Showing posts with label America's 100 year drug war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label America's 100 year drug war. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rethinking the Drug War in the Americas

Rethinking the Drug War in the Americas: Since Richard Nixon started the war on drugs 40 years ago, both the demand for narcotics and the violence surrounding the drug trade have risen dramatically, and the United States alone has spent more than $1 trillion losing the fight.

After decades of failed strategy, Latin American heads of state are now boldly pressuring the United States for a change of policy across the Americas.
Over the past few years, a movement in favor of decriminalization, legal regulation and various alternatives to the war on drugs has been gaining steam from Mexico all the way down to Argentina, but it has really caught fire in the last couple of months. This is a decidedly good thing.

Report: 'The Drug War Has Failed'

Any way you look at it the world realizes the war on drugs is lost and the war on drugs has been a war of choice. You have to wonder why we are really fighting this so called war on drugs in the first place. The world says drug war lost end it so the US increases drug war spending. Duh!

I want to say something different for me. When I think of the war on drugs I think illegal drugs but at the link above I learned something I never gave a thought and that is that over 50,000 Americans are killed a year from prescription drugs. That is a growing problem and where we should be concentrating our efforts.

Our 100 year drug war is tearing Mexico apart but unlike us I think they can win it! After 40 years the front line is now the entire US covering every State and all of Mexico. It has now engulfed and is endangering the very being of Mexico as a country and safe for its citizens. However this is not Nixon's 40 year drug war but the US 100 year drug war and we are losing!

With our 100 year drug war and guns being purchased here and sent to Mexico then drugs being sent here feeding this drug war. This has not spilled over from Mexico it has spilled over from the US.

I reiterate: eastern California, southern Arizona and New Mexico are clamping down and National Guard troops are now involved! Phoenix has become the kidnap capitol of the US! The cartels now operate in every State in America.With a reported 100,000 foot soldiers many of them trained military soldiers who have deserted to fight on the more lucrative side this is a formidable force! What about the Mexico mafia?

We keep hearing that Mexico's war on drugs is spilling over into the US. Now Congress is meeting about it. We are hearing of National Guard troops being called to help because Mexico's drug war has endangered Border States. Weapons are being purchased from gun dealers around the United States and being smuggled into Mexico to be used by the Drug cartels to fight Mexico's military in fighting Mexico's drug war. I have a few questions for our brain dead Politicians as they are once again in denial!

First I want to say when you work with the US you are taking on a lot of trouble. Anyway if I remember correctly our authorities have bragged for years that they are fighting a war against drugs! America can not afford a war on Drugs end it!

Of course there are big fears of our drug war that spilled South to Mexico now spilling back to our side of the Border as violence and it is happening The violence is only there and fed by our insatiable hunger for marijuana and other drugs. We can end this! We can control the border as we still are not and put our military on the border. That is where they should be not on 733 US bases around the world.

Forget poor Mexico, forget Nixon's 40 year war on drugs, end America's Own 100 Year Failed War on Drugs!

We have been fighting a self professed war on Drugs for one hundred years! I wish someone would be able to figure out at what cost. It seems to me that the drug war has spilled over the Border with Mexico. However it went north to south. It is our drug war that has spilled into Mexico. It is us that have made Mexico the narco State it is. I do believe we should at least put American military on the border and do not really understand why it is not. That would go a long way in stopping the problem so I do not understand why they are not on the Border unless it is because a certain political interest still does not want the border secured to enable illegal immigration? Why else? A desire to keep this war going? For gain? of what?

Legalize marijuana at least then if it works follow with the rest! That would kill much of the incentive for Cartels to be waging a war on drugs. Yes there is cocaine heroine and other drugs but marijuana is America's number one cash crop! That blew me away. According to official Government figures The value of the annual harvest exceeds that of corn, soybeans, or hay, the country's top three legal cash crops with an annual crop value of $35 Billion. There have been an estimated 100 million pot plants destroyed between 1981 and 2006 yet production has still increased 10 fold to 22 million pounds!

Legalize it, secure the border! Just imagine what it would be if it was legalized. Regulate it like alcohol, sell it in package stores! Tax it! Look at the potential revenue. Legalizing marijuana would end a hell of a lot of problems and create exactly zero! Think about it! The number one abused drug in the world is legal, Alcohol! It destroys numerous lives!

What sane argument is there against legalization? None, none whatsoever! All we are doing with this insane war on drugs is driving people and not just kids to experiment and find a legal way to get high with common household products. We are only making the problem exponentially worse. END IT! LEGALIZE! We have enough problems with over the counter drugs. That is where our efforts should be concentrated.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Homeland "Insecurities" Janet Napolitano: U.S.: Mexican drug war 'not a failure'

Homeland "Insecurities" Janet Napolitano: U.S.: Mexican drug war 'not a failure' Makes you wonder what the real goal is doesn't it?

U.S.: Mexican drug war 'not a failure': U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano said Monday that the war on drugs in Mexico "is not a failure." At a press conference in Mexico City after meeting Mexican Interior Minister Alejandro Poire, Napolitano called the drug policies of both Mexico and the United States "a continuing effort to keep our peoples from becoming addicted to dangerous drugs."

Any way you look at it the world realizes the war on drugs is lost and the war on drugs has been a war of choice. You have to wonder why we are really fighting this so called war on drugs in the first place. The world says drug war lost end it so the US increases drug war spending. Duh!

I want to say something different for me. When I think of the war on drugs I think illegal drugs but at the link above I learned something I never gave a thought and that is that over 50,000 Americans are killed a year from prescription drugs. That is a growing problem and where we should be concentrating our efforts.

Our 100 year drug war is tearing Mexico apart but unlike us I think they can win it! After 40 years the front line is now the entire US covering every State and all of Mexico. It has now engulfed and is endangering the very being of Mexico as a country and safe for its citizens. However this is not Nixon's 40 year drug war but the US 100 year drug war and we are losing!

With our 100 year drug war and guns being purchased here and sent to Mexico then drugs being sent here feeding this drug war. This has not spilled over from Mexico it has spilled over from the US.

I reiterate: eastern California, southern Arizona and New Mexico are clamping down and National Guard troops are now involved! Phoenix has become the kidnap capitol of the US! The cartels now operate in every State in America.With a reported 100,000 foot soldiers many of them trained military soldiers who have deserted to fight on the more lucrative side this is a formidable force! What about the Mexico mafia?

We keep hearing that Mexico's war on drugs is spilling over into the US. Now Congress is meeting about it. We are hearing of National Guard troops being called to help because Mexico's drug war has endangered Border States. Weapons are being purchased from gun dealers around the United States and being smuggled into Mexico to be used by the Drug cartels to fight Mexico's military in fighting Mexico's drug war. I have a few questions for our brain dead Politicians as they are once again in denial!

First I want to say when you work with the US you are taking on a lot of trouble. Anyway if I remember correctly our authorities have bragged for years that they are fighting a war against drugs! America can not afford a war on Drugs end it!

