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« Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (1/30/18 ) After The State of The Union Address Edition | Main | Mid-Morning Open Thread »
January 31, 2018

The Morning Report 1/31/18


Good morning kids. As we close out (already?!) the first month of 2018, President Donald Trump delivered a stem-winder of a State of the Union speech last night. The applause and cheering from the pro-American side of the room rattled Palsi Pelosi's dentures and made Chuck Schemer's corn rows stand on end. From the policy side of things, I would give it a solid A minus. High marks for border security, national security, the economy and healthcare. On immigration, I will still have to be convinced on the nuts and bolts of the plan and how we will prevent the Left and the bureaucracy from ignoring/flouting any tough requirements and limits on who gets citizenship and when. Infrastructure, I'm less sanguine about but I am open to seeing how a free-market capitalist and developer puts those principles in play with over $1 trillion of public dollars. On paid family leave, he gets a thumbs down. It sounds nice but it's socialism. In any case, this is my opinion and YMMV. One nugget that made me take notice was his promise to make it easier to get rid of Federal employees who violate the public trust or fail the American people. That is aimed right at the traitors and insurrectionists in DC. Bravo.

He also succeeded in turning the tables on the Left in terms of immigration and the character of this nation with this one neat trick: "Americans are Dreamers too." Boom. From the grieving parents of Otto Warmbier, those of teens slain by MS-13 thugs, a Coast Guardsman, firefighter, solider, small businessmen freed from the shackles of bureaucracy, a young boy who places flags on the graves of our fallen and a survivor of the North Korean socialist hellhole (I have a suggestion of where in Bernie Sanders' anatomy to place those crutches), the President's guests were not props as the Democrats claim (projection on their part); they are the powerful, real embodiment of what he and we are striving for in the fight to preserve this nation.

By invoking the sacred nature of our flag, our national anthem and using the term "illegal alien," he rhetorically body-slammed the Leftist memes that to show disrespect to either is somehow patriotic and a courageous act of protest. I could go on and on, but all I can say is there is absolutely no doubt that the man who some of us, me included, voted for only as a means to prevent Hillary Clinton from ever becoming President, has thrown away all doubts and succeeded beyond all hope and expectation. With this speech, no doubt crafted in large part by Stephen Miller who is an absolute hawk on immigration and therefore hated by both the Dems and GOP-e equally, he has demonstrated to the widest possible audience that he loves this country, its people, has a clear vision of its potential and a plan that involves all those who are willing to work to make America great again by removing the obstacles to make each one's individual lives as great as possible to the best of their G-d given abilities.

This speech resonated with average Americans who may have been on the fence about PDT, either policy-wise or more than likely personality-wise. It also laid bare the absolutely hideous, puerile, petulant demeanor of the Democrats. And it was not a pretty sight. I think this speech will go a long way in keeping up the momentum for the GOP to retain power this November, and perhaps for the President himself in two years time. Of course, things can still go south but with this speech and an economy set to go thermonuclear as tax reform kicks in, my confidence is growing daily. Well done, Mr. President. Onward!

The other big story is the reaction to the soon-to-be-made-public Nunes memo. The Democrats and MFM are scrambling to fling as much poo at this as possible but it will no doubt fail. And with Andrew McCabe's ouster there will doubtless be more to go down, perhaps even higher up in the Insurrection than he. A couple of very good links on why so many more than he need to go down because, as we all know, this goes to the very heart of our republic. If a lot more individuals a lot more powerful than McCabe who were involved in attempting to subvert an election and then overthrow a duly-elected President are not punished and severely, this nation cannot go on. That simple.

From hither and yon, Hillary shambles and stutters to excuse away her covering up of sexual assault allegations of one of her top aides (seems like old times), Jimmy Kimmel drowned in flop-sweat as, right before Stormy Daniels' appearance on his show, she once again denied having an affair with PDT and the GOP candidate for governor of Minnesota gets blasted for speaking the truth about Islam.

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.

Recent Comments
Aetius451AD: "That's some high quality memes. ..."

Sock Monkey * considering the imponderables: "Yup, an' I got the hardware too'. Posted by: Mike ..."

JackStraw: ">>Spook daddy Bush is where I mark the beginning o ..."

Sock Monkey * considering the imponderables: "We can all judge what is true and what isn't going ..."

13times: "Ireland. @john_mcguirk The article reveals tha ..."

Mike Hammer, etc., etc.: "LET THEM FLIP BURGERS!! Jim ------- Reminds m ..."

Sock Monkey * considering the imponderables: "Sal at What's going on in shipping has a good brea ..."

Jim[/i][/b][/s][/u]: ".... hasta la nite nite, Horde! Jim Sunk New ..."

JackStraw: ">>That seems par for the course at Gateway Pundit. ..."

Sock Monkey * considering the imponderables: "Things take a downturn and it reflects on Biden/Ha ..."

Jim[/i][/b][/s][/u]: "Farmer. If they strike, I think it'll be seen a ..."

Mike Hammer, etc., etc.: " The Battle of Athens, TN, 1946. Corrupt vote fra ..."

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