Saturday, August 30, 2008

Been Caught Stealing - #1

Today I am participating a new(ish) meme. New for me at least. Bud has been at it for a while and Judd of Rising Blogger fame has taken it over and made it all official and stuff. The basic premise is theft. Thievery. Slacktastic gimme something to write about cause my brain is fried "borrowing" if you will. I like that. I can embrace that. And I have! This weeks is the meme asks you to finish the following sentences

Sunday Stealing: "The Finish This Sentence" Meme

1. My uncle once worked for Burroughs Welcome. Not a cool thing.

2. Never in my life have I seen The Sound Of Music. Can't STAND those songs.

3. When I was five my parents decided to go normal and live in the suburbs ;)

4. High school was The Fight Irish. Pissed off leprechan mascot and all.

5. I will never forget to - err...I forget EVERYTHING at one point in time or another. Seriously.

6. Once I met a homeless guy who had barbies sewn all over his coat and his hair pulled up samari style through cardboard toilet paper rolls. His name was Zeus. He was, of course, bonkers.

7. There’s this boy I know who has the exact same birthday and time as I do. Only difference is the years. He was born 2 years before me.

8. Once, at a bar, I gotta some sad bastard to buy a couple rounds of drinks for our table (which was mostly guys I might add. Did I mention he was a sad bastard?) based on one good, hell great, cleavage shot. I am teh win.

9. By noon, I’m cranky :P

10. Last night I had dinner with mom and putzed around watching VH1 classic.

11. If only I had a winning lotto ticket. I'd be tahiti faster than you can say congratulations.

12. Next time I go to church will be for Greek Festival in about a month. I like church. Particularly when no one else is in it.

13. What worries me most is that I don't worry more often. Ask anyone who knows me. I can "think about it tomorrow at Tara" better than anyone out there. 'Cept Scarlett of course.

14. When I turn my head left I see my patio deck and a whole bunch of clouds. Go Orygon. Bleh.

15. When I turn my head right I see my cd case on my bookshelf and my cat on the bookshelf as well. Get down, Harley!

16. You know I’m lying when I say I love tomato. And honestly (har) you don't know when I am lying. It's a talent. What can I say, I shoulda been an actress.

17. What I miss most about the Eighties is BRITISH BANDS.

18. If I were a character in Shakespeare I’d be Kate. Without a doubt, Kate. Before the taming, k thanks.

19. By this time next year I will probably be doing the same damn thing I am doing today.

20. A better name for me would be Quixotic. Love that word. My real name affords me a built in pseudonym as in since most people can't pronounce it correctly.

21. I have a hard time understanding why people are incapable of not being plugged into their little electronic devices. The digital tit I call it.

22. If I ever go back to school, I’ll go for a nursing degree.

23. You know I like you if I talk to you. No joke.

24. If I ever won an award, the first person I would thank would be whoever nominated me. Duh. Other than that it would depend on the award and what it was for.

25. Take my advice, never ever eat boxed brownie mix brownies and crappy mixer made Midori Mai Tai together. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not good.

Friday, August 29, 2008

OMFG - Heaven!! -Updated Saturday Morning

***Lest we forget as all eyes turn towards Gustav, Katrina CONTINUES to wreck havoc 3 years later. My prayer go out for all those still struggling and those in Gustav's path. Please take a moment to visit a Blogging friend of mine, coming at you from NOLA. Good Luck, John. Hopefully you won't have to post THIS next year. Oh and get out of town!

VH1 Classic is the bestest. 80 hour of the 80's! Hells yes. Kiss my Gen X ass, Mr. Program director! Currently David is telling me not to believe in Modern Love. Wonder if the BOB comments would distract him too?

Oh I wonder what is next? We'll chat while we wait. I am working tomorrow. Gonna try for 15 hours of OT for the next 3 pay periods. I kinda have to be semi caught up to really roll out my new electronic process. And the money won't hurt. School clothes ain't cheap.

Wow.....Boy Meets Girl - Waiting For A Star To Fall. 1988 is on the phone! Who knew they wrote two big Whitney songs, I Wanna Dance With Somebody and How Will I Know? The things you learn on Wikipedia.

I have a sudden urge for a swatch watch.

Well I guess when Boys Don't Cry as well. They just wanna be cowboys.

Two things I noted about that video. The Lead singer looks like Roger Taylor of Queen and one of the villains looks like Lemmy of Motorhead.