We know they do not but you want to say don't they ever think? They are purposely feeding the violence on the border they are supposedly very concerned about? If you buy marijuana in the US you are fueling the cartel drug wars in Mexico. Are they doing this on purpose? Last year there was 7,000 killed there. So far this year another 400 have been added to those Butchered, beheaded, murdered, for what? Juarez, New Mexico on the Border with El Paso, Texas is a battle zone. It is the hot spot in the cartel's fight for smuggling routes. The drug cartels and those officers and military not bought off by the cartels are in a full blown war

Of course there are big fears of our drug war that spilled South to Mexico now spilling back to our side of the Border as violence and it is happening The violence is only there and fed by our insatiable hunger for marijuana and other drugs. We can end this! We can control the border as we still are not and put our military on the border. That is where they should be not on 733 US bases around the world.

Forget poor Mexico, forget Nixon's 40 year war on drugs, end America's Own 100 Year Failed War on Drugs!

We have been fighting a self professed war on Drugs for one hundred years! I wish someone would be able to figure out at what cost. It seems to me that the drug war has spilled over the Border with Mexico. However it went north to south. It is our drug war that has spilled into Mexico. It is us that have made Mexico the narco State it is. I do believe we should at least put American military on the border and do not really understand why it is not. That would go a long way in stopping the problem so I do not understand why they are not on the Border unless it is because a certain political interest still does not want the border secured to enable illegal immigration? Why else? A desire to keep this war going? For gain? of what?

I do believe we can end this! Put our National Guard on the Border in shifts! After I got out of the military I joined the reserves. I do not know how it works today because our troops are flat out. Besides one week end a month we use to be required to do 2 weeks as a unit somewhere to train. With 50 States they could all do their required 2 weeks on the border doing one thing or the other. The other half of the equation:

Legalize marijuana at least then if it works follow with the rest! That would kill much of the incentive for Cartels to be waging a war on drugs. Yes there is cocaine heroine and other drugs but marijuana is America's number one cash crop! That blew me away. According to official Government figures The value of the annual harvest exceeds that of corn, soybeans, or hay, the country's top three legal cash crops with an annual crop value of $35 Billion. There have been an estimated 100 million pot plants destroyed between 1981 and 2006 yet production has still increased 10 fold to 22 million pounds!

Legalize it, secure the border! Just imagine what it would be if it was legalized. Regulate it like alcohol, sell it in package stores! Tax it! Look at the potential revenue. Legalizing marijuana would end a hell of a lot of problems and create exactly zero! Think about it! The number one abused drug in the world is legal, Alcohol! It destroys numerous lives! What sane argument is there against legalization? None, none whatsoever! All we are doing with this insane war on drugs is driving people and not just kids to experiment and find a legal way to get high with common household products. We are only making the problem exponentially worse. END IT! LEGALIZE!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

At Least 40 Killed in Mexico in 24 Hours in Suspected Drug Cartel Attacks: The rest of the world says end the drug war it is lost, what is wrong with this picture?

So why does Mexico and the US continue to add more money and men to another lost cause.Mexico sends extra 1,800 agents for reinforcements in Michoacan state backed by Black Hawk helicopters, the US vows to add more money. With all our wars in progress and our extensive war history isn't it obvious we have a need and penchant for war? Democracy increasingly appears to be the worlds problem not the solution.

At Least 40 Killed in Mexico in 24 Hours in Suspected Drug Cartel Attacks: Mexican officials blamed turf wars between some of the country's most brutal drug cartels for a wave of violence across the nation that killed more than 40 people in three attacks, including 21 people massacred in a night club in the northern business capital of Monterrey, The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday.

Mexico sends extra 1,800 agents for reinforcements in Michoacan state backed by Black Hawk helicopters, as officers battle Knights Templars drug cartel.

US to increase drug war spending

A report compiled by the Global Commission on Drug Policy, which includes former heads of state, a former U.N. secretary-general and a business mogul, the report calls on governments to end the criminalization of marijuana and other controlled substances. Report: 'The Drug War Has Failed with devastating consequences' Bingo! Wow think about what this would mean to the US, Mexico, the entire world, violence, terrorism, everything. How do we get away with justifying continuing this fools war?

Our 100 year drug war is tearing Mexico and the world apart. After 40 years the front line is now the entire US covering every State and all of Mexico. It has now engulfed and is endangering the very being of Mexico as a country and safety for its citizens. However this is not Nixon's 40 year drug war but the US 100 year drug war and we are losing so instead of ending it as the world wants our answer is to add more to the trillions already wasted. WTF?

With our 100 year drug war and guns being purchased here and sent to Mexico then drugs being sent here feeding this drug war. This has not spilled over from Mexico it has spilled over from the US. That said, I think it is great that the cartels are killing each other over drug routes but I do not like civilians endangered. I would rather there be no drug routes and no problem. I just wish it was possible for the drug runners to eradicate themselves.

We keep hearing that Mexico's war on drugs is spilling over into the US. Now Congress is meeting about it. We even had National Guard troops called to help because Mexico's drug war has endangered Border States. Weapons are being purchased from gun dealers around the United States and being smuggled into Mexico to be used by the Drug cartels to fight Mexico's military in fighting Mexico's drug war. I have a few questions for our brain dead Politicians as they are once again in denial!

First I want to say when you work with the US you are taking on a lot of trouble. Anyway if I remember correctly our authorities have bragged for years that they are fighting a war against drugs! war on drugs the price tag, updated for 2011 It is $4 trillion by now, America can not afford a war on Drugs and neither can the world, end it! Don't waste more, legalize everything and neutralize the illegal market. That should be the business and emphasis.

We know they do not but you want to say don't they ever think? They are purposely feeding the violence on the border they are supposedly very concerned about? If you buy marijuana in the US you are fueling the cartel drug wars in Mexico. Are they doing this on purpose? Last year there was 7,000 killed there.

So far this year thousands more have been added to those Butchered, beheaded, murdered, for what? Juarez, New Mexico on the Border with El Paso, Texas is a battle zone. It is the hot spot in the cartel's fight for smuggling routes. The drug cartels and those officers and military not bought off by the cartels are in a full blown war.

Of course there are big fears of our drug war that spilled South to Mexico now spilling back to our side of the Border as violence and it is happening The violence is only there and fed by our insatiable hunger for marijuana and other drugs. We can end this! We can control the border as we still are not and put our military on the border. That is where they should be not on 733 US bases around the world.

Forget poor Mexico, forget Nixon's 40 year war on drugs, end America's Own 100 Year Failed War on Drugs!

We have been fighting a self professed war on Drugs for one hundred years! I wish someone would be able to figure out at what cost. It seems to me that the drug war has spilled over the Border with Mexico. However it went north to south. It is our drug war that has spilled into Mexico. It is us that have made Mexico the narco State it is.

Legalize marijuana at least then if it works follow with the rest! That would kill much of the incentive for Cartels to be waging a war on drugs. Yes there is cocaine heroine and other drugs but marijuana is America's number one cash crop! That blew me away.

According to official Government figures The value of the annual harvest exceeds that of corn, soybeans, or hay, the country's top three legal cash crops with an annual crop value of $35 Billion. There have been an estimated 100 million pot plants destroyed between 1981 and 2006 yet production has still increased 10 fold to 22 million pounds!

