think about it tomorrow" instinct is kicking in. It is that or the coffee. I gotta get a grip. It is getting really old to wake up and realize that a month is gone and you really have nothing to remember it by. I am marking time till I can move, that is true, but I seriously need to get some balance going here. Did I mention I need a vacation?

I am still hopeful of Hawaii in April of next year. Kiddobean is clamoring to go back to Atlanta, which of course I'd love to do. Maybe shoot for that next summer. Yes I said summer. In the South. I like humidity. Sue me.

Speaking of marking time, today would be my 13th wedding anniversary. Technically it still is as the ex husband and I are legally not ex'd at all. I paid once, people. Not my problem if the child rearing as divorced parents classes were missed. I had a mom in traction and the ex is the ex. Even he admits he is totally unorganzied. So legally we are still married. Without said classes, the decree ain't gonna get signed. And now I'd have to pay again. Haven't lived together for six and a half years, but still hitched.

The upside of it is that it keeps me from doing anything stupid, like deciding to give the state of matrimony another whirl. Face it, people, if I am too stupid to date, it's a safe friggin bet I am WAY too dumb to marry. He doesn't seem to in any hurry cause it sure is a conversation stopper to any woman he dates when the whole "let's get hitched" convo comes up.

Add to that we are both monumentally lazy :p

It is kinda amusing though. But I have never been very conventional, so why should my split be any different? It's taken over 6 years but these days we get along just fine.

Miss H is thinking of setting up a blog. Would do her a shit load of good. She has too much going on and needs a way to express it. Writing works wonders for that.

We now return you to your regularly schedule lives.
