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January 01, 2020

The Morning Rant

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"More fake news: Reuters reported that the Texas church shooter was the owner of a gun range. Oops, no he wasn't. The owner of the gun range was the guy who took down the actual shooter and prevented more deaths and injuries. Reuters retracted the story, which is good, but I have to wonder how them mistake was made to begin with. So we have the shooter and the shooter stopper, and one of them own a range. Why would the original reporter confuse the two? And why would his editor sign off on the story?

"I mean, if I, personally, were the editor and I read his copy, the *very first* question I would have for him would be 'wait, you're saying that a church was shot up by a guy who owns a gun range? Seriously? I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'd like you to do a little bit more checking on that before we go to print.' Because if that turned out to be true, it would be a first.

"But perhaps editors don't know that.

"Also, why do these errors always seem to go in one direction? It's never anything like: 'our original story was that the shooter was a crazed Islamist terrorist, but we have since determined that it's a racist Christian Republican businessman whose daughter was going out with a black guy.' You never see that. Except, perhaps, on old episodes of Law & Order."

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This Tweet Aged Quite Poorly:

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CNN Keeping It Classy On New Year's Eve, As Usual:

Meme Update:

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Worst Flop Ever:

Who Dis:

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For the 'Ettes:

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Photo 5

Monday's Celebs: Linda Darnell and Tyrone Power, both actors who died tragically young, in their early 40s. They were probably best known for The Mark of Zorro, but they were also in other movies, Blood and Sand, Brigham Young, and Daytime Wife.

AoSHQ Weekly Prayer List

For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact FenelonSpoke, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at

fenelon direction 18 circle 'a' gmail dot com

(All one word, no spaces)

If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to her.

Keep calm and pray on. Thank you for your prayers.

Updates and new requests:

11/20 - JG asks for prayers for resolution of best friend’s marriage troubles.

11/23 - TP asks for prayers for his neighbor (Karen) who suffered a major stroke while in treatment for lung cancer.

11/23 - MM requests prayers for his mother, who was just diagnosed with her fourth bout of cancer and faces surgery the week before Christmas.

11/25 -ERF asks for prayers for his nephew, who has had a difficult life, to learn that there are family members who care and want to help him if he lets them. This morning, he lost his father in a house fire and his two dogs. About 9 years ago while he was in high school, he lost his mother (my wife’s sister) to a lengthy battle with MS. They had lost their home due to medical bills and he has been a lost soul during high school and afterwards.

11/26 - Prayers for comfort for the family and friends of Rickl, at his passing from cancer.

11/27 NKG asks prayers for a friend, who seems to have a relationship with God, but needs confidence and success. His job is not very secure.

11/28 - BHG is asking for prayers for two co-workers who are contractors at risk of losing their jobs at the end of their contracts. Prayers for health and steady income and security for them.

11/30 - JR asks for prayers for someone he knows who has used up his retirement savings fighting cancer, and asks for continued health for him, and also God’s strength as he starts over.

12/3 Skip’s dad has pneumonia

12/3 Prayers for AverageGuy and family after death of 20 year old son by suicide

12/3-Tmitss’ brother has dementia and pneumonia

12/8 Iron Mike Golf-prayers for comfort and strength for family as father has died

12/8-MyLifeisInsanity- Caring for mom with dementia, Husband had non cancerous tumor in brain and having seizures . Prayers for healing from radiation, graceful acceptance of medical situation, clear path through financial questions and difficulties after losing job as a semi driver of 25 years. Boss has been very nice and husband has another lesser paying job, but has to make a decision about retiring, looking into disability or staying with company at another position. Prayers for strength for MLIS too.

12/8 Chavez the hugo- Wife blew out knee. Surgery is 12/23. “Tough times at casa Chavez the hugo

12/8 Cheribebe-Has cancer, is also caring for elderly mother just diagnosed with cancer and dad who is also ill. Needs spiritual uplift and healing

12/8 Slapweasel-Has cancer and is caring for elderly parents

12/8 MAB asked for prayers former co-worker who is a recovering addict. He was just laid off. Need recovery and new job.

12/8 Sock_rat_eez-Colonoscapy reversal surgery scheduled for Dec. 19th in the morning.

12/8 McKinley B, 5 month old baby diagnosed with brain cancer, needs healing

12/17 Tom Servo, father recently died, prayers for comfort and strength

12/17 Jessie, Fenelon’s organist, in the hospital with a broken ankle

12/18 Prayers for family for comfort and strength for rhenninginTX, uncle died, prayers for comfort and strength for family.

12/20 Elijah, notsothoreau’s co-worker’s baby, is asperating food into his lungs. Has something wrong with stomach and digestive issues, but is now gaining weight. Prayers needed for skill and wisdom for doctors so they can figure out treatment, healing for Elijah and his parents.

1/1 Lizzie, son has appointment with cardiologist this week. Blood oxygen stats being down, so he may need major heart surgery. Prayers for skill and wisdom for doctors and complete healing.

Requests for continued prayer:

- OldDog’sinMo’s wife, Slapweasel (also for an organ donor) and strength in caring for elderly parents with have memory and other issues, Cheribee, also Tami’s daughter, Circa’s brother,

- VNRedLeg, Scott M., Fox 2!’s friend, Mary Beth for healing from bladder cancer, Mother of a co-worker of Josephistan

- For Laura who has metastastic breast cancer and told she has 3 years to live. Flounder’s MIL, continued healing from cancer.

- USNTakin and wife-he asked particularly that she have relief from pain, but strength and relief from pain for both of them.

- Pooky and Pooky’s girl have had a major setback in the process to become adoptive parents. Pooky’s former therapist refused to sign the recommendation form, and now their social worker wants them to withdraw from the program. They ask for prayers as they try to figure out how to move forward.

- ibguy requests prayers for healing for Jenna, the daughter of a friend and colleague, a wonderful young mother with a very serious case of MS.

- ibguy also requests prayers for healing and a return to childhood for Elena, the grand-niece of a co-worker. Elena is a 2 ½ year old girl with serious cancer/tumor, who has been in a hospital most of her life.

- ibguy requests prayers for healing and direction for his mother-in-law, Marilyn, who is 86 years old and was in a bad car accident. Marilyn is transitioning from rehab to Assisted Living.

Wednesdays are days in which mothers in the horde and anyone else says special prayers for children of horde members. Please include the grandchildren as well.
Please note: Prayer requests are generally removed after five weeks or so unless we receive an update.

This in NOT because we don’t care; It’s simply because of lack of space. Updates as well as thanks for answered prayer and new prayer requests are always welcome. Please feel free to copy requests which you see on the board and send them to I won’t know unless someone tells me! Thank you and God bless!

Please remember the Prayer of St. Francis:

Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Caramel Raspberry French Toast:

caramel raspberry french toast 01.jpg
(click for bigger toast)

digg this
posted by OregonMuse at 11:18 AM

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