Legalize it, secure the border! Just imagine what it would be if it was legalized. Regulate it like alcohol, sell it in package stores! Tax it! Look at the potential revenue. Legalizing marijuana would end a hell of a lot of problems and create exactly zero! Think about it!

The number one abused drug in the world is legal, Alcohol! It destroys numerous lives! What sane argument is there against legalization? None, none whatsoever! All we are doing with this insane war on drugs is driving people and not just kids to experiment and find a legal way to get high with common household products. We are only making the problem exponentially worse. END IT! LEGALIZE!

With the state of the worlds economy I think ending this loser of a war on drugs is doable. The world has shown that it can come together when it has to. We can do this! We can figure out a way to turn this into a win, win for us and a loser for all those gaining illicitly from the illegal drug trade.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, July 02, 2011

The world says drug war lost end it so the US increases drug war spending. Duh!

US to increase drug war spending

A report compiled by the Global Commission on Drug Policy, which includes former heads of state, a former U.N. secretary-general and a business mogul, the report calls on governments to end the criminalization of marijuana and other controlled substances. Report: 'The Drug War Has Failed' Bingo! Wow think about what this would mean to the US, Mexico, the entire world, violence, terrorism, everything. Wow!

Our 100 year drug war is tearing Mexico apart. After 40 years the front line is now the entire US covering every State and all of Mexico. It has now engulfed and is endangering the very being of Mexico as a country and safety for its citizens. However this is not Nixon's 40 year drug war but the US 100 year drug war and we are losing so instead of ending it as the world wants our answer is to add more to the trillions already wasted. WTF?

With our 100 year drug war and guns being purchased here and sent to Mexico then drugs being sent here feeding this drug war. This has not spilled over from Mexico it has spilled over from the US. That said, I think it is great that the cartels are killing each other over drug routes but I do not like civilians endangered. I would rather there be no drug routes and no problem. I just wish it was possible for the drug runners to eradicate themselves.

We keep hearing that Mexico's war on drugs is spilling over into the US. Now Congress is meeting about it. We even had National Guard troops called to help because Mexico's drug war has endangered Border States. Weapons are being purchased from gun dealers around the United States and being smuggled into Mexico to be used by the Drug cartels to fight Mexico's military in fighting Mexico's drug war. I have a few questions for our brain dead Politicians as they are once again in denial!

First I want to say when you work with the US you are taking on a lot of trouble. Anyway if I remember correctly our authorities have bragged for years that they are fighting a war against drugs! war on drugs the price tag, updated for 2011 It is $4 trillion by now, America can not afford a war on Drugs and neither can the world, end it! Don't waste more, legalize everything and neutralize the illegal market. That should be the business and emphasis.

We know they do not but you want to say don't they ever think? They are purposely feeding the violence on the border they are supposedly very concerned about? If you buy marijuana in the US you are fueling the cartel drug wars in Mexico. Are they doing this on purpose? Last year there was 7,000 killed there.

So far this year thousands more have been added to those Butchered, beheaded, murdered, for what? Juarez, New Mexico on the Border with El Paso, Texas is a battle zone. It is the hot spot in the cartel's fight for smuggling routes. The drug cartels and those officers and military not bought off by the cartels are in a full blown war.

Of course there are big fears of our drug war that spilled South to Mexico now spilling back to our side of the Border as violence and it is happening The violence is only there and fed by our insatiable hunger for marijuana and other drugs. We can end this! We can control the border as we still are not and put our military on the border. That is where they should be not on 733 US bases around the world.

Forget poor Mexico, forget Nixon's 40 year war on drugs, end America's Own 100 Year Failed War on Drugs!

We have been fighting a self professed war on Drugs for one hundred years! I wish someone would be able to figure out at what cost. It seems to me that the drug war has spilled over the Border with Mexico. However it went north to south. It is our drug war that has spilled into Mexico. It is us that have made Mexico the narco State it is.

Legalize marijuana at least then if it works follow with the rest! That would kill much of the incentive for Cartels to be waging a war on drugs. Yes there is cocaine heroine and other drugs but marijuana is America's number one cash crop! That blew me away.

According to official Government figures The value of the annual harvest exceeds that of corn, soybeans, or hay, the country's top three legal cash crops with an annual crop value of $35 Billion. There have been an estimated 100 million pot plants destroyed between 1981 and 2006 yet production has still increased 10 fold to 22 million pounds!

Legalize it, secure the border! Just imagine what it would be if it was legalized. Regulate it like alcohol, sell it in package stores! Tax it! Look at the potential revenue. Legalizing marijuana would end a hell of a lot of problems and create exactly zero! Think about it!

The number one abused drug in the world is legal, Alcohol! It destroys numerous lives! What sane argument is there against legalization? None, none whatsoever! All we are doing with this insane war on drugs is driving people and not just kids to experiment and find a legal way to get high with common household products. We are only making the problem exponentially worse. END IT! LEGALIZE!

With the state of the worlds economy I think ending this loser of a war on drugs is doable. The world has shown that it can come together when it has to. We can do this! We can figure out a way to turn this into a win, win for us and a loser for all those gaining illicitly from the illegal drug trade.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, June 25, 2011

At least a dozen community and social-action groups sponsored a rally calling for an end to the U.S. "war on drugs." as 33 more fall in Mexico

Gang warfare kills 33 in Monterrey, Mexico: Security officials in the northern state of Nuevo Leon, where Monterrey is located, said most of those killed had links to the country's drug cartels.

Rally against war on drugs: At least a dozen community and social-action groups sponsored a rally calling for an end to the U.S. "war on drugs." It marked the 40th anniversary of the declaration by then-President Richard Nixon.

A report compiled by the Global Commission on Drug Policy, which includes former heads of state, a former U.N. secretary-general and a business mogul, the report calls on governments to end the criminalization of marijuana and other controlled substances. Report: 'The Drug War Has Failed' Bingo! Wow think about what this would mean to the US, Mexico, the entire world, violence, terrorism, everything. Wow!

Our 100 year drug war is tearing Mexico apart but unlike us I think they can win it! After 40 years the front line is now the entire US covering every State and all of Mexico. It has now engulfed and is endangering the very being of Mexico as a country and safety for its citizens. However this is not Nixon's 40 year drug war but the US 100 year drug war and we are losing.

With our 100 year drug war and guns being purchased here and sent to Mexico then drugs being sent here feeding this drug war. This has not spilled over from Mexico it has spilled over from the US. That said, I think it is great that the cartels are killing each other over drug routes but I do not like civilians endangered. I would rather there be no drug routes and no problem. I just wish it was possible for the drug runners to eradicate themselves.

I reiterate: eastern California, southern Arizona and New Mexico are clamping down and National Guard troops are now involved! With 560 kidnapped last year Phoenix has become the kidnap capitol of the US! The cartels now operate in every State in America.With a reported 100,000 foot soldiers many of them trained military soldiers who have deserted to fight on the more lucrative side this is a formidable force! What about the Mexico mafia?

