Showing posts with label Olivia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Olivia. Show all posts

Friday, January 16, 2009

Arctic Blast.... BBBRRRRRRRR!

The United States has been hit hard this winter and finally the Arctic Blast (as it has been dubbed by our local TV forecasters) has hit Southeastern NC. Every morning I cut on my computer to look at local news, check emails, and see what's up with the weather. In fact, my opening page shows the temps for Jacksonville NC, Fleetwood NC (where our family mountain lodge is), and Oakland MD (where my wife is from)... this morning the temps read... Jacksonville @ 18 degrees, Fleetwood @ 0 degrees, and Oakland @ -9 degrees... BRRRRRRRRRR! I realize there are people throughout this great country who are laughing at my 18 degrees... the tables are turned in the summer when we get the 100+ temps and it doesn't bother us.
Here are a few "Arctic Blast" paintings I did last year. The scenes are set in the Blue Ridge Mountains near Boone, NC.
Click on paintings to enlarge...

"Snowy Barn"... 6x8" Oil on Panel, alla prima, 2008.

"Snowy Path in the Blue Ridge"... 6x8" Oil on panel, alla prima, 2008.

"Winter's Rush"... 6x8" Oil on Panel, alla prima, 2008.
Stay warm... thanks for dropping by... feel free to leave a comment and let me know what the temperature is in your area.

PS... I have included Olivia's (my Lil' painting buddy) painting that she brought home from school today...

"Blizzard Snowman and Dog"... 9x12" Watercolor and Crayon by Olivia Rosage, age 7, 1-2009.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Hello... My name is Teddy. I am quite the adventurer... I travel home every weekend with a student from Mrs Davis' second grade class. The students document their adventures with me in a journal... this weekend I chose to go home with Star-Student Olivia!
Olivia and her family took me to the Jacksonville Christmas Parade. Here we are snuggled together... it was COLD!

The Marine Corps Color Guard started the parade and their band was AWESOME!

A group of singers from Olivia's church rode on a float and sang for us.

All the floats and bands were great but our favorite was the White Oak High School Marching Band... they were the BEST!

Olivia's cousin, Emily, is a drummer in the band.

Here we are with Savannah and Camden... Olivia's niece and nephew.

They saved the best part for last... SANTA! He came to town on a firetruck.

He waved at me and Olivia... afterall... we have been good girls this year!

I even got to hang out with Olivia's older sister Whitney... Olivia calls her "Sissy".
I had a blast at Olivia's house. She introduced me to many of her stuffed animal friends... Can you find me in this photo?
I even had my picture taken with one of her pet cats... Simba!
Thanks for a GREAT weekend Olivia... hope we can do it again soon...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

25 years ago today... History inspires artwork...

Events in history are often inspiration for my paintings... but when history hits on a personal level sometimes I find myself captivated to paint a scene for reasons beyond mere aesthetics or nostalgia.

Such a historical event happened to our small community 25 years ago today. It was the first day that the war on terrorism began with the largest non-nuclear explosion since World War II... the Beirut bombing.
In the early morning of October 23, 1983, the First Battalion, 8th Marines Headquarters building was destroyed by a non-Lebanese, terrorist-driven truck, laden with compressed gas-enhanced explosives. This truck, like many others, had become a familiar sight at the airport and so did not raise any alarm on this morning. The resulting explosion and the collapse of the building killed 241 Marines, Sailors, and Soldiers.

Many of the victims of this atrocity were residents of Jacksonville, North Carolina. They were known as fathers, neighbors, fellow church members, and little league baseball and soccer coaches. The community was stunned over the loss of these fine men and donations began to flow to their memory. This became the "birth" of the Beirut Memorial where their names are engraved along side "They Came In Peace"...

This tragic event reminds us of how fragile life is, how costly freedom is, and how much our community appreciates the military! On a personal level I have included a couple paintings inspired by this day in history...

"They Came In Peace"... 24"x24" Oil on Textured Stretched Canvas, 2005.

"A Tribute to Gold Star Moms" ... 10x8" Oil on Linen, en plein aire, April 2008.
Read the story behind this painting HERE...
(click on image to enlarge)

Here is the painting my daughter Olivia (six years old at the time) did the same day...
"Honoring Marines"... 10x8" Acyclic on canvas

Here are some recent articles in our local newspaper... The Daily News... highlighting the event, memorial, and anniversary.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Plein Air painting with My Lil' Painting Buddy...

"The Winberry Barn"... 6x8" Oil on panel, alla prima en plein aire, 2008.
Click on image to see a larger view...

This old barn was a joy to paint for two reasons...

#1... It's sentimental value. I grew up just down the road from this old barn that belonged to my g-great uncle. My brother and I along with other kids who lived nearby spent many hours playing in and around it.

#2... I painted this one en plein aire with My lil' painting buddy, Olivia

Liv with her finished painting...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Archiving Olivia's Artwork from Painting #1 to her 1st Gallery Show.

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up." ~ Pablo Picasso

My little painting buddy, Olivia, has amassed quite a portfolio of paintings since her first one at age 4. Now... exactly one week before her 7th birthday... she manages to get a piece in a gallery. This post serves as an archive of some of those paintings and the stories behind them... be sure to click on the links to read those stories.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Young Artists Making a Difference....

Wednesday, November 30, 2005
More Young Artists...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
A plein air painter is born...
"Daddy's Art Class"... Artist: Olivia ,8x10, Acrylics on canvasboard, en plein aire, 1-14-2007.

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse...

Willy Lott's Cottage... 3x6" oil on panel, 4-2007, Olivia (age almost 6)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
OOPS!... almost forgot to tell you...

View photos and read all about the Gallery Art Show HERE....

Olivia's 1st Gallery Show lands her in the Daily News paper!

Olivia... dads painting buddy... got her picture in the Daily News paper promoting the opening of the OOPS Exhibit at the Baysden Gallery at the Council for the Arts.

click on image to enlarge...

Online Daily News blurb about the show...

Here's Olivia with her "Work of Art"...

she calls it...
"Honoring Marines"... 10x8" Acyclic on canvas, 4-2008... age 6.

Read about the day she painted it... HERE...

Here's Olivia, Dad, and Camden...

We sure are PROUD of you Livie!
View photos and read all about the Art Show HERE....

Friday, March 28, 2008

Olivia's First Commission as an Artist... WOW... a PRO at Six!

Olivia (my six year old daughter and painting buddy) recently was asked by Andrew, an art collector and friend, to paint a special painting for him of Blackwater Falls. He sent her this photo he took of the falls as her subject. Andrew told her that he had been following her earlier works and wanted her to paint this special painting to hang in his restaurant in Oakland, Maryland.

Blackwater Falls is the highest falls in West Virginia and is a beautiful site to behold.

Dad set up her easel and palette and the young artist began her work...

To be honest... I was quite shocked at how well she was doing. I explained to her how to block in certain areas and she caught on quickly.

The impasto work of the cascading water was the part I liked the best. I showed her how to paint one tree and before I knew it she was putting Bob Ross to shame.
The artist with her work of art!
Click on painting to enlarge.

"Blackwater Falls"... 9x12" Oil on gallery wrapped canvas by Olivia Rosage, age six, 2008.
Andrew sent her a letter and a generous check to put in her "Fat Cat" bank account! Needless to say... she was very excited!
click to enlarge...

Andrew's gesture and words were so encouraging... she is STILL beaming!
Thanks Andrew!
Friends, Family, and Internet Surfers....
Olivia informed me that she'd love to read your comments... please leave her a few words... Thanks!