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January 02, 2020

Manhattan DA Refuses to Prosecute Subway Attack on Jews as Hate Crime

Gee, I wonder why people feel empowered to attack Jews without serious consequence?

It must be the messaging emanating from the White House.

That's the only explanation that Rashida Tlaib can think of.

We may never know the motive for this attack.

The attacker shouted "Allahu Akbar" as he attacked a Jew. That is the definition of We May Never Know the Motive. And that comes straight from core FBI doctrine.

Lihi Aharon, an Israeli student riding the New York City subway in December, was attacked by another passenger who cursed at her and yelled "Allahu akbar!" While the attack on Aharon seemed to be motivated by anti-Semitic animus, the Manhattan DA informed lawyers representing Aharon on Thursday that it would not prosecute the case as a hate crime.

The incident is one of several recent anti-Semitic attacks around New York City that have sparked a nationwide conversation about the resurgence of anti-Semitism in America.

"The DA's refusal to prosecute this targeted attack as a hate crime is an egregious miscarriage of justice," Brooke Goldstein, executive director of the Lawfare Project, which is representing Aharon, said in a statement provided to the Washington Free Beacon.

"The Jewish community is under siege and the DA's office won't even attempt to defend us," Goldstein said. "Allowing acts of hate and violence like what happened to Lihi to go unanswered seeds the ground for more horrible tragedies like we saw in Jersey City and Monsey. We must send a message that religious bigotry and violence targeted against any minority community is not acceptable."

John Sexton writes about all the antisemitic attacks in NYC in 2019, all of which were carried out by White Supremacists of Color who are secret Trump fans and who obey all of his dogwhistle emanations.

Sexton lists dozens of attacks, and he's pretty sure he's missed a bunch.

Many of these attacks were captured on video, and you can see from the video that these are the stereotypical MAGA Rightwing Extremists.

Oh, and here's one that just came over the wires:

And another one:

Obviously all MAGA people.

There are a lot of attacks. All of them, as you can see, were carried out by White Southern Men in Red Hats.

Like this Southern Man in a Red Hat who had just been released without any bail requirement for punching Jewish women, and then immediately went out assaulted another woman.

A Brooklyn woman who was released without bail after attacking three Jewish women was rearrested a day later for assaulting another woman, according to the New York Post.

Tiffany Harris punched a 35-year-old woman in the face on Eastern Parkway in Prospect Heights on Sunday. The incident is not being treated as a hate crime and it is unclear if the most recent victim was Jewish.

Harris assaulted three Jewish women on Eastern Parkway in the largely Lubavitch neighborhood of Crown Heights in Brooklyn on Thursday. She admitted the crime to police officers, saying "Yes, I slapped them. I cursed them out. I said 'F-U, Jews,'" according to the Algemeiner.

Dalia Schusterman, one of the victims, told the Algemeiner that the decision to release Harris without bail was "a win for the criminals, and a big fail for the protection of the vulnerable targets they’re going after." The decision was also "a malignant growth out of their unwillingness to sympathize with the Orthodox Jewish community, which has always been relegated as the other, stereotyped as oppressors, and treated as unworthy of societal protection," according to Schusterman.

She's finally being held -- but not on bail, which De Blasio has made virtually illegal.

She's being held on for a psychiatric evaluation.

And the only reason the city seems to be taking her seriously is that this time, she mildly assaulted a city worker -- she pinched her social worker.

You can beat up civilians on the street while hurling racist epithets, but pinch one Social Worker, and now you've roused the passions of the state.

The Brooklyn woman arrested three times in the span of five days -- getting released twice without bail thanks to new criminal-justice reforms -- was ordered held for a psychiatric evaluation on Wednesday following her latest bust.

Tiffany Harris, 30, was kept in custody for the mandatory tests at an unspecified city hospital following a Brooklyn criminal court hearing, on the orders of Judge Joseph Gubbay.

She was back in the criminal justice system after an arrest on New Year’s Eve for a run-in at a court-mandated meeting with a social worker, according to authorities.

Officials previously said that Harris had blown off the meeting, but prosecutors alleged on Wednesday that she had pinched the social worker during the sit-down.

Of course, getting caught on videotape playing the knockout game with mere Jewish citizens isn't a crime in New York -- hell, being caught on camera sucker punching a cop isn't even enough to get you held on bail.

New York City continues to descend into chaos under the administration of Mayor Bill de Blasio, particularly when it comes to the rule of law. We’ve already witnessed multiple instances of people dumping buckets of water on police officers as they perform their duties. There are weekly "protests" in Brooklyn, where marching vandals chant "F*** the Police" and demand that the cops be banned from subway stations so they can more easily commit crimes. And in the latest incident, a suspect sucker-punched a member of the NYPD right in front of other officers. And thanks to the lax rules being pushed by City Hall, the suspect was back out on the street almost immediately.

What cannot last, will not last.

We have to separate ourselves from the dying part of the nation to save the healthy parts.

When these hellmouths start collapsing into bankruptcy and barbarism -- and they will -- I hope they're not thinking the rest of us are going to send them one slim dime.

We've already got our answer at the ready.

digg this
posted by Ace at 04:55 PM

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