We keep hearing that Mexico's war on drugs is spilling over into the US. Now Congress is meeting about it. We even had National Guard troops called to help because Mexico's drug war has endangered Border States. Weapons are being purchased from gun dealers around the United States and being smuggled into Mexico to be used by the Drug cartels to fight Mexico's military in fighting Mexico's drug war. I have a few questions for our brain dead Politicians as they are once again in denial!

First I want to say when you work with the US you are taking on a lot of trouble. Anyway if I remember correctly our authorities have bragged for years that they are fighting a war against drugs! war on drugs the price tag, updated for 2011 It is $4 trillion by now, America can not afford a war on Drugs and neither can the world, end it!

We know they do not but you want to say don't they ever think? They are purposely feeding the violence on the border they are supposedly very concerned about? If you buy marijuana in the US you are fueling the cartel drug wars in Mexico. Are they doing this on purpose? Last year there was 7,000 killed there. So far this year thousands more have been added to those Butchered, beheaded, murdered, for what? Juarez, New Mexico on the Border with El Paso, Texas is a battle zone. It is the hot spot in the cartel's fight for smuggling routes. The drug cartels and those officers and military not bought off by the cartels are in a full blown war.

Of course there are big fears of our drug war that spilled South to Mexico now spilling back to our side of the Border as violence and it is happening The violence is only there and fed by our insatiable hunger for marijuana and other drugs. We can end this! We can control the border as we still are not and put our military on the border. That is where they should be not on 733 US bases around the world.

Forget poor Mexico, forget Nixon's 40 year war on drugs, end America's Own 100 Year Failed War on Drugs!

We have been fighting a self professed war on Drugs for one hundred years! I wish someone would be able to figure out at what cost. It seems to me that the drug war has spilled over the Border with Mexico. However it went north to south. It is our drug war that has spilled into Mexico. It is us that have made Mexico the narco State it is. I do believe we should at least put American military on the border and do not really understand why it is not. That would go a long way in stopping the problem so I do not understand why they are not on the Border unless it is because a certain political interest still does not want the border secured to enable illegal immigration? Why else? A desire to keep this war going? For gain? of what?

I do believe we can end this! Put our National Guard on the Border in shifts! After I got out of the military I joined the reserves. I do not know how it works today because our troops are flat out. Besides one week end a month we use to be required to do 2 weeks as a unit somewhere to train. With 50 States they could all do their required 2 weeks on the border doing one thing or the other. The other half of the equation:

Legalize marijuana at least then if it works follow with the rest! That would kill much of the incentive for Cartels to be waging a war on drugs. Yes there is cocaine heroine and other drugs but marijuana is America's number one cash crop! That blew me away. According to official Government figures The value of the annual harvest exceeds that of corn, soybeans, or hay, the country's top three legal cash crops with an annual crop value of $35 Billion. There have been an estimated 100 million pot plants destroyed between 1981 and 2006 yet production has still increased 10 fold to 22 million pounds!

Legalize it, secure the border! Just imagine what it would be if it was legalized. Regulate it like alcohol, sell it in package stores! Tax it! Look at the potential revenue. Legalizing marijuana would end a hell of a lot of problems and create exactly zero! Think about it! The number one abused drug in the world is legal, Alcohol! It destroys numerous lives! What sane argument is there against legalization? None, none whatsoever! All we are doing with this insane war on drugs is driving people and not just kids to experiment and find a legal way to get high with common household products. We are only making the problem exponentially worse. END IT! LEGALIZE!

With the state of the worlds economy I think ending this loser of a war on drugs is doable. The world has shown that it can come together when it has to. We can do this! We can figure out a way to turn this into a win, win for us and a loser for all those gaining illicitly from the illegal drug trade.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Monday, June 13, 2011

Report: 'The worlds Drug War Has Failed' you don't say?

A report compiled by the Global Commission on Drug Policy, which includes former heads of state, a former U.N. secretary-general and a business mogul, the report calls on governments to end the criminalization of marijuana and other controlled substances. Report: 'The Drug War Has Failed' Bingo! Wow think about what this would mean to the US, Mexico, the entire world, violence, terrorism, everything. Wow!

Our 100 year drug war is tearing Mexico apart but unlike us I think they can win it! After 40 years the front line is now the entire US covering every State and all of Mexico. It has now engulfed and is endangering the very being of Mexico as a country and safety for its citizens. However this is not Nixon's 40 year drug war but the US 100 year drug war and we are losing! Saving Mexico
With our 100 year drug war and guns being purchased here and sent to Mexico then drugs being sent here feeding this drug war. This has not spilled over from Mexico it has spilled over from the US. That said, I think it is great that the cartels arte killing each other over drug routes but I do not like civilians endangered. I would rather there be no drug routes and no problem. I just wish it was possible for the drug runners to eradicate themselves.

I reiterate: eastern California, southern Arizona and New Mexico are clamping down and National Guard troops are now involved! With 560 kidnapped last year Phoenix has become the kidnap capitol of the US! The cartels now operate in every State in America.With a reported 100,000 foot soldiers many of them trained military soldiers who have deserted to fight on the more lucrative side this is a formidable force! What about the Mexico mafia?

We keep hearing that Mexico's war on drugs is spilling over into the US. Now Congress is meeting about it. We even had National Guard troops called to help because Mexico's drug war has endangered Border States. Weapons are being purchased from gun dealers around the United States and being smuggled into Mexico to be used by the Drug cartels to fight Mexico's military in fighting Mexico's drug war. I have a few questions for our brain dead Politicians as they are once again in denial!

First I want to say when you work with the US you are taking on a lot of trouble. Anyway if I remember correctly our authorities have bragged for years that they are fighting a war against drugs! war on drugs the price tag, updated for 2011 It is $4 trillion by now, America can not afford a war on Drugs and neither can the world, end it!

We know they do not but you want to say don't they ever think? They are purposely feeding the violence on the border they are supposedly very concerned about? If you buy marijuana in the US you are fueling the cartel drug wars in Mexico. Are they doing this on purpose? Last year there was 7,000 killed there. So far this year thousands more have been added to those Butchered, beheaded, murdered, for what? Juarez, New Mexico on the Border with El Paso, Texas is a battle zone. It is the hot spot in the cartel's fight for smuggling routes. The drug cartels and those officers and military not bought off by the cartels are in a full blown war.

Of course there are big fears of our drug war that spilled South to Mexico now spilling back to our side of the Border as violence and it is happening The violence is only there and fed by our insatiable hunger for marijuana and other drugs. We can end this! We can control the border as we still are not and put our military on the border. That is where they should be not on 733 US bases around the world.

Forget poor Mexico, forget Nixon's 40 year war on drugs, end America's Own 100 Year Failed War on Drugs!

We have been fighting a self professed war on Drugs for one hundred years! I wish someone would be able to figure out at what cost. It seems to me that the drug war has spilled over the Border with Mexico. However it went north to south. It is our drug war that has spilled into Mexico. It is us that have made Mexico the narco State it is. I do believe we should at least put American military on the border and do not really understand why it is not. That would go a long way in stopping the problem so I do not understand why they are not on the Border unless it is because a certain political interest still does not want the border secured to enable illegal immigration? Why else? A desire to keep this war going? For gain? of what?

