Showing posts with label Taxes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taxes. Show all posts

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Seminar + 3BT

I've just booked a place for an entrepreneur seminar in this village. Funny thing is that the other day there was a rather slow day at work and during a break I managed to browse through a local newspaper and found the advertisement for this seminar. It's for free and it'll be held for two days on October 23rd and 24th. It's for anyone who's interested in opening their own businesses or who is thinking of opening one.

They will tell us what kind of businesses there are in Finland and all the basic info about opening your own business, funding, pricing, etc. Sounds good, right? :-))) We'll see how it goes then. :-)))) I feel like I'm about to step into another dimension or something, you know? In a way it's good to be able to find out these things before I go to Indo so that I can think of what to bring to Finland to try to sell here (or if they're worth selling here).

And now let me share my 3BT post here too:

1. Finding a generous sum of tips in one bedroom at the hotel HO HO HO HO HO...Remember that guests here don't normally give any tips, so if they give some, it's already more than good. But today I found one who gave a generous sum. WOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!! :-D

2. Used the money to buy salad, tomatoes, cucumber, and a bag of chips (new flavour).

3. Tasted the new-flavoured chips (sour cream and pepper) and LOVED it! ;-D

4. Almost forgot this one: The government has reduced the taxes for food by 5% (it was 17% and now it's 12%) until July 2010. It really helps me A LOT in cutting down my grocery budget. YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!

5. SUPER delicious chocolate pudding at the hotel. I'm drooling while thinking of the taste...simply superb...wish I could ask for the recipe hi hi...

6. Why, tomorrow is Friday and it's a cause for celebration 'coz then weekend is coming SOON and then I have only one day of work left (Monday) HO HO HO HO HO...

7. Found some CHEAP CHEAP reddish mangoes from Brazil in Lidl (at only €0.99 per kg - usually it's over €2/kg). OH YEAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!

8. The winter boots I bought on a discount last spring (that I only start wearing now) are REALLY REALLY soft and comfy. LOVE 'em!!! ;-D

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

My "Worth"

This morning I received something rather intriguing: a form from the Tax Office. My hubby also gets one. In the form it's stated the basic salary, how much taxes we should pay, etc. I was bewildered to get it, since I haven't got a job yet.

Then when hubby got home from work for lunch, I told him about it and he said that it'd be used for when I get a job later on. So if I get a job here, I need to show that form to my employer so that he/she knows how much I should be paid.

Gee...that's interesting!!! So my "worth" has been calculated already by the tax officers even before I get a job?????????

Well, the good thing is that if I get a job later on, I know my "worth" already, so I won't ask for less than that ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

Anyway, I'm gonna try making risoles soon, and only after that I'm gonna blog-hop...tomorrow I'll be busy 'coz I'll visit my Brit friend, so if tomorrow I'm MIA, don't wonder about it, OK? But I'll be BAAACCKKKK!!!!!! (side note: you have to read it with the same tone of voice as Arnold Schwarzenegger HUA HA HA HA HA HA HA...)

Friday, December 21, 2007

I'm Glad

There's one thing I'd love to share with you all. Even though I was a bit sad that I couldn't be there for my brother's wedding, in a way I'm also glad that I wasn't there. Why? Because it was a wedding party and I knew already what would happen if I could be there alone.

First of all, many people would ask, "How's life in Finland? Are you pregnant already?"

Second of all, they'll continue by asking, "Where's your husband? Why isn't he here?"

Yada yada yada yada...and I'd feel sick and tired trying to explain everything over and over again. For some reason, I think most people think that marrying a foreigner means that I'll be very secured financially.

Just the other day when I was talking to one of my best friends online (the one that didn't have internet connection at home, so she had to go back to her previous house to use her brother's computer), she asked when I was planning on having a kid. And thus we talked about money. I told her that I wanted to have some savings before I had a kid. After all, even though I'll get some benefit when I'm pregnant and after I give birth, I don't know how much it'd really cost to have a baby here. I don't know how much it costs to buy all those necessary baby stuff (though I'll try to find used clothing, as well).

Plus I told her that since we had loaned some money from the bank to buy a new used car, then we couldn't really save. At first she probably thought that my hubby's income was SO huge. Of course my hubby's income is huge if it's converted to rupiah, but then again the taxes here are huge, as well. The only difference is that the taxes you pay to the government here won't be corrupted and you can live decently when you're retired without having to worry about money. But still living on one income in Finland doesn't mean that we can have a vacation abroad every summer. In fact, we have to be really careful with our expenses. That's why I'm SO happy that I can start making money online.

The problem is if even my best friend had that kind of thought, what about everybody else in Indonesia? How can I explain this to everybody back in Indo who probably thinks that we can afford anything?

One thing I dread of when coming back home is the questions I wrote above. I know I don't have to explain anything to them, but it's just bothering me to know that they have all those questions. Maybe when I come back to Indo one day (without a child and without my hubby), I should print out two different explanations on leaflets and then if someone asks something, I'll simply take one and give it to them HA HA HA HA HA HA...Wouldn't it be grand? Yes, I might just try this if I need to HUE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE...;-D

I don't know why the pregnancy question bothers me A LOT these days. MAYBE it has something to do with the fact that I DO want one already, but I know this is just not the right time. If God chooses to give me one now, I'll feel HAPPY, but still I want to focus on studying Finnish first before I get busy with my baby. I reckon that once the baby's there, I won't be able to focus on studying Finnish, right?

I've told my Mom about this and she's fine with this he he he he...HIP HIP HURRAY for my Mom!!!! She even encouraged me to save money and she said that she'd been praying to God to open doors for me to be able to get some income. Bless her!!! ;-D But anyway, it seems to me that she can't wait to have a grandchild from my brother HUA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...Ahem...;-D

OK, I have to go to the supermarket again 'coz I forgot to buy some spinachhhhhh. I'm gonna make lasagna and I want to make mine with spinach. Hubby doesn't like spinach so I'm gonna make two batches of lasagna he he he he...;-D