Showing posts with label Fox40. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fox40. Show all posts

Thursday, October 28, 2010

If Proposition 19 passes Feds will stop playing nice

When I first heard of Eric Holder's stance on California's proposition 19 if it passes I dismissed it knowing California at this point has implemented a full business plan including pot farms, factories, stores, an advertisement plan, taxation plans, the whole 9 yards. They also had the backing of retired cops judges lawyers and other notables. look how deep into this California is.

I do believe it will pass! My original thought was what are they going to do arrest millions? Now that this is getting closer Holder is coming out with his intentions and it is very disconcerting. We have real issues to deal with, we have wars to fight. These BS games have got to stop! There is no reason cannabis is illegal other than the fact that it would encroach on millions of harmful so called legal products.

Knowing how useful cannabis is along with how harmless it is, it is sick that they ever got to lump that in with pot.Funny enough they re legalized it during WW2 because they needed the products and made it illegal again when they thought people would not fight and Russia would use it against us after the war.

My concern now is that people all over that State on every level have exposed themselves and the feds now know exactly who they will have to go after. Attorney General Eric Holder who once promised to be easy on medical marijuana users now now says that If California voters pass Proposition 19, which largely legalizes pot, Washington will come down hard. If Prop. 19 passes Feds will stop playing nice

His stance should clear away any misconceptions about the legal status of marijuana or who is in charge. Marijuana though this is dead wrong remains an illegal drug under federal law, whether state voters feel otherwise. Growing, smoking, or selling the marijuana is against the law Holder indicated but I believe like gay marriage this too should be up to the state period.

President Obama's top law enforcement officer said the administration will "vigorously enforce" federal drug laws. Holder signaled a legal kitchen-sink approach was in the works if Prop. 19 wins. He would go after sellers and organizations that distribute the weed. The attorney general would also go to court to stop the measure from taking effect. We have better things to do damn it!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Holder promises to enforce US drug laws if Prop. 19 passes: Too late! What are they going to arrest millions?

California struggles with pot legalization

We already know but according to marijuana California Marijuana is, in all likelihood, the largest cash crop in the United States, at an estimated $35.8 billion a year.

Holder promises to enforce US drug laws if Prop. 19 passes

Too late they let it go to far!

Pot growing Grandmother Kristi, 68, has been growing and dispensing marijuana from her home in northern California since the 1970s.

California marijuana vote draws unlikely foes, allies into ring

Proposition 19, also known as the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 Wikepedia

Oakland, California (CNN) Dan Rush stood in front of Oaksterdam University, a cannabis college two blocks from City Hall, enthusiastically describing his mission to unionize marijuana workers. Retired Cops, Judges and Lawyers Push to Legalize,some ex-cops, state assemblymen and billionaire businessmen favor legalization, while there are pot growers and dealers who want to keep it outlawed. This really has promise! I didn't even know there was a pot College!

Now I hear In addition to Oaksterdam, where more than 7,000 graduates have taken classes on law, horticulture and "cannabusiness," there are plans to turn Los Angeles' aging Hotel Normandie into pads for pot tourists. Just north of Laytonville, in the ganja-flush Emerald Triangle, lies Area 101, a rural 165-acre roadside retreat where visitors "can get down and get high with the spirit of the land."

There are entire towns packed with hemp stores, head shops and feed-and-seeds, cater to growers in the Emerald Triangle. At a bar in Redway, growers sat on the porch of a local bar smoking "Blue Dream" marijuana. I have a 68 year old friend from Boston who lives there and smokes and I never heard of this. Taxing Cannabis, by the numbers

I really am impressed with the way this is going in California and believe this should be country wide though the Fed is still a road block but I think it is a big hurdle that canbe hurdled if only because of our financial crisis.We have been discussing California's progress from pot factories and legal marijuana farming to their first advertisement on it. If you missed it here it is for you to elaborate on if desired. Here

It is obvious the Feds are not going to be able to go after those that offend Federal marijuana laws if proposition 19 passes as Holder threatens, they have let this go too far and I love it! This is now a full business model with an industry and millions of so called offenders. "Forget about it" fight your other wars, California has gone to far with this to turn back.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Retired Cops, Judges and Lawyers Push to Legalize marijuana in California

Pot growing Grandmother Kristi, 68, has been growing and dispensing marijuana from her home in northern California since the 1970s.

California marijuana vote draws unlikely foes, allies into ring

Proposition 19, also known as the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 Wikepedia

Oakland, California (CNN) Dan Rush stood in front of Oaksterdam University, a cannabis college two blocks from City Hall, enthusiastically describing his mission to unionize marijuana workers. Retired Cops, Judges and Lawyers Push to Legalize,some ex-cops, state assemblymen and billionaire businessmen favor legalization, while there are pot growers and dealers who want to keep it outlawed. This really has promise! I didn't even know there was a pot College!

Now I hear In addition to Oaksterdam, where more than 7,000 graduates have taken classes on law, horticulture and "cannabusiness," there are plans to turn Los Angeles' aging Hotel Normandie into pads for pot tourists. Just north of Laytonville, in the ganja-flush Emerald Triangle, lies Area 101, a rural 165-acre roadside retreat where visitors "can get down and get high with the spirit of the land."

There are entire towns packed with hemp stores, head shops and feed-and-seeds, cater to growers in the Emerald Triangle. At a bar in Redway, growers sat on the porch of a local bar smoking "Blue Dream" marijuana. I have a 68 year old friend from Boston who lives there and smokes and I never heard of this. Taxing Cannabis, by the numbers

I really am impressed with the way this is going in California and believe this should be country wide though the Fed is still a road block but I think it is a big hurdle that canbe hurdled if only because of our financial crisis.We have been discussing California's progress from pot factories and legal marijuana farming to their first advertisement on it. If you missed it here it is for you to elaborate on if desired. Here

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Monday, September 06, 2010

Fox40 airs first medical marijuana ad: a perfect business plan for a new legal industry!

Fox airs first medical marijuana ad

California is on the right track everything has failed and every State needs the revenue not just California. As you may know Oakland Approved Four Marijuana Factories advertising, this is the perfect next step, perfect business sense!

They also approved marijuana farming: OAKLAND, California (Reuters) - The city of Oakland, California legalized large-scale marijuana cultivation for medical use and will issue up to four permits for "industrial" cultivation starting next year.

Kill the growing drug violence on the Mexico US border, change the US forever, think about it! Legalize marijuana at least then follow with the rest, maybe! That would kill much of the incentive for Cartels to be waging a war on drugs. Yes there is cocaine heroine and other drugs but marijuana is America's number one cash crop! That blew me away.

According to official Government figures The value of the annual harvest exceeds that of corn, soybeans, or hay, the country's top three legal cash crops with an annual crop value of $35 Billion. There have been an estimated 100 million pot plants destroyed between 1981 and 2006 yet production has still increased 10 fold to 22 million pounds! Marijuana is the countries number one cash crop

While California, Tennessee, Kentucky, Hawaii, and Washington are the top producing states, pot is the top cash crop in 12 states and among the top three in 30 states. "There is a lot of demand for marijuana in the US, and it's only natural that production would increase here,"Marijuana is the countries number one cash crop, legalize it nation wide and collect the much needed taxes.

"This is a monumental step forward," Dale Gieringer, an Oakland resident and marijuana activist said. The measure, which pitted small and midsized "gardeners" against larger producers, initially allows the large farms to sell only to medical marijuana dispensaries Gettman told Drug War Chronicle. California is right to legalize it and capture the tax dollars. I just love it, imagine this country wide. This could reinvent America!

With our 100 year drug war and guns being purchased here and sent to Mexico then drugs being sent here feeding this drug war. This has not spilled over from Mexico it has spilled over from the US. I reiterate: eastern California, southern Arizona and New Mexico are clamping down and National Guard troops are being requested!

We keep hearing that Mexico's war on drugs is spilling over into the US. We have been fighting a self professed war on Drugs for one hundred years! I wish someone would be able to figure out at what cost. It seems to me that the drug war has spilled over the Border with Mexico. However it went north to south. It is our drug war that has spilled into Mexico. It is us that have made Mexico the narco State it is.

I do believe we should at least put American military on the border and do not really understand why it is not. That would go a long way in stopping the problem so I do not understand why they are not on the Border unless it is because a certain political interest still does not want the border secured to enable illegal immigration? Why else? A desire to keep this war going? For gain? of what?

I do believe we can end this! Put our National Guard on the Border in shifts! After I got out of the military I joined the reserves. I do not know how it works today because our troops are flat out. Besides one week end a month we use to be required to do 2 weeks as a unit somewhere to train. With 50 States they could all do their required 2 weeks on the border doing one thing or the other. The other half of the equation:

Legalize marijuana, follow California's example, secure the border! Just imagine what it would be if it was legalized. Regulate it like alcohol, sell it in package stores! Tax it! Look at the potential revenue. Legalizing marijuana would end a hell of a lot of problems and create exactly zero! Think about it!

The number one abused drug in the world is legal, Alcohol! It destroys numerous lives! What sane argument is there against legalization? None, none whatsoever! All we are doing with this insane war on drugs is driving people and not just kids to experiment and find a legal way to get high with common household products. We are only making the problem exponentially worse. END IT! LEGALIZE! All States!

James Joiner

Gardner, Ma