I am taking Sunday and Monday off. Which means housework. The weather is due to ...suck. Shocking, I know.

Ok so maybe they are NOT gonna be my favorites. I forgot that in the 80's I was Anglocentric. And Gothtastic. Screw em! I can rock my own 80's theme.....

ABC - Be Near Me

Madness - One Step Beyond

From the only band that really matters, The Clash - Rudie Can't Fail

The Specials - Message To You Rudy (yeah I know, 1979. Bite me.)

The English Beat - Save It For Later - my but ain't I Skatastic tonight?!

Bad Manners - Lip Up Fatty (I've totally lost most folks now!)

Ya know if I liked pot I'd totally be sparking up right about now. Guess I'll have to get myself some Beer...and Reel Big Fish ;)

Ok off to eat. Enjoy the tunes!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Confidence Is A Preference For The Habitual Voyeur Of What Is Known As Parklife

I had an awesome idea for Thursday Thirteen but then kidlet and I went for Indian food and ice cream and I didn't have time to do it justice. So next week.

Let's see. Project at work steaming ahead full speed. I have nearly everything on my to do list check off or schedule to be checked off. Now we just kinda need to cross fingers that those in charge sign off on it. Cause we kinda already ordered from our vendor. What is the saying? I'd rather apologize later than ask permission now? Yeah.

So let's see, what else do we have to discuss? Kidlet's back to school shopping is done. Clothes and supplies. We finally got her bus info and low and behold they moved to stop to right at the end of our street. She is UBER jazzed. She got her favorite teacher for Language Arts. They can once again shoot the shit about books and punk bands. The school itself is torn apart for a remodel and they have (as usual) done a piss poor job getting info out to the parents as to WHICH parking lot to drop the kids off in. Next Wednesday is gonna be a cluster.

Kidlet is off with mom to get her hair colored and cut today and I am then picking her up from my moms. She is spending the weekend in Bandon with her dad. They are going down to visit his grandmother. Hopefully the weather will be nicer than camping! Although as you can see from the post below me, she did manage to have fun.

And now, just cause I LOVE Damon and this song seems to fit my current mood I leave you with Blur.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

She's Always Buzzing Just Like Neon, Neon - WW 63

Every Where There Are Familiar Faces

Just a quickie today as I was off yesterday for vampire blood draws and doctor appointments and we all know I am WAY FRICKIN BEHIND at work.

Watched the DNC last night. Michelle Obama has more balls than her husband. I think she has more brains as well.

Another nugget I have gleaned is that Hilary supporters who are now voting for McCain with absolutely not a SINGLE thought towards Supreme Court appointments are moronic douchebags with less credibility than Phyllis Schlafly. Voting for someone JUST because they are a women goes a long way to explaining why we still make 70 some odd cents to the dollar compared to men. It also explains why most women drivers suck ass. And I bet they are shit lays.

Women :P

On that note, this has been stuck in my brain. Lovely lovely song and Gary does it so much better than Tears for Fears. Sorry Roland.

Must. Watch. Donnie. Darko.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

When All Doubts Are Crystal Clear

So yesterday was just busy busy busy. Got to work at 7 and left at 6:30. Stayed up reading Belle de Jour's blog. and half assed watching Clueless until midnight. Slept in until 10:30. !!10!!:30. Me. Frickin weird.

Probably explains why I have a gawd awful headache today. Made my last pot of coffee until I hit the store tonight and took advil. No luck. Took Midrin and it is getting somewhat better. I am waiting on kidlet to call me and tell me she is back so I can go pick the wee one up. Then we are gonna go get food. I can't decided between Pasta Pronto or The Mad Greek.

The weather got nicer today, sunny but not hot. Decent even.

Dammit watching Food Porn when you are starving is not a good plan. I better get a call soon or I am gonna start gnawing my foot off. And I am out of coffee.

Eww...Rachel Rey is on for some damn reason. I'm watching Dinner Impossible, why am I being objected to the Duchess of EVOO? Blech. The bitch cooks shit food, I am sorry. Giada kicks her ass. On that bitchy note I am off to call Kidlet and inform her she needs to call me on my cell cause if I don't get another cup of coffee soon I am gonna go mental. Starbucks here I come. I leave you with Peter. Gotta buy this album. Like now.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Two Can Keep A Secret If One Of Them Is Dead

Season Three is almost upon us. Sept 28th is the Red Letter Day so to speak. What will Dexter do now that he has to a certain degree, slipped the noose? I dunno but I can not wait to find out. Michael C. Hall is such an amazing actor.

