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October 13, 2021

Report: F. Joe Biden May Be Pulled Into Probe of Hunter Biden, Because They Intermingled Funds -- Including Funds Hunter Biden Received from Foreign Governments While F. Joe Biden was Vice President

Miranda Devine revealed the comingling of funds between the Bagman Hunter and "The Big Guy" F. Joe Biden, back in June.

As Hunter Biden Prepares to Sell Political Influence Disguised as "Art" for a Half Million Dollars Per Piece, Miranda Devine Reports Hunter Biden Paid For Some of the Upkeep of Joe Biden's House

Here's what makes this important, as Byron York explains: For years Joe Biden has boasted that he's the "poorest man in Washington, DC," suggesting that he's free of the graft that so many politicians take.

But, in fact, Joe Biden kept himself poor while sending out Hunter to collect the graft on his behalf:

For years, Joe Biden was known as the poorest man in the U.S. Senate. It was a label he himself welcomed, claiming it showed how ethically clean he was. "I entered as one of the poorest men in Congress, left as one of the poorest men in government, in Congress, and as vice president," Biden said during his presidential campaign in 2019. What Devine has discovered suggests that while Biden bragged about his lack of money -- in other words, claiming to be free of the financial corruption common in politics -- he was relying on his influence-peddling son to pay some of his bills.

Speaking of influence peddling, Devine also reported recently that Hunter Biden "used the perks of the vice presidency -- parties, meetings with Joe Biden and flights on Air Force Two -- to pursue business deals with Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim while his father was in office." To illustrate the story, Devine published a 2015 photo of Slim, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and other men with whom Hunter Biden was pursuing business, at the vice president's residence in November 2015.

York is also reminded by Miranda Divine that Hunter Biden has claimed that Joe Biden forces him to give up "half of his salary" for the "Big Guy's" upkeep.

Now we know of another email which states that 10% of a deal will be reserved for "The Big Guy," meaning Joe Biden.

Hunter was probably exaggerating about "half" his money. But I imagine the 10% figure is mostly accurate.

Except that sometimes the Big Guy will inveigh upon his corrupt son to pay the expenses of maintaining his home.

While Joe Biden careens around the country eating ice cream and behaving like a kind, but slightly dotty grandpa, it's worth remembering the cynical way he used his son, Hunter, to generate cash for the family.

Hunter, now 51, wanted to be an artist or a writer, but he was assigned by his father the role of family breadwinner through lucrative grace-and-favor jobs and sweetheart deals facilitated by Joe's network of connections in Delaware and, later, throughout the world.


"I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years," Hunter wrote in a 2019 text message to his daughter, Naomi, that was found on his abandoned laptop.

"It's really hard. But don't worry, unlike Pop [Joe], I won't make you give me half your salary."

There's no direct evidence of such a wealth transfer on Hunter's laptop.

But what we do know is that, while Joe was vice president, Hunter routinely paid at least some of his father's household expenses, including AT&T bills of around $190 a month.

We know from an e-mail on June 5, 2010, with the subject "JRB bills" to Hunter from Eric Schwerin, his business partner at Rosemont Seneca, that he was expected to foot hefty bills to Wilmington contractors for maintenance and upkeep of his father's palatial lakefront property. Joe's initials are JRB, for Joseph Robinette Biden.


He goes on to explain "there is about $2,000 extra in 'my' account beyond what is used for monthly expenses." It is unknown why Schwerin used quotation marks around "my." But it appears the account is used, at least in part, to pay expenses for Joe.

Yes, and it appears the Poorest Man In Washington was comingling funds with his jet-setting, influence-peddling crackhead son.


At this point, Joe had been vice president for barely 18 months of his first term.

Now the Daily Mail reports that experts have told them that F. Joe Biden could be implicated into any criminality on Hunter Biden's part.

Or, at least, that could happen, if America were a functioning laws-not-men democracy instead of the corrupt third world shithole it is.

A report published Tuesday contends that President Joe Biden could get tied up in the ongoing FBI investigation into his son Hunter Biden’s finances due to the sharing of bank accounts and payment of each other’s bills.

Emails obtained by from Hunter Bidens abandoned laptop show that his business partner, Eric Schwerin, was working on Joe Biden's tax returns and discussing the father and son paying each other's bills.


Hunter Biden has claimed that he and his father shared a bank account and admitted last year that he was under federal investigation over his taxes.


An expert on money laundering and criminal tax law told that those entanglements could drag the current president into the FBI’s investigation.

"Whatever transaction you're looking at, if there's a connection to a family member or a friend, sure the answer is yes [they would be investigated]," the expert, a former federal prosecutor who requested not to be named, told "Obviously, if you're talking about the President of the United States, you'd better have a pretty damn good reason to talk to that person."

The FBI and IRS are reportedly also investigating Hunter Biden’s business relationships and the possibility that money laundering charges are in order.

Another expert, former U.S. Intelligence Officer and Treasury Special Agent John Cassara, told that President Biden would already be in the crosshairs if not for the fact that he’s the president.

"The information available publicly is very worrisome, particularly in the areas of corruption," Cassara said. "They could go at this from all different avenues. Follow the corruption trail and then charge money laundering."


Hunter Biden was taking money from Ukranian oligarchs at the same time his father, the then-Vice President, was demanding that the Ukraine fire a prosecutor who was bothering the Ukrainian oligarchs.

And then furthermore, F. Joe Biden and Hunter Biden were comingling funds. So funds received from the Ukrainian oligarchs were then made available to F. Joe Biden.

Nothing will come of this. America is a corrupt oligarchy itself.

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posted by Ace at 05:52 PM

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