Showing posts with label Reunion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reunion. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

3BT: Random Days

1. Tomorrow I'll be halfway through my training. WOOOHOOOO!!! It means I'm getting closer to going back to Indo. YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!

2. Listening to this voice singing this song...

3. Walking down memory lane by searching for old songs in youtube., my...

4. We (me and my ex-elementary school friends) have found a good venue for our reunion in November and we've also found a good date, day, and time to make sure that the others who live outside of Bandung will be able to attend the party. YESSSSSSSSSSS!!! Can't wait!!!

5. Getting so much encouragement through emails that I get from different sources.

6. Hearing that a friend's bitterness has been lifted by God and knowing that she's now enjoying life to the fullest.

7. Seeing hubby's CUTE sleeping face in the morning. THANK GOD that He still gives us time together.

8. Being able to save on grocery budget 'coz I've been finding plenty of empty cans or bottles from the hotel rooms (and I've been selling them back to Lidl). WHOOOOOPEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

9. Looking back and knowing that I've improved in terms of reading Finnish texts. Now I'm on page 84 of a teen novel. Two years ago reading one page of a children's book (where there are only 10 lines per page) took me SOOOO long.

10. A an ex-elementary school friend who was also my campus friend told me that my self-esteem has improved SO much during the time when I was in elementary school versus when I was at the uni. THANK YOU for the encouragement, friend!

11. When hubby took a few days off (due to plenty of overtime), he was the one who cooked. :-D It feels nice not having to cook every once in a while, esp. when I'm doing physical work like now. :-D

12. Having a patient hubby who NEVER yells at me. (I know I've written this down many times before, but I don't want to take this for granted)

13. Hubby's hands. I LOVE those gentle, big hands! :-D