Love this song. The band is called The Pierces and here they are live. Oh and gentlemen? They are pretty hot if I do say so myself. Having listened to several of their songs, I gotta say, I love these girls. Is that a banjo I hear?! In my humble opinion they kick Fiest's ass. They remind me of Poe with a Tim Burton twist. If Emily the Strange sang this is what she would sound like. They are decidely out there and I LOVE that.

Thirteen Tales of Love and Revenge. is their latest release and you can hear most of the songs on their myspace page : The Pierces.

Project Runway this week was designing outfits for drag queens. Hedda Lettuce...what a fan-fucking-tastic drag name! Farrah Moans, Miss Understood, Sharon Needles, Annida Greenkard, and Varla Jean Merman. I have said it before and I will say it again, drag queens rule. I gotta get my hands on fake ID for my kidlet. We had to miss Jesus and Mary Chain cause the show was 21 and over and she would ADORE getting to go to Darcelle's.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gloria In Te Domine - TT #50

My 50th TT. How time flies! It seems only fitting that my "Golden" TT should be about U2. I think they reign supreme on number of post tags at 43. Outside of Kidlet of course. Speaking of Kidlet, when she was younger she had this weird obsession with making me categorize everything. Not surprisingly, she grew up to love the movie High Fidelity and has totally embraced the "Top 5" game. She loves to make me agonize over my choices by forcing me to choose favorites in music in areas she KNOW I can't decide. Joshua Tree versus Achtung, Baby for example. Or my Top 5 U2 songs.

5. FIVE. 5...Are you kidding me?!!

So, let's see if 13 manages to be somewhat less painful. Honestly though, I am already starting to fret and feel all twitchy. You'd think world peace depended on this.

In my mind, U2 manages to consistently put out albums that are in reality trilogies. Boy, October, War - A progression on a theme of growing up. Unforgettable Fire, Joshua Tree, Rattle and Hum - U2 at their most U2iness. AB, Zooropa, Pop - The sound of 4 men chopping down the Joshua Tree indeed.

I am guessing that the new album, rumored to be No Line On The Horizon, will dovetail with All That You Can't Leave Behind and How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb. The Ridiculously Long Album Title Trio ;)

I am toying with the idea of choosing 3 from each trilogy as it were with a spare wildcard. We shall see if I achieve it. I frankly don't know cause I am making this shit up as I go along. A disclaimer here. Pride, Streets and I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For are not on this list. Of course I frickin love them. Duh. But to me those three songs are the Holy Trinity of U2 songs. It's like there are those three and then every other song. Apparently 13 is not that much easier that 5. As to has never been a favorite of mine. How's that for sacrilege?

1. I Will Follow (Boy) - The very first U2 song I heard. The first indication that I love music that can be classified as "ecstatic" or "anthemic." The guitar layered with the ringing chimes which I believe Edge said was them hitting bottles of all things. Just wow. To this day a favorite. And check out the hair!

2. Gloria (October) - October was out when I first came across U2. The record store I was in had the single of I Will Follow playing in the store. I bought it and the single of Gloria. Talk about your anthems, this is it. I find it fascinating as well that I, who really does not dig organized religion at all, should choose one of the most overtly Christian bands out there. I'm an enigma.

3. Bad (Unforgettable Fire) - Ya know Bono thinks he did a crappy job on the lyrics to this? The wee leprechaun needs to put down the whiskey. This version is from Wide Awake in America. Bono still has the pipes, but man oh man in the 80's before he took up those nasty black ciggies and red wine...just wow. Bad is non negotiable on this list.

4. One Tree Hill (Joshua Tree) - How I love this song. A deep cut from the Joshua Tree and dedicated to a Maori crew member who died. This is another non negotiable song. "I'll see you again when the stars fall from the sky."

5. Running To Stand Still (Joshua Tree) - "She is raging, She is raging. And the storm blows up in her eyes." Lyrically, this is Bono in top form. It gives me chills every time. I dare you to find a prettier song about heroin.

