Showing posts with label New Apartment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Apartment. Show all posts

Sunday, September 05, 2010


Yeah, been quiet here in my blog ha ha...dunno why I feel like I've been so busy lately. Anyway, yesterday my in-laws did a test trial by spending the night in their new apartment. They're going to do some more trials bit by bit before winter comes and then they're going to move there for sure. They hope that next summer they can still go back to their present house, though we'll see how it goes.

So yesterday three cars went to that new apartment he he...Our car, my MIL's car, and my BIL's car. We brought more stuff there with us and we helped MIL prepare the apartment for the night. We rearranged the position of some furniture and stuff like that. I was a bit worried 'coz after being there for about half an hour, my MIL asked FIL how he liked the place. He said he wanted to go back home...ohhhh I hope that they could sleep tightly that night and that FIL didn't feel too confused with all that.

This morning I went to work and my MIL dropped by to buy some food. I had a chance to ask her how the night went and she said they slept well. That's GREAT to hear!!! ;-D

Anyway, yesterday I also had time to have a long talk with MIL about different topics. Apparently this apartment will be the first home she lives in where she can decorate it with whatever she wants to use, 'coz she got married young and then she had never lived in a house where there were only her hubby and kids. There were always somebody else there, such as the in-laws. Only after the kids moved out did they begin to live just the two of them. Even so, the house was filled with the in-laws' stuff still. So moving to this new apartment feels like a brand new life for her.

I can relate to her feelings 'coz prior to my marriage, I had always lived with my parents. And even when I first moved to Finland, R2 had everything ready already, so I didn't decorate the apartment at all. Only when we moved to our second apartment (before moving to this house) did I manage to buy some stuff to decorate the house with (some curtains and we bought a sofa-bed).

On the work front, my job contract ends at the end of this month, but when I went to work today, I noticed that they had written down the work shift for last week of this month and on that list, they still gave me work shift for the 1st and 2nd of October. Uh...hello?!?!?! What's going on here???

I told my coworker about this and she told me to ask the area manager later on. I can't continue working before I get a new contract and I don't know yet if they do want to keep hiring me or not, so we'll see about that. I sure can use the money (who doesn't need money?) to buy the plane ticket to Indo next year and to buy stuff for my family and friends. I'll keep you updated about this.

OK, now time to relax 'coz I have to work tomorrow but then I'll have Tuesday off. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!! ;-D Quality time with R2, who still has the rest of his summer holiday he he...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Weekend Work + New Apartment

Had work shifts this weekend and then yesterday went to my in-laws. We helped them move some stuff to their new apartment after we had sauna there. Not sure yet when they're officially moving to the new apartment, but they're not really in a hurry. At least now they can move things up to the new apartment bit by bit.

When we got there, I liked the place already. It looks cozy and it's located in a peaceful area. It's not too big nor too small for the both of them. My MIL wants to buy a new sofa to spruce things up, so the living room is still empty except for the carpets and a small TV table and an old armchair that she had kept for years. She wants to bring their rocking chairs there, but I think the living room would be too small for them, esp. 'coz she wants her computer and her computer table there as well as the new sofa.

Let me show you the pictures of the living room and the bedroom. The apartment is about 55 sqm and it has a small sauna (just like what they want 'coz they love going to the sauna just like most Finns). I think they're going to enjoy living there in winter (esp. 'coz they don't have to clean up the snow from the yard nor take the firewood back and forth from the shed to the house) he he...I sure DO hope they're gonna enjoy living there.

The kitchen area is big enough to put a rectangle dining table for 4 people - you can also put a fifth table on the other side of it. MIL has also brought two pots of flowers there to make the place look more inhabited and soon she's going to test-drive the place, I guess. I mean, she's going to try to sleep there one night to see how it feels like. Of course first she needs to fill up the place with enough utensils and food and other stuff, too he he he...

I can't wait for my poster (the photo collage) to arrive. It should be sent to us tomorrow, so I hope the postal acts quickly in sending me the notification 'coz I want to bring it to her already this Saturday if possible. :-D :-D :-D

Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Apartment Pics

Hi, people!!!