I do believe we can end this! Put our National Guard on the Border in shifts! After I got out of the military I joined the reserves. I do not know how it works today because our troops are flat out. Besides one week end a month we use to be required to do 2 weeks as a unit somewhere to train. With 50 States they could all do their required 2 weeks on the border doing one thing or the other. The other half of the equation:

Legalize marijuana at least then if it works follow with the rest! That would kill much of the incentive for Cartels to be waging a war on drugs. Yes there is cocaine heroine and other drugs but marijuana is America's number one cash crop! That blew me away. According to official Government figures The value of the annual harvest exceeds that of corn, soybeans, or hay, the country's top three legal cash crops with an annual crop value of $35 Billion. There have been an estimated 100 million pot plants destroyed between 1981 and 2006 yet production has still increased 10 fold to 22 million pounds!

Legalize it, secure the border! Just imagine what it would be if it was legalized. Regulate it like alcohol, sell it in package stores! Tax it! Look at the potential revenue. Legalizing marijuana would end a hell of a lot of problems and create exactly zero! Think about it! The number one abused drug in the world is legal, Alcohol! It destroys numerous lives! What sane argument is there against legalization? None, none whatsoever! All we are doing with this insane war on drugs is driving people and not just kids to experiment and find a legal way to get high with common household products. We are only making the problem exponentially worse. END IT! LEGALIZE!

With the state of the worlds economy I think ending this loser of a war on drugs is doable. The world has shown that it can come together when it has to. We can do this! We can figure out a way to turn this into a win, win for us and a loser for all those gaining illicitly from the illegal drug trade.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Drug gunmen force down Mexican police helicopter: drug gang shootout in Nayarit state kills 28

Drug gunmen force down Mexican police helicopter: Mexican police say one of their helicopters was forced to land after drug cartel gunmen opened fire on the craft, wounding two officers.

Mexico gang shootout in Nayarit state kills 28: A shootout between rival Mexican gangs has left at least 28 people dead, officials say. self eradication would work for me! Anyway I understand 34000 have been killed since 2006. That is insane!

Our 100 year drug war is tearing Mexico apart but unlike us I think they can win it! After 40 years the front line is now the entire US covering every State and all of Mexico. It has now engulfed and is endangering the very being of Mexico as a country and safety for its citizens. However this is not Nixon's 40 year drug war but the US 100 year drug war and we are losing! Saving Mexico

With our 100 year drug war and guns being purchased here and sent to Mexico then drugs being sent here feeding this drug war. This has not spilled over from Mexico it has spilled over from the US. That said, I think it is great that the cartels arte killing each other over drug routes but I do not like civilians endangered. I would rather there be no drug routes and no problem. I just wish it was possible for the drug runners to eradicate themselves.

I reiterate: eastern California, southern Arizona and New Mexico are clamping down and National Guard troops are now involved! With 560 kidnapped last year Phoenix has become the kidnap capitol of the US! The cartels now operate in every State in America.With a reported 100,000 foot soldiers many of them trained military soldiers who have deserted to fight on the more lucrative side this is a formidable force! What about the Mexico mafia?

We keep hearing that Mexico's war on drugs is spilling over into the US. Now Congress is meeting about it. We even had National Guard troops called to help because Mexico's drug war has endangered Border States. Weapons are being purchased from gun dealers around the United States and being smuggled into Mexico to be used by the Drug cartels to fight Mexico's military in fighting Mexico's drug war. I have a few questions for our brain dead Politicians as they are once again in denial!

First I want to say when you work with the US you are taking on a lot of trouble. Anyway if I remember correctly our authorities have bragged for years that they are fighting a war against drugs! war on drugs the price tag, updated for 2011 It is $4 trillion by now, America can not afford a war on Drugs and neither can the world, end it!

We know they do not but you want to say don't they ever think? They are purposely feeding the violence on the border they are supposedly very concerned about? If you buy marijuana in the US you are fueling the cartel drug wars in Mexico. Are they doing this on purpose? Last year there was 7,000 killed there. So far this year thousands more have been added to those Butchered, beheaded, murdered, for what? Juarez, New Mexico on the Border with El Paso, Texas is a battle zone. It is the hot spot in the cartel's fight for smuggling routes. The drug cartels and those officers and military not bought off by the cartels are in a full blown war.

Of course there are big fears of our drug war that spilled South to Mexico now spilling back to our side of the Border as violence and it is happening The violence is only there and fed by our insatiable hunger for marijuana and other drugs. We can end this! We can control the border as we still are not and put our military on the border. That is where they should be not on 733 US bases around the world.

Forget poor Mexico, forget Nixon's 40 year war on drugs, end America's Own 100 Year Failed War on Drugs!

We have been fighting a self professed war on Drugs for one hundred years! I wish someone would be able to figure out at what cost. It seems to me that the drug war has spilled over the Border with Mexico. However it went north to south. It is our drug war that has spilled into Mexico. It is us that have made Mexico the narco State it is. I do believe we should at least put American military on the border and do not really understand why it is not. That would go a long way in stopping the problem so I do not understand why they are not on the Border unless it is because a certain political interest still does not want the border secured to enable illegal immigration? Why else? A desire to keep this war going? For gain? of what?

I do believe we can end this! Put our National Guard on the Border in shifts! After I got out of the military I joined the reserves. I do not know how it works today because our troops are flat out. Besides one week end a month we use to be required to do 2 weeks as a unit somewhere to train. With 50 States they could all do their required 2 weeks on the border doing one thing or the other. The other half of the equation:

Legalize marijuana at least then if it works follow with the rest! That would kill much of the incentive for Cartels to be waging a war on drugs. Yes there is cocaine heroine and other drugs but marijuana is America's number one cash crop! That blew me away. According to official Government figures The value of the annual harvest exceeds that of corn, soybeans, or hay, the country's top three legal cash crops with an annual crop value of $35 Billion. There have been an estimated 100 million pot plants destroyed between 1981 and 2006 yet production has still increased 10 fold to 22 million pounds!

Legalize it, secure the border! Just imagine what it would be if it was legalized. Regulate it like alcohol, sell it in package stores! Tax it! Look at the potential revenue. Legalizing marijuana would end a hell of a lot of problems and create exactly zero! Think about it! The number one abused drug in the world is legal, Alcohol! It destroys numerous lives! What sane argument is there against legalization? None, none whatsoever! All we are doing with this insane war on drugs is driving people and not just kids to experiment and find a legal way to get high with common household products. We are only making the problem exponentially worse. END IT! LEGALIZE!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

You don't think legalizing marijuana in the US will make much of a difference? Think again!

Legalize marijuana, It is not about California it is about the United States! Mexican security forces seized at least 105 tons of U.S.-bound marijuana in the border city of Tijuana on Monday, by far the biggest pot bust in the country in recent years.

A new study concludes that Proposition 19, which would partially legalize marijuana in California, would do almost nothing to curtail violent Mexican drug organizations that ship the drug across the border, a finding that undermines one of the main arguments proponents have made. BS, it is not about California it is about America!