6. All I Want Is You (Rattle and Hum) - Back story here. Imagine seeing Rattle and Hum with the unresolved semi- sort of boyfriend. The same one you saw When Harry Met Sally and Say Anything with. Cause you are masochistic like that. Now imagine sitting in the dark with this song and 5 years unspoken history. Uh huh. The music and singing build to a crescendo in this song. And I ADORE the video. But I bawl like a baby whenever I watch it. Somebody get me a tissue. Another one that is non negotiable on this list. Mr. The Edge is a genius. If you only watch one clip, watch this one.

7. Zoo Station (Achtung, Baby) - Talk about musical whiplash! JT and AB only seem like they are from the same band now. 16 years ago a whole lotta U2 fans had tiny baby shit attacks over AB. Personally, I loved it. They had fun and made you shake your ass to some of the best lyrics Bono has written. Sin and redemption, darkness and light. Fun, with a price. Zoo Station makes me want to get in my car, unroll the windows and drive really really fast. To the airport. And fly to Berlin. With Sally Bowles. But enough about me ;)

8. Mysterious Ways (Achtung, Baby) - This song is just plain fun. It's not deep it's just damn good. "If you want to kiss the sky better learn how to kneel." I'll leave it up to each of you to make that naughty or nice ;)

9. Discotheque (Pop) - I love Pop. Adore it in fact. I didn't at first though. I don't think Pop is nearly as bad as the boys think it is. LOVE this song. LOVE the Boom Cha's =0 Bono as a cop and The Edge with a Porn 'Stache. What's not to love?

10. Gone (Pop) - The lyrics to this song are pretty damn intense. The self loathing in them is rather startling. "You wanted to get somewhere so badly you had to lose yourself along the way."

11. Walk On (All That You Can't Leave Behind) - The third in the trio of masterpiece albums along with AB and JT. "The Only Baggage You Can Bring Is Al That You Can't Leave Behind." That, my friends, is going on my tombstone.

12. Beautiful Day (ATYCLB) - This is my alarm clock. Every morning I wake up to Bono telling me that it is a beautiful day. This song has dragged my melancholy and misanthropic ass out of a bad mood more than any other song on earth. Thanks guys =)

13. City Of Blinding Lights (How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb) - Let me tell you, the experience of singing "Oh You Look So Beautiful Tonight" with thousand of your fellow U2 fans just can not be beat. This is amazing in concert. I so can not wait for their next tour! My favorite song from that album hands down. Here's a taste of the live experience.


Wordless Wednesday #62- Sexy Boots?!

Not quite wordless but it needs the back story explained. Rumor has it the first U2 Single from the upcoming album will be ....Sexy Boots.

Now this made Kidlet and think I of the movie Kinky Boots (the movie is AWESOME by the way, drag queens rule!) and one of our favorite songs from soundtrack by the very much missed Kirsty MacColl, In These Shoes?

All this mental gumbo has inspired kidlet who created this weeks picture for Wordless (ahem) Wednesday. Thanks Small Child!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Not Another Existential Cowboy And No More California Champagne


Our weather is mucho fucked up. Friday - Sunday it was over 100. Saturday night we had massive lightning and thunder. Yesterday it was hazy. Today it dropped down to the 70's, we had more lightning and thunder and currently it looks like late October outside. 63 with drizzle and fog.


I worked Saturday from 7-1 and then got Kidlet and we went over to mom's. My dad's cousin David and his wife Linda were up for two nights. David is the lead singer of the band It's A Beautiful Day. Those of you familiar with the with the San Francisco sound of the 60's will know this one.

We all had way too much food. Mom makes the most kick ass shrimp pasta salad. And fried chicken. And ribs. And potato salad. And berry cobbler. You get my point. After that kidlet and I chilled and watched The Ruins which sucked for the most part. I hate it when the annoying douchebag bimbos are the only ones who live and the characters do things a 2 year old would realize is stupid. It wasn't a good sucky movie if you know what I mean.

Kidlet left yesterday to going camping with her dad and his girlfriend and her family. It's a yearly tradition and the Semi Step is going as well so she is looking forward to it. Of course it is going to pour rain on them but that's the way it goes here in Oregon. She was supposed to be driving up with the Girlfriends sister but the chick took FOREVER to get over there to get her. Seriously her dad and girlfriend left around 2 and Tracy didn't get Kidlet until after 6pm! Her dad was not happy about that. He had not realized she was gonna be stuck in a house that has no Air Conditioning on a 95 degree day with no food.

She called me and I took her over a Subway sandwich and drink and hung out with her for awhile. It was friggin hot in the house so I took her to DQ for a Sunday. Hopefully she is gonna have some fun despite of the weather sucking ass.

