Showing posts with label Lushae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lushae. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


My ring arrived from Sarah at Lushae and it is stunning.
It took approx. two weeks to arrive and required a custom fee to collect, I emailed Sarah and she immediately credited my paypal account with more than the required compensation along with her apologies.
I took a gamble on the size, I don't have a printer at the moment so I turned my Sons's laptop upside down and placed a ring I have over the size chart on the Lushae website...It fits perfectly!
The ring shines and twinkles so much that I found it quite difficult to photograph and had to find a spot in the lounge without direct light. It looks so elegant and I love the design. It came complete with it's own little box too!
A huge thank you to Sarah at Lushae, I am delighted.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Last week I was contacted by a friendly woman called Sarah at Lushae asking me if I would like to select a free item from her web store in exchange for some feedback online on my blog. I agreed and Sarah sent me a link that produced a free gift card on entering the shop, allowing me to make my choice from any of the items in her store.

It took quite a while to make a decision from all the beautiful items on display but I finally decided on the Ribbon Ring and placed my order on the 18th. My own computer has been out of action since before Christmas and I'm using my Sons laptop so I couldn't print out the handy ring size chart supplied on the site and had to guess, so I hope I got it right.

I had an email on the 21st to confirm that my gift had been dispatched and I'm rather excited at the prospect of wearing it very soon.

I'll keep you informed.