I was just doing research on the fact that Mexico's drug cartels are in all 50 of the United States when I saw something I never heard before. One article said the US Government was involved with the drug cartels or the borders would have been secured long ago. That may be but I don't know about that!

Our 100 year drug war is tearing Mexico apart but unlike us I think they can win it! After 40 years the front line is now the entire US covering every State and all of Mexico. It has now engulfed and is endangering the very being of Mexico as a country and safe for its citizens. However this is not Nixon's 40 year drug war but the US 100 year drug war and we are losing! Saving Mexico

With our 100 year drug war and guns being purchased here and sent to Mexico then drugs being sent here feeding this drug war. This has not spilled over from Mexico it has spilled over from the US.

I reiterate: eastern California, southern Arizona and New Mexico are clamping down and National Guard troops are now involved! With 560 kidnapped last year Phoenix has become the kidnap capitol of the US! The cartels now operate in every State in America.With a reported 100,000 foot soldiers many of them trained military soldiers who have deserted to fight on the more lucrative side this is a formidable force! What about the Mexico mafia?

We keep hearing that Mexico's war on drugs is spilling over into the US. Now Congress is meeting about it. We are hearing of National Guard troops being called to help because Mexico's drug war has endangered Border States. Weapons are being purchased from gun dealers around the United States and being smuggled into Mexico to be used by the Drug cartels to fight Mexico's military in fighting Mexico's drug war. I have a few questions for our brain dead Politicians as they are once again in denial!

First I want to say when you work with the US you are taking on a lot of trouble. Anyway if I remember correctly our authorities have bragged for years that they are fighting a war against drugs! war on drugs the price tag america can not afford a war on Drugs end it!

We know they do not but you want to say don't they ever think? They are purposely feeding the violence on the border they are supposedly very concerned about? If you buy marijuana in the US you are fueling the cartel drug wars in Mexico. Are they doing this on purpose? Last year there was 7,000 killed there. So far this year another 400 have been added to those Butchered, beheaded, murdered, for what? Juarez, New Mexico on the Border with El Paso, Texas is a battle zone. It is the hot spot in the cartel's fight for smuggling routes. The drug cartels and those officers and military not bought off by the cartels are in a full blown war

Of course there are big fears of our drug war that spilled South to Mexico now spilling back to our side of the Border as violence and it is happening The violence is only there and fed by our insatiable hunger for marijuana and other drugs. We can end this! We can control the border as we still are not and put our military on the border. That is where they should be not on 733 US bases around the world.

Forget poor Mexico, forget Nixon's 40 year war on drugs, end America's Own 100 Year Failed War on Drugs!

We have been fighting a self professed war on Drugs for one hundred years! I wish someone would be able to figure out at what cost. It seems to me that the drug war has spilled over the Border with Mexico. However it went north to south. It is our drug war that has spilled into Mexico. It is us that have made Mexico the narco State it is. I do believe we should at least put American military on the border and do not really understand why it is not. That would go a long way in stopping the problem so I do not understand why they are not on the Border unless it is because a certain political interest still does not want the border secured to enable illegal immigration? Why else? A desire to keep this war going? For gain? of what?

I do believe we can end this! Put our National Guard on the Border in shifts! After I got out of the military I joined the reserves. I do not know how it works today because our troops are flat out. Besides one week end a month we use to be required to do 2 weeks as a unit somewhere to train. With 50 States they could all do their required 2 weeks on the border doing one thing or the other. The other half of the equation:

Legalize marijuana at least then if it works follow with the rest! That would kill much of the incentive for Cartels to be waging a war on drugs. Yes there is cocaine heroine and other drugs but marijuana is America's number one cash crop! That blew me away. According to official Government figures The value of the annual harvest exceeds that of corn, soybeans, or hay, the country's top three legal cash crops with an annual crop value of $35 Billion. There have been an estimated 100 million pot plants destroyed between 1981 and 2006 yet production has still increased 10 fold to 22 million pounds!

Legalize it, secure the border! Just imagine what it would be if it was legalized. Regulate it like alcohol, sell it in package stores! Tax it! Look at the potential revenue. Legalizing marijuana would end a hell of a lot of problems and create exactly zero! Think about it! The number one abused drug in the world is legal, Alcohol! It destroys numerous lives! What sane argument is there against legalization? None, none whatsoever! All we are doing with this insane war on drugs is driving people and not just kids to experiment and find a legal way to get high with common household products. We are only making the problem exponentially worse. END IT! LEGALIZE!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mexico: drug capos now surrendering without fight

I knew Mexico could handle this where we can not or will not. I hope things are turning around in Mexico as far as the range wars with the drug cartels. I remember in the past leaders were hounded from one hideout to the next and bloody shootouts were the norm. Some 28,000 have been killed in this bloody drug war since 2006 and it is now being called an insurgency with 1000 killed in the last month alone. The drug war on the border has turned into an insurgency

I understand Mexico had help as Authorities in Central America, Colombia and the US joined forces to peacefully capture drug kingpin Sergio Villarreal who they call "El Grande" because he stands 6 and a half feet tall. It is about time we are working together to capture these capo's that we were once led to believe were invincible and untouchable. I have to wonder why Mexico is having success and we just seem to be dragging this 100 year drug war on to help aspects of our police infrastructure.

Remember Mexico just sacked 10% of police force as the federal police force in Mexico dismissed 3,200 officers for incompetence, corruption or links to organized crime.

That was immediately followed with the arrest of 100 drug cartel operatives culminating with Mexican police arresting 'drugs kingpin' La Barbie, Edgar Valdez Villareal "an American" Again peacefully!

Now we findUS joined central American bid to nab Mexico druglord Why is it we can always help others but can never help ourselves?

Sergio Villarreal Barragan: Capture of “El Grande” helps Mexico's president

Mexico: drug capos now surrendering without fight I think this is fantastic but we have not seen the end primarily because of the money to be made in cocaine and marijuana which is responsible for 53% of the illicit profits. I understand To weaken the cartels, some argue the U.S. should legalize marijuana, let cocaine pass through the Caribbean and take the profit motive out of the drug trade. I don't know what rerouting cocaine would do but I do agree with legalizing marijuana for many reasons.

Our 100 year drug war is tearing Mexico apart but unlike us I think they can win it! After 40 years the front line is now the entire US covering every State and all of Mexico. It has now engulfed and is endangering the very being of Mexico as a country and safe for its citizens. However this is not Nixon's 40 year drug war but the US 100 year drug war and we are losing!

With our 100 year drug war and guns being purchased here and sent to Mexico then drugs being sent here feeding this drug war. This has not spilled over from Mexico it has spilled over from the US.

I reiterate: eastern California, southern Arizona and New Mexico are clamping down and National Guard troops are now involved! With 560 kidnapped last year Phoenix has become the kidnap capitol of the US! The cartels now operate in every State in America.With a reported 100,000 foot soldiers many of them trained military soldiers who have deserted to fight on the more lucrative side this is a formidable force! What about the Mexico mafia?

We keep hearing that Mexico's war on drugs is spilling over into the US. Now Congress is meeting about it. We are hearing of National Guard troops being called to help because Mexico's drug war has endangered Border States. Weapons are being purchased from gun dealers around the United States and being smuggled into Mexico to be used by the Drug cartels to fight Mexico's military in fighting Mexico's drug war. I have a few questions for our brain dead Politicians as they are once again in denial!