Today I did a 10 hour day and I am now relaxing on the couch surfing the net and watching the only man I'd ever marry, Anthony Bourdain. Well I suppose I'd force myself to marry John Cusack as well. But I digress.

Tony is in Spain tonight. Oh my God do I want to go there. It is the one country in Europe I didn't make it to that I would LOVE to visit. Those brown vases up above in the picture? Chocolate eggs. He ate some of the most amazing looking food I have ever seen on this show or any other and I watch a LOT of food porn. The dude in the forest who grills amazing food...Lordy!

Just read an nice little tidbit about Heath Ledger's last film. Which is not The Dark Knight, btw. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus is the Terry Gilliam (of Monty Python fame) film which is in fact his final film. They were filming literally a day or so before he died. For a while the fate of the movie was up in the air. But then Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Colin Farrell stepped in. Due to the storyline Heath's character was able to be played by 4 different actors, one for every time period the character is in. The trio of actors will complete the scenes left when Heath died and in the final cut all 4 of them will play the character Tony.

What makes this particularly sweet is the fact that Johnny, Jude and Colin donated all of their salaries to little Matilda Ledger. That's class.

Tomorrow at the office we are having our Sales Admin luncheon. Meaning our boss is taking us out to lunch. Had a meeting with her today and it went well. My project is moving along although I am fairly certain I am not going to be able to hit Go when I am actually able to START it due to needing "buy in" or sign off or other business speak for bureaucracy. But hey, by December or so I might just drag my job description into the 20th (yes I said 20th) century. It's still a clunky process but it is better. And I won't kill so many trees.

And now it is time for Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream and Weeds! Cheese and weed and MILF's, oh my!

I leave you with Harvey Danger and today's post title song, Sad Sweetheart of the Rodeo. Oh and if our Sweetheart looks familiar...It's Ione Skye. Otherwise known as Diane Cort of Say Anything fame. Amazingly enough I manage to reference both her and Cusack in one post. Ione is Donovan's (Mellow Yellow man) daughter, she was married to Adrock of the Beasties, lived with Anthony Kiedis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers and is now married to Ben Lee. And for your final piece of pointless music trivia, my most favorite DJ, Greg Glover was the producer of Harvey Danger's first album which included the song Flagpole Sitta. Go Greg!

Must. Have. Minty. Ice. Cream.

You Dip So You Dips So, You Can Dip Thru My Door

Just cause. I love this song and this is one of the best live versions I have found.

Lively Up Yourself

Rock Me Rock Me Rock Me Sexy Jesus!

Busy weekend again, although unintentionally so. Just a quicky this is another movie I am dying to see. Kidlet and I are going to go see Tropic Thunder this weekend. Next up on the have to see list Hamlet 2. I love Steve Coogan and this song from the previews is driving Kidlet and me crazy!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

All The Love I Have Is In My Mind

August 26th The Verve drops a new album. To say I am excited is to put it mildly. I'd probably have to rank The Verve in my Top 5 Bands. Mind you the Top 5 Band do not include U2 or The Beatles cause they are just a given. Like Oxygen :P

Bittersweet Symphony is my all time favorite song, period end of story. The album it is on, Urban Hymns is hands down one of the best albums of the 90's. Radiohead gets all the press and I do like them but they manage to take themselves so seriously they make the Gallagher boys seem modest.

That said here is another song off of Urban Hymns.

More or less
It's just a change in me
Something in my liberty
Oh, my, my
Coming and going
I watch you look at me
Watch my fever growing
I know just where I am

But how many corners do I have to turn?
How many times do I have to learn
All the love I have is in my mind?

Well, I'm a lucky man
With fire in my hands

Something in my own place
I'm standing naked
Smiling, I feel no disgrace
With who I am

Coming and going
I watch you look at me
Watch my fever growing
I know just who I am

But how many corners do I have to turn?
How many times do I have to learn
All the love I have is in my mind?

I hope you understand
I hope you understand

Gotta love that'll never die

More or less
It's just a change in me
Something in my liberty
Coming and going
I watch you look at me
Watch my fever growing
I know
Oh, my, my
Oh, my, my
Oh, my, my
Oh, my, my

Gotta love that'll never die
Gotta love that'll never die
No, no
I'm a lucky man

It's just a change in me
Something in my liberty
It's just a change in me
Something in my liberty
It's just a change in me
Something in my liberty
Oh, my, my
Oh, my, my
It's just a change in me
Something in my liberty
Oh, my, my
Oh, my, my

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Ballad Of Jack and Rose - Part Two

Holy Flashback, Batman!!

