Showing posts with label My Husband. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Husband. Show all posts

Friday, July 11, 2014

3BT: Random Days

1. Enough me time (recharging time) at home where I get to do whatever I want, which includes kicking my ass to exercise more. Love the endorphin!

2. When the thermometer shows that indoor temperature is cooler than outside temperature. Summer is on, baby! :-D

3. Reading a magazine at MIL's place with the sun on my back and the wind blowing the leaves, creating beautiful shadows on the living room floor.

4. Being reminded again as to how precious my husband is. How patient he has been with me and how he's never made me feel like an idiot nor has he ever told me that I'm stupid or an idiot.

5. The things we take for granted: the ability to walk, to eat, to sing, to hear, to drink on our own without anybody's help.

6. Older blog posts that remind me of some details that I've either completely or half forgotten. 

7. Finding the old songs that have been playing in my head because someone have compiled the songs in a youtube video. I watched these wuxi series on VHS tapes when I was little (except the last one on the list). The women used to be my heroines: the kind that knew martial arts and could therefore protect themselves ha ha...And I used to try to imitate their hairdo. Ahem...:-D How nostalgic!

8. The roses have finally started blooming. YEEEEAAAAHHHH!!!!!

9. Clearing up my computer desk because husband had bought a new bookshelf, so I could move the piles of books to an empty shelf. Nice to have more space!

10. Printing some raindrop photos and putting them near my computer desk and one photo on the kitchen wall. Every time I look at them, I remember the feeling I had when I took the photos: I felt like a fairy in a fairy land, surrounded by thousands and thousands of beautiful raindrops.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Getting Excited

Oh many things to do still!!! I must start writing a list of things to do, things to buy, things to eat and I also need to start packing tonight so that I know how much space I have left. I still want to buy some things before we go if we still have some space for it he he he he...I can't believe it's only about 12 days left!!! WOOOHHOOOOOOOOOO!!!

I have some fear too, though...about the crazy traffic in Indo, the weather...and I also have to bear in mind that there are many pickpockets there, so I HAVE to be really wary. I've really started to get used to feeling safe whenever I go around here, so my guard has been down.

What else? Hmmm...I should also buy some frozen food before we fly to Indo 'coz then our fridge will be empty by the time we get back to Finland. Then I also need to burn my photos to a CD so that my parents can see all the unsent photos (they're using a modem, mind you, so I daren't send too many pics to them, and even if I do send them pics, I have to resize them so that the file sizes are small enough).

Since my mind's blank, let me just do this meme which interested me ever since I read it at Juliana RW's blog he he...

1. In which month and year did you met your husband for the first time?
March 2004.

2. In which month and year did you two officially starting dating?
October 4, 1999.

3. Where was the first dating place the two of you went to?
Hmmm...Ice Castle in Kemi in 2004.

4. What was the most touching thing he did to you when you two were still dating?
A day before I was supposed to leave him and go back to Indo in 2004, we hugged and cried together and we had runny noses hi hi hi hi hi hi...

5. How about after your marriage?
Uhhhh...too many to count. It's the little things that he does for me, for example: he warms up my part of the bed and my blanket before I get to bed, he held me tightly while I was crying and he didn't give me any "Mr. Know-It-All" advice, he wants to have a baby with me, etc.

6. Share your lowest period of your life with him.
When we were apart for 4 months after our wedding as I had to wait for my residence permit in Indo. It was HEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!

7. Share your happiest moment with him.
When we make love HE HE HE HE HE HE...It's hard to write down only ONE happiest moment since there are many and I don't want to take them for granted.

8. Share your saddest moment with him.
Again when we were apart. We're always stronger when we're together. Don't wanna be apart from him anymore. If it's only a few days due to business trip or something like that, then it's OK, but I can't bear to be apart from him for a long period of time. No, siree!!!

9. Share your angriest moment with him.
When he keeps on saying, "We'll see", even though I want him to plan something with me he he he he he he...But I'm getting used to this now, so it doesn't bother me as much anymore. I know now that those words don't mean "no".

10. Share your funniest moment with him.
We have plenty of funny moments. Sometimes when we watch a movie together at home, we'd "create" a different (read: wacky/crazy) story together. And other times we'll sing crazily or dance crazily in front of each other. We'd do anything to make each other laugh. ;-D

11. Share your most frustrated moment with him.
Whenever he says "We'll see" hi hi hi hi...Or when he keeps on gaming even though I've asked him to watch something together he he he...

12. Lastly, when was the last time you two hold hands and walk under the moonlight, like how you used to do?
Like we used to? HAH!!! We didn't have a normal relationship, so now we hold hands every time we watch a movie at home and when we're walking downtown or in my MIL's yard, we also hold hands. It's like a retaliation since we never got to do that while we were dating HI HI HI HI HI HI HI...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

3BT: September 25, 2007

1. When my husband came home from work, then I sat on his lap and we hugged for about 15-20 minutes (kissing in between). I LOVE sitting on his lap and holding him like that. It felt SO good. It felt like recharging my battery with so much warmth.

2. When my husband tucked me up on the sofa with a blanket as I was trying to rest due to my headache.

3. When he scraped my back with a coin.

4. Inner freedom due to a clear conscience. One of the BEST things in the world!!! ;-D

Thursday, June 21, 2007

My Husband

The other night I decided to trick my husband. LOL!!! I ran to bed as fast as I could and then decided that I'd hide beneath the comforter the other way around - so my feet would be near the pillows. I knew he'd be shocked when he lifted the comforter and tried to kiss me goodnight and found my feet instead of my face. Indeed he was. It was SO MUCH FUN!!! :-D YIIIIIPPPPPPPPIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!! I giggled and laughed like crazy and he said, "I'll GET back at youuuuuuhhh!" WA HA HA HA HA HA HA...LOL!!! (side not: Am I a bad girl? Maybe I am ;-D). Oh, but don't expect me to show my childlikeness in front of strangers. Strangely enough, it only appears when I'm with him. Even when I'm with my closest friends, I can't seem to bring out that side of me.

Anyhow, just wanna share something I wrote for my hubby (another older writing of mine that I wrote not long after we got married):

Dear Husband,

My heart's SO full of you and your love right now that even if it were a mute bird, it would sing as beautifully as a nightingale. This distance adds more weight to your value in my life. I feel SO LUCKY to have you in my life. You are a kindred spirit who moves me, touches me in ways nobody ever did or could, shatters my life and rebuilds it even more wonderfully. You have a magical touch that makes me feel that I belong to and with you eternally. You have a magical key to unlock every secret hidden door. You have a magical heart that beats similarly as mine that endears me to you. How can I not love you? You make me love everything that I am by loving me that way. You've bared and stripped me and yet you always clothe me tenderly with your love and understanding so that I won't feel ashamed and insecure. You've let me bare and strip you and clothe you the same way, with a happy smile on your face that I love so much. I love the way we fight together, side by side, bridging the distance and differences between us. You truly are a gift from above, a dream I never dared pray for, yet at last you are in my arms, in my heart, in my soul, for the rest of our lives. I thank God for entrusting you to me and for entrusting us to be together. Let's embrace the present and the future together, My Love, because from now on, we are one!