First I want to say when you work with the US you are taking on a lot of trouble. Anyway if I remember correctly our authorities have bragged for years that they are fighting a war against drugs! America can not afford a war on Drugs end it!

We know they do not but you want to say don't they ever think? They are purposely feeding the violence on the border they are supposedly very concerned about? If you buy marijuana in the US you are fueling the cartel drug wars in Mexico. Are they doing this on purpose? Last year there was 7,000 killed there. So far this year they are on schedule to beatthe 2800 added last year to those Butchered, beheaded, murdered, for what? Juarez, New Mexico on the Border with El Paso, Texas is a battle zone. It is the hot spot in the cartel's fight for smuggling routes. The drug cartels and those officers and military not bought off by the cartels are in a full blown war

Of course there are big fears of our drug war that spilled South to Mexico now spilling back to our side of the Border as violence and it is happening The violence is only there and fed by our insatiable hunger for marijuana and other drugs. We can end this! We can control the border as we still are not and put our military on the border. That is where they should be not on 733 US bases around the world and in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Forget poor Mexico, forget Nixon's 40 year war on drugs, end America's Own 100 Year Failed War on Drugs!

We have been fighting a self professed war on Drugs for one hundred years! I wish someone would be able to figure out at what cost. It seems to me that the drug war has spilled over the Border with Mexico. However it went north to south. It is our drug war that has spilled into Mexico. It is us that have made Mexico the narco State it is. I do believe we should at least put American military on the border and do not really understand why it is not. That would go a long way in stopping the problem so I do not understand why they are not on the Border unless it is because a certain political interest still does not want the border secured to enable illegal immigration? Why else? A desire to keep this war going? For gain? of what?

Legalize marijuana at least then if it works follow with the rest! That would kill much of the incentive for Cartels to be waging a war on drugs. Yes there is cocaine heroine and other drugs but marijuana is America's number one cash crop! That blew me away. According to official Government figures The value of the annual harvest exceeds that of corn, soybeans, or hay, the country's top three legal cash crops with an annual crop value of $35 Billion. There have been an estimated 100 million pot plants destroyed between 1981 and 2006 yet production has still increased 10 fold to 22 million pounds!

Legalize it, secure the border! Just imagine what it would be if it was legalized. Regulate it like alcohol, sell it in package stores! Tax it! Look at the potential revenue. Legalizing marijuana would end a hell of a lot of problems and create exactly zero! Think about it! The number one abused drug in the world is legal, Alcohol! It destroys numerous lives! What sane argument is there against legalization? None, none whatsoever! All we are doing with this insane war on drugs is driving people and not just kids to experiment and find a legal way to get high with common household products. We are only making the problem exponentially worse. END IT! LEGALIZE!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, September 05, 2010

We have done a hell of a job exporting our 100 year drug war to Mexico huh?

Leaked documents suggest Mexico drug corruption

As a result Mexico sacks 10% of police force as the federal police force in Mexico dismisses 3,200 officers for incompetence, corruption or links to organised crime.

That was immediately followed with the arrest of 100 drug cartel operatives culminating with Mexican police arresting 'drugs kingpin' La Barbie, Edgar Valdez Villareal "an American"

Our 100 year drug war is tearing Mexico apart but unlike us I think they can win it! After 40 years the front line is now the entire US covering every State and all of Mexico. It has now engulfed and is endangering the very being of Mexico as a country and safe for its citizens. However this is not Nixon's 40 year drug war but the US 100 year drug war and we are losing! Saving Mexico

With our 100 year drug war and guns being purchased here and sent to Mexico then drugs being sent here feeding this drug war. This has not spilled over from Mexico it has spilled over from the US.

I reiterate: eastern California, southern Arizona and New Mexico are clamping down and National Guard troops are now involved! With 560 kidnapped last year Phoenix has become the kidnap capitol of the US! The cartels now operate in every State in America.With a reported 100,000 foot soldiers many of them trained military soldiers who have deserted to fight on the more lucrative side this is a formidable force! What about the Mexico mafia?

We keep hearing that Mexico's war on drugs is spilling over into the US. Now Congress is meeting about it. We are hearing of National Guard troops being called to help because Mexico's drug war has endangered Border States. Weapons are being purchased from gun dealers around the United States and being smuggled into Mexico to be used by the Drug cartels to fight Mexico's military in fighting Mexico's drug war. I have a few questions for our brain dead Politicians as they are once again in denial!

First I want to say when you work with the US you are taking on a lot of trouble. Anyway if I remember correctly our authorities have bragged for years that they are fighting a war against drugs! war on drugs the price tag america can not afford a war on Drugs end it!

We know they do not but you want to say don't they ever think? They are purposely feeding the violence on the border they are supposedly very concerned about? If you buy marijuana in the US you are fueling the cartel drug wars in Mexico. Are they doing this on purpose? Last year there was 7,000 killed there. So far this year another 400 have been added to those Butchered, beheaded, murdered, for what? Juarez, New Mexico on the Border with El Paso, Texas is a battle zone. It is the hot spot in the cartel's fight for smuggling routes. The drug cartels and those officers and military not bought off by the cartels are in a full blown war

Of course there are big fears of our drug war that spilled South to Mexico now spilling back to our side of the Border as violence and it is happening The violence is only there and fed by our insatiable hunger for marijuana and other drugs. We can end this! We can control the border as we still are not and put our military on the border. That is where they should be not on 733 US bases around the world.

Forget poor Mexico, forget Nixon's 40 year war on drugs, end America's Own 100 Year Failed War on Drugs!

We have been fighting a self professed war on Drugs for one hundred years! I wish someone would be able to figure out at what cost. It seems to me that the drug war has spilled over the Border with Mexico. However it went north to south. It is our drug war that has spilled into Mexico. It is us that have made Mexico the narco State it is. I do believe we should at least put American military on the border and do not really understand why it is not. That would go a long way in stopping the problem so I do not understand why they are not on the Border unless it is because a certain political interest still does not want the border secured to enable illegal immigration? Why else? A desire to keep this war going? For gain? of what?

I do believe we can end this! Put our National Guard on the Border in shifts! After I got out of the military I joined the reserves. I do not know how it works today because our troops are flat out. Besides one week end a month we use to be required to do 2 weeks as a unit somewhere to train. With 50 States they could all do their required 2 weeks on the border doing one thing or the other. The other half of the equation:

Legalize marijuana at least then if it works follow with the rest! That would kill much of the incentive for Cartels to be waging a war on drugs. Yes there is cocaine heroine and other drugs but marijuana is America's number one cash crop! That blew me away. According to official Government figures The value of the annual harvest exceeds that of corn, soybeans, or hay, the country's top three legal cash crops with an annual crop value of $35 Billion. There have been an estimated 100 million pot plants destroyed between 1981 and 2006 yet production has still increased 10 fold to 22 million pounds!