I have to admit, I never thought I would see these two together again on screen. Jack and Rose and the story of Titanic just loom so large in popular culture I never imagined they'd try for something new. But the film is directed by Sam Mendes (American Beauty) who happens to be Kate's husband and according to her she schemed and got Leo cast for the role of Frank. Not surprising as they have remained close friends post Titanic.

Revolutionary Road is due out in the USA for a limited release on December (coicidentally, so did Titanic) and I suppose I'll get to find out if I can see these two as characters other than Jack and Rose. Hell I can't see them seperately without thinking of them as Jack and Rose, let alone together. Must be the 23 times in a theater burned into my brain. Oh and just for shiz and giggles, Kathy Bates is in it too!

Frank and April. Gonna have to work on that one.

Oh and I have read the book. I highly recommend it. It is overlooked and overshadowed by Roth and Updike et all. Think The Great Gatsby for the 50's in that it's theme is the breakdown of the American Dream and ego. Come to think of it, Titanic probably has a more upbeat ending and Jack frickin dies!

I think it is under recognized for much the same reasons that Gatsby is still found to be off-putting by some readers. It's not often that a novel has the balls to center a story around people you really don't like. Gatsby is a wonderful example of it. The characters are awful people. Even Nick the narrator strikes one as less than wonderful. And don't get me started on Daisy and Tom and good old Jay himself.

Gatsby gets under your skin and makes you uncomfortably aware the myth of the American Dream and the value systems attendant to it and to a degree the attempts we make as adults to go back and recapture memories rather than building new ones. That and the overwhelming sense of aloneness. Both Revolutionary Road and Gatsby have that in common as well. They drive home the point that in the end we are alone, essentially, alone. They puncture the myth of family and society and status and money. None of those go with you when you die. And none of those are inside your head in the quiet hours at night that you lie awake.

Excellent reads I recommend most highly. Gatsby is my favorite book, beating out Gone With The Wind, numerous Jane Austins, a Bronte or two, and numerous Somerset Maugham novels. Heck it even beats out my most beloved Brideshead Revisited (BOYCOTT THAT DAMN MOVIE I BEG YOU) much though I love that and several other Evelyn Waugh novels. Gatsby has the best last line of any book, beating even "Afterall, tomorrow was another day."

"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaslessly into the past."

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Busted Flat In Baton Rouge

Man has it been a busy week. I have not even had the ability to slack at the office. The horror! Anyhow "HI" and all people. I had one day at home with kidlet and her head and my allergies and just didn't have it in me to post or read. That is how tired I was. Part of it I think is the new medicine the rheumatologist put me on at night to help me sleep and help with the pain. It's working but the first few mornings I was kinda spaced out. So for a recap!

Thursday night I took Kidlet and The Semi Step to Red Robin for dinner and then to see Pineapple Express. OMFG. That movie ROCKS! Any movie that can distill the Buddhist concept of Karma down to choosing to live in a manner that allows you to come back as either a Dragon or Anal Beads is bound to be a classic. Seth Rogan played the straight man and James Franco deserved every single bit of great press he has gotten for his role as Saul the Pot Dealer. If you liked Dazed and Confused or Superbad you will like this. Anal beads or a dragon. Wow.

Friday night Kidlet and I hit the airshow. I swear to God they were trying to give us heart attacks. We had reserved seats second row and had an awesome view. The stunt planes were great, the Patriots were amazing and the the Paratroopers, The Golden Knights were amazing. As it got later the planes started have pyro effects. One guy had the only flying MiG in the USA. A REAL MiG not a F18 painted to look like one like Top Gun. And he had FIREWORKS on it boys and girls! Shooting out behind him were lovely red and green fireworks. Going fast AND fire. It does not get much better.

The weird part? During the airshow they played music. Plenty of Yee Haw country and some obvious rock (Learning to Fly anyone?) but during the MiG guys time they played... The Verve's Bittersweet Symphony.


The Verve?!? At an all American airshow complete with kettle corn and strawberry shortcake?! The pinnacle of British Shoegazing?!? Kidlet and I had the same reaction. The violins started and our jaws dropped. We both stared at the overhead speaker like it was some sort of space alien. . It was so surreal it verged on being a David Lynch moment.

