Showing posts with label Being Loved. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Being Loved. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


What is a superhero made of?

In my world, my superhero is the one who is able to make me laugh even when I'm angry and about to explode. And he does it so brilliantly every single time that I never had a chance to explode. Until this day I still wonder how on earth he was able to do it time and time again. But then again that's just one of his super powers, I suppose! :-D

My superhero is also someone who listens well and doesn't try to fix things for me. He is present and he's there for me, but he lets me do the work myself and he lets me find my own path. He doesn't criticize my choices, but he supports me to do whatever I choose to do as long as it's something that doesn't hurt myself or other people.

My superhero is someone who is able to make me love myself more when I'm with him. He accepts me the way I am and he is so very patient with my moods and my cranky self whenever she rears her grumpy head. He's also the only one who can make me feel like I'm a very funny person. 

My superhero doesn't like making me worry, so he'd send me an SMS to let me know when he will come home back late due to a job stint even before I have a chance to worry. 

My superhero isn't perfect, but I'm very thankful to have had him in my life. Thank you for being you, honey! LOVE YOU even more as time goes by!!!! This one's for you!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

3BT: Random Days

1. Me: "How much do you love me?"
Hubby: "Too much."
Me: HUGE SMILE + HEART melting. :-D

2. Winter Wonderland is finally here, though that doesn't mean that the snow won't melt and refreeze, but at least I've been enjoying the view so much because of all the white snow. :-D

3. An old customer (a retired guy) said, "If only I still had my own business, I'd hire you right away." This sentence made me thank him, laugh, and it also made the customer behind him smile (which made me smile even wider). BLESS HIM!!! :-D

4. About a month ago I was tempted to buy this cute little jacket for my brother's second son, but even after the discount I still thought it was a bit too expensive. Last week the shop put up a sign saying that they had put bigger discounts on them, so I went in there to check it out and they still had two of the jackets that I was interested in buying and guess what? It was only one third of the price that I saw, so I grabbed it right away and paid for it. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!! :-D SO HAPPY to find superb bargains! :-D

5. It snowed for hours on end on Friday and here are two pictures I took. The second picture was taken two hours later.

6. Today the temperature was 1'C and it had been snowing again during the morning, so I went out to clean up the snow and hubby helped, so I went to make this happy-go-lucky snowman he he...:-D "Oh, what fun it was to make this snowman in the yaaarrrrddd!" LOL LOL!!!

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Magic in the Air #1

There's magic in the air when someone blurts out something so funny and so unpredictable that just tickles the very core of you. The tickle comes from deep within and in a split second you just burst out in an unbridled wave of laughter followed by another wave and another wave and another wave. It's the kind of series of laughter that border on hysterical. And it's even more magical when you do all of that while lying on top of someone you love, someone you've vowed to love until death do you part.

There's magic in the air when you can hold that person in your arms and hear his heartbeats. To feel his warmth as he holds you back with all the fondness that he can muster. To feel a tad of exasperation when he imitates your facial expressions and uses your own words as weapons to tease you. And yet instead you can't help but giggle along with him until your cheeks get sore.

There's magic in the air in the familiar scent, posture, facial expressions, and antics of your heart's desire, enticing you to miss him more the longer you live with him. And even though sometimes he drives you mad, he makes you laugh so much and so easily that it's almost impossible for you to get really angry at him.

There's magic in the air in knowing that you belong, that you're accepted the way you are, that your whole self is very dear to someone. That even though you do drive him mad at times, he is willing to forgive you without ever bringing up your mistakes.

There's magic in the air when you realize that you're still given today to enjoy together with him. That you're still given an opportunity to embrace the present and feel all the magic floating in the air...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"I Am Worth Loving Too" Challenge

Was visiting Crow's Feet yesterday when I found this lovely challenge, so today I browsed through my long list of beautiful songs in youtube in order to find at least 10 songs he he he...Here's the aim of the meme from Infinite Sadness or Hope?:

“Get a pen and paper (or pull up a blank word file on your computer) and compile a lit of songs which remind you how loved you are and/or remind you that you are worth loving.


They should be songs that mean something to you and my advice is to aim for about 10-12 songs.


Once you have written your list or lists set about finding and obtaining those songs.


Once you have them all, burn yourself a CD or set up a playlist on your music player, that you can use any time you are feeling down or lacking in self-worth and need some encouragement.


And how about sharing the fact that you have taken up this challenge on your blog and sharing your list with others.  You can even share why certain songs mean so much to you.  Oh and feel free to link back here so that I can check out your songs too.”

OK, here goes. To make it easier for you to listen to the songs, I'm linking each song title to its youtube video. :-D

These first two songs were my anchors that held me up while I was in my IF hell and I always cried like crazy when listening to these songs during those darkest infertility moments, but afterwards I always felt better. :-D

1. I Will Lift My Eyes - Bebo Norman

2. Bring The Rain - Mercy Me

3. Like a Satellite - Thunder

This third song is a special song for me, 'coz it was one of the songs that hubby sent me while we were on a long-distance relationship. The lyrics are really suitable with our situation at that time, so it sort of becomes our unofficial love song ha ha ha...

4. I Knew I Loved You - Savage Garden

When I first heard this fourth song, I also thought it was so suitable with my love story with hubby. I knew I loved him before I met him and vice versa. Here's a brief recap of our relationship for those who don't know: On Trust and Relationship.

"I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life..."

5. Crash 'n Burn - Savage Garden

Another Savage Garden song ha ha...These lyrics really uplift me (and I REALLY love the sign language at the end of the video clip):

"When darkness is upon your door and you feel like you can't take anymore
Let me be the one you call
If you jump I'll break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn
You're not alone"

6. Just The Way You Are - Bruno Mars

No need for more words, eh? The title says it all ha ha...

7. Home - Michael Buble

This song was my comfort during the time when hubby and I separated for around 4 months after our wedding and honeymoon 'coz I had to deal with paperwork before I finally got my residence permit. It was HELLISH to be apart after such a lovely wedding and honeymoon and we cried a lot during the separation...

"May be surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh, I miss you, you know

Let me go home
I’m just too far from where you are
I wanna come home..."

I'd listen to the song and cry my heart out while singing along he he he...

8. Love in a Peaceful World - Level 42

I've always loved this song and again I think the title says it all, no?

"Ego and pride the great divide
I was but I'm not crazy now
don't multiply the tears we cry
I want love in a peaceful world"

9. You Were There - Southern Sons

This song always makes me feel mushy mushy inside.

"But you were there, and you were
everything I'd never seen.
You woke me up from this long and endless sleep.
And I was alone.
I opened my eyes and you were there."

10. Broken - Steven Curtis Chapman

When I feel world weary and jaded, I always listen to this song and I feel instantly better. :-D

11. Beautiful In My Eyes - Joshua Kadison

This one is an additional song I found while browsing through the songs from Infinite Sadness or Hope's list. I've always loved this song, but I forgot all about it. It's a lovely song about growing old together and true love (again ha ha ha...). So I just have to add this one 'coz I felt bliss while listening to it. :-D

Monday, January 24, 2011

3BT: Random Days

1. Flat landscape and less high-towered buildings around mean that I can enjoy a less obstructed view of nature even though I'm merely walking or standing or riding my bike.

2. Love, respect, and devotion that my MIL shows to FIL. She always asks him what he wants even though sometimes I'm not so sure anymore if his mind is capable of truly understanding what the questions are.

3. Making love gets better and better and even BEEEETTTTEEERRRR!!! *WIDE GRIN* (FYI, never in my wildest imagination would it even occur to me that making love would even improve like this as time went by).

4. Being the only Asian inhabitant in this village means that it's easy for people to remember my face. For example: after having my work shifts reduced as per my own request, some regular customers have asked me, "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a long time." Bless them! :-D

5. A cute, little girl who's been pretty friendly with me came over the other day after we hadn't met in a while and when I said hi to her while waving at her, she said, "Amelia!" Yep, she knows my name! :-D Bless her too!

6. Winning a free scrapbook page in a fun contest. YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!!!

7. Laughter from joking around with R2 and friends.

8. Teasing my friends in an email. :-D

9. Having a washing machine and a dishwasher. They truly help me out esp. when I've been busy.

10. SAUNA pillow! (a Christmas gift from R2) I can't tell you how relaxing it is to lie down in the sauna with a pillow and enjoying the heat when it's cold outside.

11. The ecstasy I get from tickling R2's face all over and then scratching the itchy parts and knowing how much he enjoys it. :-D

12. Chocolate biscuit and hot milk tea with honey.

13. WARM SOCKS and BLANKETS!!! I'm more in love with them after moving to Finland HA HA HA HA HA...

14. Being able to sleep and poo regularly without help.

Almost forgot:

15. I heard from one of my best friends what my Mom told her when she went for a visit to my parents' place. Mom said that she always supported my decisions 'coz she knew that I always thought everything out first well enough before making a decision, so she never had to worry about me. That's one of the MOST BEAUTIFUL things I've ever heard in my life. :-D

Thursday, September 23, 2010

3BT: Random Days

1. How I've found wonderful human beings through the internet and the blogosphere to share my ups and downs, to support and encourage and understand me. I would never have made it without all of you people.

2. When I've been whiny and annoying (even in my own ears/mind), yet hubby still tells me, "I love you anyway, honey." That is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard in my life.

3. Watching autumn colours, especially the red colour (my fave autumn colour) surrounding me...and noticing a squirrel running about cautiously in our yard.

4. Hubby let me eat the last cup of chocolate pudding. (FYI: I bought 4 cups and ate 2 cups, but when the last cup was still in the fridge, I asked hubby if he wanted it or not and he said, "Nah, you can have it 'coz you like it so much.")

5. Getting a permanent part-time job contract means that I had some spare money to buy some things for my in-laws - I bought FIL a warm jacket (with fleece lining inside) and a pair of warm socks for MIL when I visited them the other day and they were happy to get them. ;-D

6. Meeting new foreigners in this small village on my Finnish course and laughing with them when we talked about different topics. In a small village where foreigners are rare, it's always a PLEASURE to meet fellow "comrades-in-arms".

7. Looking back over the past and realizing that God's closed doors led me to this job. If there hadn't been those closed doors, I wouldn't have ended up here. THANK GOD for His closed doors, even though at that time I felt sad and dejected (esp. when I couldn't continue at the daycare) and I didn't understand why they were there.

8. Having a hubby who knows how to do coining (scraping my back with a coin and some balm). It's VERY VERY beneficial for me 'coz I do need his help sometimes in this area.

9. Living in a small village where there's no traffic jam, less noise, no long queues at the supermarkets/stores, where I can be close to nature.

10. Meeting friendly, warm, patient customers. They're the highlight of my day at work.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tears of Joy

*cross-posted with my IF blog - modified a little*

A few weeks ago hubby was rearranging some stuff in our living room cabinets. He was moving some stuff when he decided to browse through our wedding album again. He had a joyful, sentimental smile on his face while he leafed through the album and then he said, "Oh look, what a cute girl!"

He leafed through some more pages and said with a cheeky smile, "Lucky bastard!" (referring to himself jokingly)

I smiled, too...after he finished browsing through the album, he came towards me (who was at that time lying down on our soft, comfortable sofa-bed) and hugged me and said "I love you" in such a way that made my heart flutter.

I couldn't help the tears from flowing. It was a LONG journey for us until we could be together as husband-and-wife and we've managed to kick IF in the butt by not letting it go between us and our love. With tears free-flowing on my cheeks, I hugged him, kissed him, and said, "I love you too. Look where are are now! I can't believe it's over 10 years ago when we first got in touch with each other through the internet."

He let me go, looked me in my eyes, wiped my tears, and said, "Don't cry!"

I replied, "But these are tears of joy. I'm just happy!"

We hugged and kissed some more...moments like these are really precious...Looking back at what we've gone through to reach this point has made me realized how ABUNDANT God's blessings have been for us. And my heart is full of gratitude...because I have my beloved, precious hubby with me.

I knew I loved him before I met him...I hope we can keep growing closer to each other as time goes by NO MATTER WHAT comes our way.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

8 Things I'm Grateful For Meme

Crystal tagged me to do this one. THANKS, Buddy!!!

Here are 8 Things I'm grateful for:

1. Being loved. God loves me the way I am with all my brokenness. My hubby and family and closest friends love me the way I am and they always support me. And my blogging friends have also made me feel loved and supported he he he he he...

2. My family, hubby, hubby's family, closest friends, blogging friends. I'm SO rich beyond belief!!! :-D I can share many things with them and I can learn so much from them, as well.

3. Health. Self-explanatory.

4. Random acts of kindness. I've found so many different types of random acts of kindness around me that really makes me feel that this world isn't so broken after all.

5. Sense of humour. Thank GOD for sense of humour! I feel that I can stay forever young he he he he he...

6. Having the opportunity to get some income online by blogging. This is something that never crossed my mind before, so it's a wonderful surprise for me. Plus I wanna thank my fellow blogger friends who're understanding about my need to get some income online - thank you for bearing with me!!!

7. Having the chance to write my heart out to my parents and brother (and hubby, too, during our long-distance relationship) so that if I die today, I won't regret anything.

8. Being able to live my biggest dream, which is living abroad. Plus I don't have to do it alone. I'm accompanied by my sweetest, wackiest, most understanding soulmate. :-))))

I'm tagging: Juliana, Blur Ting.