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« Monday Overnight Open Thread (1/8/18 ) | Main | Mid-Morning Open Thread »
January 09, 2018

The Morning Report 1/9/18


Good morning kids. Lots of link-fu to get into so let us commence. First up, a couple of pieces that just perfectly crystalize what we have all known for quite a while now. First, a Democrat memo which plainly admits that their support for Amnesty and illegal aliens is just a massive Democrat voter registration drive. Unsaid is that the influx will ultimately dissolve the American identity, as has always been the intention of the Left, both for ideological reasons and in order to absolutely capture the nation and retain permanent power. What they cannot obtain via indoctrination, intimidation, bribery, law-fare or outright fraud insofar as turning the populace to their side (and they have been very successful as the past 50+ years [despite abject policy failure] have shown) they will obtain by replacing the populace with an alien serfdom that have no idea what America is supposed to be, nor the desire to find out. So long as Uncle Sugar keeps them on the hook with just a taste. All those years of genocide on Black America has taken its toll.

The second link is Fake Flake the Snake basically admitting that the GOP-e is trying to sabotage PDT on the DACA/Amnesty front. I cannot for the life of me imagine that the President is going to give an inch or at least anything in any substantive manner on this issue; the one that rocketed him over a field of 15 others and a shambling bag of lipids into the Presidency. At least Kevin McCarthy, someone who I have always regarded as a RINO sellout, is mouthing the right words at Nancy Palsi over this, and in fact, turning the message of "government shutdown!!1111!! on its ear by tarring the Democrats with it. Not one inch, Mr. President.

Moving along, in news from the Insurrection, cadres at the CFPB politburo have been evidently using completely illegal messaging encryption on their government issue phones as a way to thwart oversight and plot against the Administration. It is way past time to shut that destructive shitshow down for good. Over to you, Mick Mulvaney. In a related story, the Washington DC AG has been revealed to be coordinating with other like minded insurrectionists posing as AGs via a 527 group.

Several links dissecting Oprah's Nuremberg Rally-like speech where she essentially announced her candidacy for 2020. Rush and Ben Shapiro throw cold water all over that and, as I have said, if the next three years are anything like this past one in terms of solid policy achievements and the expected booming economy, no Democrat has a shot in hell of even coming close to denying PDT another four years, please G-d.

And as the economy booms and as PDT completely owns the media and the narrative and as Mullah Mueller's coup attempt is collapsing all around, the Left is going into absolute paroxysms of madness, like replicant Pris after getting shot by Deckard. So now after all this they are back to playing the "Trump is insane/25th Amendment" card. This is nothing new. Every GOP president or serious nominee since Barry Goldwater has been smeared as crazy and/or ignorant. The only thing that changes is the audience, insofar as people too young or yet to be born who were not around for the earlier performances. It should also be noted that the "crazy" card was a favorite political weapon that totalitarian regimes used against their citizenry. Alexander Solzhenitsyn told us that people who wanted to emigrate from the former Soviet Union were locked up in psychiatric wards because, naturally, anyone who wanted to leave that paradise had to be crazy.

Penultimately the piece of shit convicted FALN terrorist Oscar Lopez-Rivera went on a rant demanding "yanqui go home" to the many decent mainland Americans who are on that island trying to help with Hurricane Harvey relief. I think my graphic speaks for itself. Frankly, considering the attitude of this momzer, we should cut Puerto Rico loose and maybe give a little bit more to places like Guatemala or Honduras. At least they took our side at the UN.

Lastly, as the palate cleanser, the incredible story of the tattoo artist at Auschwitz who fell in love with a woman he was forced to mark and how they managed to survive and find each other afterwards.

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.

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posted by at 07:04 AM

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