Friday, August 29, 2008

OMFG - Heaven!! -Updated Saturday Morning

***Lest we forget as all eyes turn towards Gustav, Katrina CONTINUES to wreck havoc 3 years later. My prayer go out for all those still struggling and those in Gustav's path. Please take a moment to visit a Blogging friend of mine, coming at you from NOLA. Good Luck, John. Hopefully you won't have to post THIS next year. Oh and get out of town!

VH1 Classic is the bestest. 80 hour of the 80's! Hells yes. Kiss my Gen X ass, Mr. Program director! Currently David is telling me not to believe in Modern Love. Wonder if the BOB comments would distract him too?

Oh I wonder what is next? We'll chat while we wait. I am working tomorrow. Gonna try for 15 hours of OT for the next 3 pay periods. I kinda have to be semi caught up to really roll out my new electronic process. And the money won't hurt. School clothes ain't cheap.

Wow.....Boy Meets Girl - Waiting For A Star To Fall. 1988 is on the phone! Who knew they wrote two big Whitney songs, I Wanna Dance With Somebody and How Will I Know? The things you learn on Wikipedia.

I have a sudden urge for a swatch watch.

Well I guess when Boys Don't Cry as well. They just wanna be cowboys.

Two things I noted about that video. The Lead singer looks like Roger Taylor of Queen and one of the villains looks like Lemmy of Motorhead.

I am taking Sunday and Monday off. Which means housework. The weather is due to ...suck. Shocking, I know.

Ok so maybe they are NOT gonna be my favorites. I forgot that in the 80's I was Anglocentric. And Gothtastic. Screw em! I can rock my own 80's theme.....

ABC - Be Near Me

Madness - One Step Beyond

From the only band that really matters, The Clash - Rudie Can't Fail

The Specials - Message To You Rudy (yeah I know, 1979. Bite me.)

The English Beat - Save It For Later - my but ain't I Skatastic tonight?!

Bad Manners - Lip Up Fatty (I've totally lost most folks now!)

Ya know if I liked pot I'd totally be sparking up right about now. Guess I'll have to get myself some Beer...and Reel Big Fish ;)

Ok off to eat. Enjoy the tunes!


Bar L. said...


Right now the Cars are singing "Uh oh....its magic....."

I LOVE VH1 Classics!

Bar L. said...

PS Speaking of The Cars...I was madly in love with Benjamin Orr.

Anonymous said...

arghhh I want VH1 Classic SO HARD.

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Cinnamon Girl said...

Barbara, why am I not surprised to hear you were watching it?!

At work now so no watching for me.

Ben died too young and he wrote two of my favorite of their songs, Let's Go and Drive.

Cinnamon Girl said...

Alicia - when I swapped to verizon fios their were three non negotiable channels. Showtime, Bravo and VH1 Classic. 120 Minutes is awesome. Not as good as the old Alternative but not bad at all.

Jay said...

I don't have digital cable so I don't get that channel. But, there's always YouTube. I've never found VH1 Classic online anywhere either.

I don't know why they don't stream on their website though. Well, I guess I do. Cause the cable companies would go bonkers.

Bud Fisher said...

I always love your music posts. Some of it I love, some of it I am new to and enjoy getting into it. And some doesn't work sat all for me. But the thing I like most about your post about music is that I always learn something and I love your passion for music. I share it. Thanks!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Jay I feel your pain. Youtube is great and all but I guess I just roll old school. I like my videos on my TV. And VH1 Classic is the ONLY place that plays a lot of the British bands I love.

Bud I am curious which ones ya hated :P

John Holland said...

Some great music videos. I love me some Clash and Specials. And thanks for the mention of Gustav. I'm on my way out of here in a few hours.

Anonymous said...

An 80's extravaganza, fantastic!
