Showing posts with label Trousers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trousers. Show all posts

Friday, September 26, 2008


It's been below 0'C during the nights for a few days already. Hubby said that early this morning it snowed, though during the day as the temperature rose, it changed into rain. I've started packing since last night. I bought some more stuff yesterday, but I still haven't bought the last-minute thingies he he he...I'll do it only sometime next week.

I'm not going to bring too many clothes with me, though. I need to buy new trousers in Indo and also some underwear. ;-D It's hard for me to find pants here since the children's size is too tight for my womanly hips, whereas the adult size is too long or too wide. At least in Indo if I want to shorten any pants, the cost would be CHEAP!!! ;-D

On Monday I'm going to go to the library to ask if there's a possibility for me to do some training there after I get back from Indo. The unemployment office has been asking me to either apply for a job or find another training place or find some other course.

I don't want to get a job yet since I don't know what I want to do. Plus I'm still waiting for next year just in case they open the Finnish continuation course. I'll DEFINITELY enroll to that course if it opens next year. If not, then we'll see what I can do. However, it's good if I can do some training in November-December at the library, since I AM interested in helping out there.

Cross your fingers so that I can do my training there, please he he he he...OK, time to blog-hop!!!