How have you been doing? I still haven't found enough time to blog-hop properly, but my training ends next Friday, so after that I'll have more time to blog-hop. Now I just want to show you some pics of our new apartment with the furniture and stuff, though there are still some boxes left unpacked and it's not really tidy yet, but you'll know how it looks like anyway he he...

Second bedroom turned into a computer/reading room. That's our new retractable sofabed, bought on a discount he he he...

This is the 3-step stool that R2 bought me. Turns out this stool is VERY handy not just for me, but also for him when he installed the dark rolled curtains for the bedrooms today he he he...

OK, time for me to eattttt!!! I'll try blog-hopping later bit by bit, OK? Take care, everybody!!!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Randomz Babblz

Since this post may be filled with ramblings, I'll just write a list he he he...

1. SO THANKFUL that we've got enough money to book a 2-week trip to Rhodes Island, Greece, next June. R2 has just paid the down payment. WHOOOPPEEEEEEEEEE!!! This will be our first trip ever to that place he he he he...---> We didn't really plan on going anywhere, so it was kind of a spur-in-the-moment decision he he...

Actually we don't know yet what to see, so any tips and tricks if you've been there before? Well, I'm going to browse around later on to find out what things we have to try or see or visit. ;-D

2. Remember what I said about the cheap used books that I bought from the library? Turns out I get a 50% discount since I'm considered a "worker" there he he he...The usual price for an adult book is €1 whereas a children's or teenager's book is only €0.50 (doesn't matter how thick they are or whether they're hardcovered or not).

I've bought 8 books so far WHOOOPEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I figured that I'm going to really force myself to read more Finnish and it's nicer to have my own books at home so I can read in peace without any hurry ho ho ho ho...Plus now I have enough space to put my books since our new apt. is bigger HO HO HO HO HO...

3. Chatted with two of my best friends on different days. It's funny that we have more time to talk online than in real life, especially since some of them have kids already (young kids!!!) he he he he he...So I'm THANKFUL for the internet!!!

4. My mobile bill has gone up a lot since my Mom learnt how to send the SMS HA HA HA HA...Doesn't matter, though as long as we can still afford it. It used to be only €1 a month and now it's gone up to €5-6, but at least I'm having MUCH MORE FUN with my Mom and I get plenty of updates about the whole family's stories. :-D

5. Called my Mom today. I LOVE talking to her!!! ;-D Always has and always will be.

From the emails my friends and I send to one another, I've begun to realize even more how BIG my Mom's influence is on me. She's like the warm, bright light in my life...always supportive and positive, never critical yet always ready to guide me gently if I'm lost. :-D I'm THANKFUL to have her as a Mom.

6. This Friday we're going to load some more boxes to our new apartment. Next week will be busier than ever, since we HAVE to move at the latest on Sunday, February 15th as our ADSL line will be moved to the new apartment that day. :-D

7. My third project at work is going so slowly. There have been many other side tasks I have to do, so I can't focus much on that. Plus it took me a few days to find out what I wanted to do. But I think I can finish it since I still have time until the end of this month. I just hope it will be good enough. :-D

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The New Apartment

YAY!!!!! R2 managed to fix our internet problem. Phew!!! So today after work I dropped by at our new apartment. For some reason I couldn't open the sauna door. Darn! I really wanted to see it hi hi hi...but anyway here are some pics:

The buildiinngggg...X marks the window of the second bedroom, whereas Y marks the window of the main bedroom.

Going up the stairrsssss...

Here's what I see next he he he he...for some reason I couldn't open the sauna door, so I can't take a pic of it.

Here's the small hall to hang jackets. As you can see, here we use double doors. So there's that white door behind the outer brown door.

Here's the second bedroom right next to the hall. So next to the second bedroom is the sauna room outside.

Here's the main bedroom.

And here's the bedroom closet. You can see a part of the living room from this angle.

This walk-in closet is between the living room and the main bedroom, right across the front door.

Here's a pic of our living room and the balcony outside.

Another view of the living room plus the sliding door. :-D Dunno whose table and mirror those are, since we haven't moved anything yet. Weird!!! Tomorrow afternoon we'll start moving some boxes to this apartment.

Here's a view of the kitchen and you can see the shower box too at the end...the bathroom has two doors towards the kitchen and towards the hall.

OK, enough tour. Now I need to blog-hop he he he he he...