The real fireworks show (if you don't count the field that caught on fire courtesy of the parachute dudes!) was AWESOME! Screw the 4th at Waterfront Park, we are doing the airshow Friday night every year. It was waaay better.

Saturday I sent Kidlet back to her Dad's and then swung over and hung out with the parentals until it was time to go see The Dark Knight. I bought tickets and pretty much made them go. It was the only way I could be sure they saw it in the theaters. Dad can be a slacker :P

They loved it and afterwards we went to dinner. Got home around 10ish and crashed. Got up Sunday and had some coffee and then hit the airshow again, this time to work at the booth for my Employer. Spent about 4 hours there and then hit the store for groceries.

Monday I worked 6-1 then picked up Kidlet and Semi Step. Took Semi Step home so he didn't have to deal with a 2 hour mass transit adventure. Stopped off to see Mom and the continuing saga of her Tattoo. It was her second visit. Her third is coming up in a couple weeks. It is HUGE and gorgeous. I have officially asked for a Lucky Gift Certificate for Christmas.

Tuesday Kidlet had a meeegrim and I had allergies like you can not believe. Had to take benadryl which again, makes me spacey as hell. Worked yesterday and then spent the evening watching Party Monster and Project Runway and helping Kidlet brainstorm her Halloween Costume and Party Theme. Got her dad on the phone and he has agreed to Host it. Heh! He did last year and had a great time. This year it is on a Friday so I will play pick up the kids and take them to my house for costume design. The theme is Glitter and Gore 2008. Inspired by the Club Kids from Party Monster. I am doing Kidlet up as Crack Baby. It will be awesome. I already have the design cooking in my brain. She is jazzed and I am jazzed.

Alrighty off to work for me. Gotta eat and take my meds and get more coffee in me.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Faces In Front Of Me

Just cause! I had a very busy weekend and I have a very busy afternoon so I will catch y'all on the flip side!

Friday, August 08, 2008

One Life With Each Other; Sisters, Brothers.

Dear ONE Member,

Last week, my friend Tom Daschle wrote to you about our trip to Rwanda. We saw the difference America is making on the ground.

We want to support continued economic growth and poverty reduction in Rwanda and across the developing world. To guarantee that, we need to make sure that the next president prioritizes investment in Rwanda and other developing nations to make extreme poverty history.

You can influence the policies of the next President by clicking the link below and asking the Republican and Democratic presidential platform committees to make the fight against global poverty and disease a priority.

Sign The Petition.

A great example of the difference we’re making is Rwanda’s gourmet coffee industry, where a lot of hard work by Rwandans alongside strategic support from the United States is driving robust economic growth that is lifting people out of poverty.

USAID (that’s the U.S. government, which spends your dollars), has partnered with the owner of a coffee bean “washing station.” This station purchases coffee beans (“cherries” actually) from local farmers and then they process the bean through a washing cycle that separates the beans by quality, ready for export. This simple step—which was unheard of in Rwanda before 2002—means that Rwanda captures much more of the value of its biggest export crop than it ever could in the past. Rwandan coffee farmers are more prosperous than they were before, because their product fetches a higher price on the world market. And an entirely new processing industry has sprung up, employing thousands. These specialty coffee beans are sold to Starbucks and specialty coffee shops across America.

To accommodate the burgeoning specialty coffee market, these washing stations hire about 200 women to separate and process the beans. These women’s salaries are double what they made before. They use the extra income to pay for medical care and more nutritious food for their children, not to mention school supplies, better clothes, and maybe some livestock.

This is economic development targeted at the poor—a hand-up, not a hand-out. That's a lesson that Senator Daschle and I plan to share with our party leaders at our respective National Conventions in Denver and St. Paul, where new policy platforms will be passed.

Senator Daschle and I will bring along your signatures to the conventions and urge the party leaders to prioritize global health and anti-poverty planks in their 2008 platforms.

Add your signature here: Sign The Petition.

Help us seize this opportunity to renew America’s commitment to health, education, and entrepreneurship in the developing world during the next Administration.

This is a strategic moment in which our political leaders need to hear from all of us, loud and clear, as ONE.

Thank you for your work,

Senator Bill First, M.D.
National Co-Chair, ONE Vote ‘08

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Everyone Needs A Hand To Hold On To

Wow three posts in less than 12 hours. I blame coffee. Check this out and be sure you go look for the interactive display that shows those of us around the world. I am promoting this movement in the face of the Beijing Olympics as I truly think it models the changes in ALL governments that are needed. And it fits Ghandi's pricipal of being the change you want to see.