Legalize it, secure the border! Just imagine what it would be if it was legalized. Regulate it like alcohol, sell it in package stores! Tax it! Look at the potential revenue. Legalizing marijuana would end a hell of a lot of problems and create exactly zero! Think about it! The number one abused drug in the world is legal, Alcohol! It destroys numerous lives! What sane argument is there against legalization? None, none whatsoever! All we are doing with this insane war on drugs is driving people and not just kids to experiment and find a legal way to get high with common household products. We are only making the problem exponentially worse. END IT! LEGALIZE!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Obama to Send 1200 Guard Troops to Mexico Border, that's a start!

Obama to Send 1200 Guard Troops to Mexico Border President Obama will send up to 1,200 National Guard troops to the Southwest border and increase spending on law enforcement, yielding to demands from both Republican and Democratic lawmakers there that border security be tightened, administration officials said.

It is not just illegal immigration as you know, that border can be hell because of the gun running and drug trafficking. Forget poor Mexico, forget Nixon's 40 year war on drugs, end America's Own 100 Year Failed War on Drugs! There really is a simple answer to all this!

We have been fighting a self professed war on Drugs for one hundred years! I wish someone would be able to figure out at what cost. It seems to me that the drug war has spilled over the Border with Mexico. However it went north to south. It is our drug war that has spilled into Mexico. It is us that have made Mexico the narco State it is. I do believe we should at least put American military on the border and do not really understand why it is not. That would go a long way in stopping the problem so I do not understand why they are not on the Border unless it is because a certain political interest still does not want the border secured to enable illegal immigration? Why else? A desire to keep this war going? For gain? of what?

I do believe we can end this! Put our National Guard on the Border in shifts! After I got out of the military I joined the reserves. I do not know how it works today because our troops are flat out. Besides one week end a month we use to be required to do 2 weeks as a unit somewhere to train. With 50 States they could all do their required 2 weeks on the border doing one thing or the other. The other half of the equation:

Legalize marijuana at least then if it works follow with the rest! That would kill much of the incentive for Cartels to be waging a war on drugs. Yes there is cocaine heroine and other drugs but marijuana is America's number one cash crop! That blew me away. According to official Government figures The value of the annual harvest exceeds that of corn, soybeans, or hay, the country's top three legal cash crops with an annual crop value of $35 Billion. There have been an estimated 100 million pot plants destroyed between 1981 and 2006 yet production has still increased 10 fold to 22 million pounds!

Legalize it, secure the border! Just imagine what it would be if it was legalized. Regulate it like alcohol, sell it in package stores! Tax it! Look at the potential revenue. Legalizing marijuana would end a hell of a lot of problems and create exactly zero! Think about it! The number one abused drug in the world is legal, Alcohol! It destroys numerous lives! What sane argument is there against legalization? None, none whatsoever! All we are doing with this insane war on drugs is driving people and not just kids to experiment and find a legal way to get high with common household products. We are only making the problem exponentially worse. END IT! LEGALIZE!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Saving Mexico from Nixon's forty year drug war let alone our 100 year war!

After 40 years the front line is now the entire US covering every State and all of Mexico. It has now engulfed and is endangering the very being of Mexico as a country and safe for its citizens. However this is not Nixon's 40 year drug war but the US 100 year drug war and we are losing!
Saving Mexico

Along US-Mexico Border, a Torrent of Illicit Cash

With our 100 year drug war and guns being purchased here and sent to Mexico then drugs being sent here feeding this drug war. This has not spilled over from Mexico it has spilled over from the US.

I reiterate: eastern California, southern Arizona and New Mexico are clamping down and National Guard troops are being requested! With 560 kidnapped last year Phoenix has become the kidnap capitol of the US! The cartels now operate in every State in America.With a reported 100,000 foot soldiers many of them trained military soldiers who have deserted to fight on the more lucrative side this is a formidable force! What about the Mexico mafia?

We keep hearing that Mexico's war on drugs is spilling over into the US. Now Congress is meeting about it. We are hearing of National Guard troops being called to help because Mexico's drug war has endangered Border States. Weapons are being purchased from gun dealers around the United States and being smuggled into Mexico to be used by the Drug cartels to fight Mexico's military in fighting Mexico's drug war. I have a few questions for our brain dead Politicians as they are once again in denial!

First I want to say when you work with the US you are taking on a lot of trouble. Anyway if I remember correctly our authorities have bragged for years that they are fighting a war against drugs! war on drugs the price tag america can not afford a war on Drugs end it!

We know they do not but you want to say don't they ever think? They are purposely feeding the violence on the border they are supposedly very concerned about? If you buy marijuana in the US you are fueling the cartel drug wars in Mexico. Are they doing this on purpose? Last year there was 7,000 killed there. So far this year another 400 have been added to those Butchered, beheaded, murdered, for what? Juarez, New Mexico on the Border with El Paso, Texas is a battle zone. It is the hot spot in the cartel's fight for smuggling routes. The drug cartels and those officers and military not bought off by the cartels are in a full blown war

Of course there are big fears of our drug war that spilled South to Mexico now spilling back to our side of the Border as violence. The violence is only there and fed by our insatiable hunger for marijuana and other drugs. We can end this! We can control the border as we still are not and put our military on the border. That is where they should be not on 733 US bases around the world.

Forget poor Mexico, forget Nixon's 40 year war on drugs, end America's Own 100 Year Failed War on Drugs!

We have been fighting a self professed war on Drugs for one hundred years! I wish someone would be able to figure out at what cost. It seems to me that the drug war has spilled over the Border with Mexico. However it went north to south. It is our drug war that has spilled into Mexico. It is us that have made Mexico the narco State it is. I do believe we should at least put American military on the border and do not really understand why it is not. That would go a long way in stopping the problem so I do not understand why they are not on the Border unless it is because a certain political interest still does not want the border secured to enable illegal immigration? Why else? A desire to keep this war going? For gain? of what?

I do believe we can end this! Put our National Guard on the Border in shifts! After I got out of the military I joined the reserves. I do not know how it works today because our troops are flat out. Besides one week end a month we use to be required to do 2 weeks as a unit somewhere to train. With 50 States they could all do their required 2 weeks on the border doing one thing or the other. The other half of the equation:

Legalize marijuana at least then if it works follow with the rest! That would kill much of the incentive for Cartels to be waging a war on drugs. Yes there is cocaine heroine and other drugs but marijuana is America's number one cash crop! That blew me away. According to official Government figures The value of the annual harvest exceeds that of corn, soybeans, or hay, the country's top three legal cash crops with an annual crop value of $35 Billion. There have been an estimated 100 million pot plants destroyed between 1981 and 2006 yet production has still increased 10 fold to 22 million pounds!

Legalize it, secure the border! Just imagine what it would be if it was legalized. Regulate it like alcohol, sell it in package stores! Tax it! Look at the potential revenue. Legalizing marijuana would end a hell of a lot of problems and create exactly zero! Think about it! The number one abused drug in the world is legal, Alcohol! It destroys numerous lives! What sane argument is there against legalization? None, none whatsoever! All we are doing with this insane war on drugs is driving people and not just kids to experiment and find a legal way to get high with common household products. We are only making the problem exponentially worse. END IT! LEGALIZE!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma