Showing posts with label Laughing Hard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laughing Hard. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Magic in the Air #3

There's magic in the air when someone says something to you that touches you so deep inside, like a miraculous salve soothing the hidden wound in your heart that you didn't even know existed. And then all of a sudden you feel the warmth bursting forth from that spot, spreading out to your entire body and soon tears stream down your face even before you realize what's going on. 

There's magic in the air when a squirrel stares at you inquisitively with its cute little eyes and bushy little tail from less than two metres away, both of you wondering what the other is thinking about.

There's magic in the air when you plan to go somewhere and then your trip coincides with some big events that make you feel giddier with excitement, especially because you didn't plan your trip knowing about them, yet at the same time you just happened to find out about those events not long before your trip started. 

There's magic in the air when the night starts getting darker again and the street lights are on again after many nights of Midnight Sun. And the leaves start changing colours step by step as the air gets cooler. 

There's magic in the air when you are doing a monologue in front of someone, pretending to be yourself and that person (voicing the monologue in your character and that person's character) and not scare that person away. 

There's magic in the air when two people say the exact same thing at the exact same time and ended up laughing together. Bliss!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Writing Challenge: I Kid You Not

I love online silly quizzes and long, serious quizzes. Back at uni days when internet started to be the hot stuff in my hometown, a group of friends and I used to take short, silly quizzes. One of them was "Who's Your Celebrity Match?".

Each of us eagerly did it, wishing to be matched with a cool male celebrity. I remember that one of the questions was about the kind of male underpants that we thought was hot. Funny how it was the only thing that stuck in my mind. I don't remember the other questions at all. Har har...

One friend got Brad Pitt and the others got pretty good matches. And yes, we were all jealous of the one who was matched with Brad, because the others weren't as cool.

Oh, wait, you want to know my result? Well, let me just tell you that his name starts with an F and ends with an O. A five-letter word that makes up his first name. His face is famous for gracing hundreds of romance novel covers back in the 1980s and 1990s.

Yep, you can imagine how much my friends had a laugh at my result. And I did try the test again, altering one or two answers, but the result was still the same. No kidding.

P.S. For those who're still confused about who it is, click here to find out the answer.  

Friday, February 08, 2013

3BT: Random Days

1. On nights when hubby goes to sleep earlier than me, I LOVE tucking him in bed and kissing him goodnight. :-D

2. Watching this interesting video clip:

3. My boss called me yesterday to tell me that if needed, I may have to work longer on a certain day. How thoughtful of her to call in advance first to warn me about it because that day we'd be visiting my MIL (my boss didn't know this), so I could tell MIL in advance that we may be late.

4. Hearing a funny thing that my nephew said about a certain circumstance. Apparently in the middle of a heated argument somewhere, a woman passed out and my nephew then asked his mom, "Mom, why did she pass out? Was she hit by a car?" LOL LOL LOL!!!!!

5. Listening to this podcast about Living Without Children After Infertility. At one point I even shed some tears. 

6. Had a weird, romantic dream. Even though it was weird, it felt nice to have a romantic dream once in a while. In the dream, two blind people fell in love and the last scene of my dream was when they were holding each other tightly (it seemed that they had been separated or something and that made the meeting all the more sweeter!). :-D

7. Hubby started chanting "Informer" before we watched a movie and it made me laugh uncontrollably - which in turn made him laugh along with me. LOL LOL!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

3BT: Random Days

1. To see FIL's smile during our visit to the old people's home on Father's Day. 

2. To see FIL's eyes flickering, trying to recognize the faces on the card that I printed for him (a pic of us and him). It was nice to see him interested like that.

3. The other day the temperature went up to above zero (most of the snow melted due to that), but thankfully it went colder again and it's been snowing afterwards. Winter Wonderland is BACK!!!! :-D

4. Seeing the neighbour kid rolling around on the thick snow today. :-D

5. I accidentally spilled something on my clean fleece vest, but thankfully I have another one to wear (and it's newly washed and fragrant mmmmhhh...). :-D

6. The moment I wake up from a tiring dream/nightmare and realizing, "Phew! I'm glad it's just a dream and now it's over!!!"

7. Being able to give better advice to customers on where to look for things in my workplace because now I remember more about the products and their locations.

8. Talking on the phone for the first time with one blogger friend. FUN!!! :-D

9. The first time I cooked kaalilaatikko (cabbage casserole) and it was a success (R2 said I could cook it again later). I ate some with gusto after shoveling the very heavy snow outside. :-D

10. I've healed very well after the molar tooth extraction and I've been eating normally again since last weekend (though in the beginning I didn't dare to chew on tough food on that side). :-D 

11. Having a job that I enjoy doing. :-D 

12. Seeing hubby try to hold back his laughter but his quivering nostrils betrayed him. It was such a funny sight that I couldn't help laughing like a mad woman! :-D

13. Laughing uncontrollably for no reason - that caused hubby to do #11. And the crazy laughing cycle continued! :-D 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

3BT: Random Days

1. Hubby made me laugh so much last night till I cried and it was hard to stop laughing ha ha...

2. The grandpa that had given me flowers three times gave me a bar of chocolate the other day.

3. The same day that grandpa gave me chocolate, a grandma insisted on having me take some candies from the bag of candies that she bought. :-D

4. I've been meeting the little girl whom I adore a lot these days and yesterday the girl's little sister started interacting with me, too. She held up her arm towards me and followed me with her gaze wherever I went ha ha ha...(FYI, I was shopping at that time)

5. A regular customer (who had never asked me anything before) went back after paying and asked me where I came from and where I learnt to speak Finnish. When he found out I had a Finnish hubby, he asked me if I had kids already and when I said no, he asked, "Have you even reached the age of 20 yet?"

ROFL ROFL ROFL...So I look at least 12 years younger? That's quite a number!!! *HUGE GRIN*

6. My FIL has been staying at the hospital due to inflammation and fever but he's doing better though they're still having some tests done.

7. New comfy socks that I bought.

8. Living in a village where I can leave groceries inside my bike's bags without losing them.

9. Reading things that enlighten me towards other people's life experiences that never crossed my mind before.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011


Usually when I come back home from work after doing my evening shift, hubby would greet me in the entrance or jacket room. Usually he'll be in front of his computer and he'd come through the kitchen to greet me while I'm taking off my jackets.

Last night when I came back home at around 9.20 pm, I took off my jackets and then when I heard R2's computer chair being moved backward (meaning he was about to get up to greet me), I decided to sneak into darkened the living room to make him confused (in my mind he'd come into the entrance through the kitchen). Here's a rough sketch of our house:

While I was taking a few steps into darkened the living room - tiptoeing so as not to make too much sound, I spotted R2 doing the EXACT same thing with a HUGE, NAUGHTY grin on his face. He wanted to scare the soul out of me by doing that, but we caught each other in act HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...It was SO funny to see each other tiptoeing with grins on our faces and a second later when our eyes met in the darkened living room, we realized that our plan was in total failure! We ended up laughing so much, though he he he he he...

Funny to have the same wavelength - but "NOT" funny at the same time ('coz our plans to surprise each other was ruined) hi hi hi...

Monday, December 21, 2009

3BT: Random Days

1. Lashing out my anger/frustration in a note in Facebook. Felt SO good ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

2. Laughing, peeing, and farting at the same time - making hubby laugh at the same time. Trust me when I say that the sound of your peeing and farting becomes SO funny when you do it while you're laughing your ass off HI HI HI HI...(Yeah, yeah, I know I'm gross)

3. Meeting a very friendly Finnish guy the other week that complimented my Finnish and wishing me to have a nice Christmas. THANK GOD for friendly people who're not against foreigners living in their country!

4. Taking these pictures:

The above pic is only to show how much snow there is in our building's parking lot (and those two windows with lights are ours).

P.S. That last pic isn't our house. Dunno whose house it was. I went near the river to take some shots and this was one of them he in front of the house is a frozen river.

5. Starting a joke with hubby (I started saying something silly, he continued, then I continued, and so on) and laughing together at our silly sentences.

6. Creating another product at Zazzle:

7. Grateful for hubby's effort in drinking another round of "poison" (read: Chinese fertility herbs that taste and smell yucky).

8. Hubby for making me feel funny, sexy, beautiful, listened to, and cared for despite myself, despite everything.

9. Being able to really scrimp while doing groceries for the past few weeks HO HO HO...ME LOVE IT!!!!

10. Asking hubby something and he gave me a very comforting answer. THANK YOU for being such an easy-going hubby that never pressures me to do anything I don't want to do.

Monday, August 17, 2009

3BT: Random Days

Note: I seem to be getting rather "quiet" in the blogosphere since my training started, but I can assure you that I have had many thoughts running in my head. But I won't share them here yet...maybe later he he...

1. A hot week (or hot weeks to be exact) followed by a rainy, cool week (this week) 'coz that means we can still stay at home comfortably without having to buy a fan or an aircon. Ah...bliss! (Plus cool weather means that sauna feels MUCH MUCH better!)

2. Hubby has been washing the dishes every week without being asked 'coz he knows how tired I am every day (and how I don't want to clean up the house after cleaning all those rooms).

3. Getting a jar of homemade strawberry jam from MIL.

4. Hubby cooking chocolate pancakes to eat with the jar of strawberry jam from MIL. PERFECTTTTT taste!!! (and I didn't even have to do anything BWA HA HA HA HA HA...)