Shake Hands

Suddenly Last Summer I Started Going Out Of My Mind

August and September - The THE

Suddenly last summer
I started going out of my head
In a tiny hotel room
Lying naked on a bed
I knew what you were doing, and I knew what you'd done
Your life with me was ending, your new life had begun
But I was cursing your name, and I was cursing that room
And I was praying for the strength to stop loving you
I started writing you the letter
Which turned into the book
I was gonna reach across the ocean
and force you to look
But what kind of man was I?
Who would sacrify you happiness to satisfy his pride
What kind of man was I?
Who would delay your destiny to appease his tiny mind
Then you came back to me and I went down on one knee
With a glint in my eyes and a rose between my teeth
And I pushed out my tongue for you to see
That I'd been dying of a thirst for your company
Then you quenched my loneliness with your tears
And our clothes fell away as we rolled back the years
But we could't deny it because we could not admit it
If our love was too strong to die
Or we were just too weak to kill it
Was our love too strong to die?
Or were we just too weak to kill it?
Every moment in that room
I closed my eyes in prayer
Every moment I awoke
I clenched my teeth in prayer
What kind of man was I?
Who would sacrify your happiness to satisfy his pride
What kind of man was I?
Who would delay your destiny to appease his tiny mind
Who could delay your destiny to appease his aching swollen pride
Who could delay your destiny to appease his screaming little mind
You're mine

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I Need You To Need Me

I was tagged by Mimi The Queen for the Needs Meme and I got some interesting results. Not many as my first name is not common. But the first one made me smile!

needs coffee (HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!)

needs to be happy all the time.

needs an attorney who will not daydream at key moments during trial

Needs to move to New York

needs a pollinator

sleep more (no shit!)

needs to have another party sometime!

I'm Too Sexy For My Cat - WW #61

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

You Don't Need A Weatherman To Know Which Way The Wind Blows

A co worker is going to a Lebanese restaurant today for lunch I am now HUGELY JEALOUS. The cafe is serving steam table slop as usual and I want something ethic and zesty. I am screwed. There is an Indian Restaurant next door to me which has a wonderful lunch buffet but I have want to wait for Indian until I have kidlet. She is at her dad's house until Thursday....of course his house is right around the corner from my office.

What do we think the chances are she will answer her phone? Not highly likely! And no answer. Next up see if co-worker can do Vietnamese. Sigh.

So yeah. Friday I am going to take kidlet to the Air Show mostly for the Fireworks. They have planes that let off fireworks from the plane. I can actually SEE the fireworks from my house but I want a nice comfy bleacher seat and a better view.

I love fireworks. I am a pyro at heart. It's genetic, one of my ancestors burned down his village. I get around fireworks and go all Beavis. "Fire Fire Fire!!"

Add that to the fact that as a child with sparklers my mom had the hose going in case of self immolation and you get the picture. Genetics plus childhood stifling equals pyro. It explains why I have candles lit all the time. The ex BF hated that as he thought 4 frickin votive candles made it hot. Um. Yeah :P

Monday, August 04, 2008

A Long Time Ago We Used To Be Friends

This is STUCK in my head. It came around on my shuffle and now I am clapping my hands for no apparent reason. People are starting to stare.....

So I slacked off for a bit. Work is just really busy and I did more overtime in the last two weeks than I have done all year long. And it tired me out! Kidlet and I hung out Saturday and yesterday we had a family portrait session with my parents. Kidlet looks great I dunno about the rest of us!

She is going to the Warped Tour this Sunday with the Semi Sorta Step and her dad and I will be manning the table for my employer at the Hillsboro Air Show. Hopefully we can avoid another crash like the one we had a couple years back. I think they finally rebuilt those homes. I work for 4 hours and then I can watch the show.

Kidlet and I are gonna watch the Fireworks at the airshow on Friday night. Thursday night we are gonna go see The Pineapple Express. A buddy flick with gratuitous violence that also happens to be stoner flick....I am SO there. I love stoner flicks. Which is funny since frankly I think pot sucks. Does nothing for me but I loved Dazed and Confused and Fast Times. So Kidlet and I are going Thursday night. I am jazzed. This and Tropic Thunder.

And with that I am Audi 5000 :p
