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January 24, 2020

The Morning Rant

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"So today is the day of the annual pro-life march in Washington DC. It has been held every year on the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision in 1973.

"Most of you probably know about this annual march. Perhaps some of you have attended one or more of them. But those of you who have never heard of it can be excused for not knowing about it, because even though it routinely draws over a hundred thousand participants, the media, in years past, didn't report it. They just pretended that a march consisting of tens of thousands of people, men, women, and children, didn't happen. Not until recent years, when the growth of conservative media forced their hand.

"Anyway, media coverage is not what I want to talk about today. What I want to talk about is that, for the first time in its history, the president of the United States is one of the march's scheduled speakers.

"And this is a remarkable thing. Not just that a president is doing this, but who that president is. Donald Trump, of all presidents. Who would've believed five years ago that the first president to address the biggest annual gathering of pro-life people in the country would be Donald J freakin' Trump?

"We have had other pro-life presidents. But I've been of the impression that they don't really like us all that much. I mean, those of us who consider ourselves social conservatives. They like our votes, and they do appoint mainly conservative judges, but it's not like they do much else, and it's like they're holding us at arm's length. George Bush 1 definitely didn't really want to have anything to do with us, and I think even Reagan was kind of stand-offish. Planned Parenthood routinely gets funded, year after year. It's been mostly lip service and failure theater.

"So the only president who ever diminished Planned Parenthood's funding is the thrice married, perhaps adulterous, not-known-for-being-particularly-conservative-until-his-election Donald Trump. He also sent an ambassador to the U.N. to tell the global elites, sorry no, abortion is not a human right.

"And now, perhaps even as you're reading this, President Trump is addressing the March for Life crowd. He went out of his way to be seen with us, to be identified with us, and to signal his support us in a very public way, and not just him, but his entire administration.

"How is this possible? I know this isn't a religious blog, so I crave your indulgence here, but the only explanation I have for this is that God made it happen.

"I think God is giving us what we want, only He is doing it in such a way that we can't take credit for it ourselves. Because if Trump were a SuperConservative president doing SuperConservative things because he was elected by SuperConservatives like us, we would boast in the wonderfulness of our SuperConservative policies and positions and say, look at the wonderful thing we did. But we can't do that, because Trump is no SuperConservative and heck, we didn't even LIKE the guy and only voted for him because the only alternative was a corrupt old drunk. And this is something the NeverTrumpers and the French Davidians can't understand and get all huffy because of all the support a president they despise enjoys. And so they join with the left in cursing his supporters, which, you know, is probably not going to endear you to them, but you've now burned pretty much all of the bridges, so have a nice life trying to grift from your new pals on the left. Anyway, look, Donald Trump is a very flawed man, we all can see that, but God can draw straight with crooked lines, and that's what we're seeing.

"I've always liked this quote from Ben Franklin, so it is what I'll leave you with:

"I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth - that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid?"

I'd like to hear your stories on this, so I'll prime the pump by telling you mine: I was during my first or second year at college and I live on a "co-ed" dorm floor, and the girl next door to me had lots of boyfriends, some of a temporary nature. I wasn't one of them, but we liked to talk and one time she happened to mention that she didn't like taking the pill (I forget why), but she didn't like her boyfriends to use condoms, either, because she didn't like how they felt. So naturally I asked her what she would do if she got pregnant. "Oh, I'd just get an abortion", she said. I was stunned. At that time in my young life, about age 20-21, I was an idiot and a hedonist who believed in nothing but doing whatever brought me immediate gratification, but something about the casual, flippant way she said she'd take a human life chilled me to the bone. That was when I decided I had to pro-life and that was over 40 years ago.

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Compare & Contrast:

compare and contrast - virginia 2A vs dems.jpg

Seems Legit:

(Heh. Turns out to be a prank)

Snopes Does It Again:

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So according to Snopes, the assertion on this meme is incorrect. Their explanation is quite lengthy and they're very careful to point out that the Klan had influence in both parties, but then, buried deep in the article, they admit:

Even so, the record shows that the Klan was actively involved in the convention, lending apparent plausibility to the claim that it came to be known as the "Klanbake."


So then, the only problem with the meme is that the word 'Klanbake' wasn't used. Snopes is pretty funny. If someone accuses the Democrats of killing 3 men and a dog, Snopes will produce a picture of the dog, alive, and shriek 'THIS CLAIM IS FALSE!

Never Open Your Umbrella Indoors:

Who Dis:

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Photo 4
Photo 5

For the 'Ettes:

who dis 20200124b1.jpg

Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4

Wednesday's Celebs: Miranda Otto and Karl Urban from the Lord of the Rings movies.

Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Gouda Cheese:

digg this
posted by OregonMuse at 11:16 AM

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