5. In MIL's house, they gave us ice cream and hubby let me take the one he wanted (even though after I noticed that he actually wanted that one and offered to exchange it, he still gave it to me). *grin widely* I just felt SO loved!!!

6. Hubby leaving me the last piece of pancake, even though I didn't ask him to. Come to think of it, he always does that...if there's a little food left, he'd ask if I wanted it or not before he eats it (esp. when it comes to the kind of food that he knows I like). Again I feel SO loved!!!

7. One caring coworker. It's obvious that she was slightly worried that I might not survived (given my shortness, she could guess that doing some things would be harder for me than for taller people). God bless all caring people in the world!

8. I had enough strength and willpower to play Wii Fit+Sports for about an hour on Saturday night. I missed working out. Ever since I started my training, I hadn't exercised much 'coz every time I come home, my feet are so sore that I just don't want to stand up anymore.

9. Laughing with hubby until we had tears in our eyes and until he couldn't speak anymore. :-D

10. Not having a demanding, controlling hubby who tells me what to do. In fact, he always lets me choose my own path. :-D

11. Sharing a joke (the joke was made by R2) with my family in Indo and hearing my Mom laugh so happily on the phone.

12. Not having to be stingy on chili or other instant mixes or Indonesian food that I bought from 'coz I know I'll bring SO MANY things from Indo soon enough to restock the things I've used HO HO HO HO HO HO...

13. Sharing a bar of soft chocolate mouth-to-mouth with hubby and when we got to the middle, we ended it with kisses. ;-D

Monday, December 29, 2008

A Funny Incident

Today went to a store after work, since I need a new winter jacket as my old one's (the baby blue one) now getting worn out around the neck and there are big discounts in the store. So I browsed all the jackets and I tried on some of them. I looked around the store to check out even the kids' section and the adults' section as well as the teenagers' section.

As I browsed through the adults' section, I found a jacket hanging weirdly on one of the racks. I tried finding the price tag (that was the second thing I did after looking at a jacket), but to no avail. A few seconds later as I was still trying to find the price tag, a woman standing near me said in English, "It's mine!"


So I immediately said, "Sorry" and she replied, "It's okay", but the second I turned around, I heard her telling the story to her friend with a wide smile on her face (OK, I didn't see her face, but you can tell when someone's telling a story with a smile on their face, right?)

I went out of the store since I'd browsed through the rest of the store and I LAUGHED LIKE CRAZY HUA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA... ---> if someone saw me, they'd think I was nuts hi hi hi...

It was SO SO SO FUNNY LOL LOL LOL!!! I'm going to tell this story to my colleagues tomorrow hi hi hi hi hi...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

3BT: Weekend Wrap (August 18-19, 2007)

1. Going to the forest to go blueberry-picking even though it was cloudy. YIIIPPPPIIIEEEE!!!

2. Picking the wrong kinds of berries (mostly I did pick blueberries after my mother-in-law corrected me, yet I still managed to pick some crowberries and dogberries) and ended up laughing about it. (click on the links to see the pics: don't they look similar to blueberries?????? I'll post my own pics tomorrow)

3. Being SOAKED WET by the downpour together with my mother-in-law and hubby and laughing about it!!!

4. A MOST WONDERFUL nap after having SO MUCH FUN at the forest.

5. Soaping each other up in sauna. Always has been, always will be. I shall enjoy this forever. That's why I LOVE sauna!!! It also relaxes me SO much...mmmmm...

6. Enjoying my mother-in-law's DELICIOUS meals: fish, potatoes, and some meat (I think it was pork).

7. Taking home some of my mother-in-law's HEAVENLY blueberry pie and dessert (slices of strawberries plus blueberries plus cream). Boy, I feel SO VERY LUCKY!!! My stomach is grinning ear to ear now HE HE HE HE HE...

8. Getting SMSes from two close friends. One of them is on her third honeymoon in Barcelona and the other one's having trouble getting online. It's SO nice to keep in touch with old friends. THANKS to technology that allows us to keep in touch "cheaply"!!!

9. Reading my hubby's mind HE HE HE HE HE...and getting it right!!! YYYYYEEESSSS!!!!

10. Receiving a website link from my British friend living in this village about different kinds of berries and their pics (that's why I could give you the links above). She's SO thoughtful!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

3BT: August 13, 2007

1. Laughing so hard till my jaws hurt yet I continued laughing while holding my cheeks. Oh, it felt HEAVENLY!!! ;-D

2. Finally I could see GORGEOUS Max via webcam. YIIIPPPIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!! ;-D

3. Arttu saying "thank you" after eating the homemade pizza (with jalapeno chili YAAAYYY!!!) I made from scratch. (Funny thing is that HE was the one who taught me how to make the pizza HA HA HA HA HA HA)

4. Feeling Arttu's fingers caressing my hair. MMMMMMMMMMMM...