Monday, December 21, 2009


I finally have my prints for sale site up (link near the top of my blog). They are high quality archival prints. I will be adding more as the days go by. If you have a special image in mind for a print let me know. Thanks for your support!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


OK, back to some new painting. This is one of a few paintings I'm doing for an Airship show at Gallery Nucleus in January. I'm sorry there is only one progress shot but things are pretty busy here.

Sky Trout Pirate

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Old Stuff

Occasionally I have people ask me, "do you remember the such and such painting?" Well this is in honor of them. I will make a conscious effort, I used to do it at the beginning of my blog life, to post older work now an then. This was a popular series at the gallery. Acrylic and mixed on old book covers. By the way this is an opportunity to say thanks to Perry Allen the former owner of the Basement Gallery with whom I have exhibited these past ten years. He has sold the business to Jane Brumfield, a wonderful Brit. I will continue to have a relationship with the gallery and also with her gallery in England, The Weekend Gallery. Good times in Hawaii Perry!

Horn b

Horn e

Horn ed

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cold and Cthulhu Season is doing a Lovecraft/Cthulhu celebration. I thought I would tie it in with my ledger stuff. I kinda feel like this too.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Battle Cat

Looks like Battle Cat is finished. I really like the contrast between BC and Cringer. These will be framed together as one piece. He Man show at Gallery 1988 LA in January. Hope I can go.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Shark Fin Soup

It's amazing what we can talk ourselves into. Who was the first person to actually say, "Hey let's try making a a soup out of the fin on the back of that fish with the huge teeth and black eyes." The fin has no taste, no medicinal properties, and no magic. Leave the sharks alone. It would be cool though if occasionally they forgot to cut off the fin and left the whole fish in the bowl.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cinderella Finish

Here is the final Cinderella. I just changed the "C" and added back a decorative piece that accidently got cut off. Compare it to below.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009


OK, I know silly tricky name but it's kind of a silly tricky drawing. Sold a couple of these but hurry 'cause the leftovers are being shipped to England for a show there.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sketch Playground

Even with looming deadlines, sometimes ya just gotta play. Can't wait to work on my narwhal story. I've been holding on to it for years.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


So I get to be in this really cool He-Man tribute show at Gallery 1988 LA. My piece is a two parter. The finished piece on top is a Cringer kitten painted on copper and about 2.5x2.5 inches. The Battle Cat, in funky armor, painting is in progress and about 7x7 inches on panel. I'll post the finish in a couple of days, hopefully. I'll also post details about the show later. How could I pass this up.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

No Butter

Holidays and a lot of food. It's just on my mind. I've set the price of these drawings at $100 - $150 and I'll ship unless you want it overnight or something. But I can be swayed by pumpkin pie with cool whip.

Monday, November 23, 2009


As I've been working on these drawings and some paintings for shows in SoCal and England, I've been doing this poster for Opera Idaho. The story is a bit different from the Disney version we all know but I think this poster tells it well. I'm still not totally convinced of the type but I still have a few days.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Narwhal Rain

Do you have your deflector? Actually I'm working on a whole narwhal rain story, but don't tell anyone. I'm still deciding a price for these. Email me if you are really interested.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


So I liked the thank you notes so much that i am going to continue working on this really cool ledger book paper from 1926. I really like working on surfaces with a history. I'm thinking of selling these as sort of commissions. you know give me a word or two and I do a drawing. Think it will catch on?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Michael's Visit

I had a great opportunity to share some time with Michael, sitting behind me in the first pic, a visitor to my class from the Make-A-Wish Foundation. He watched a demo included below and kept the piece to remember the occasion. He was also given a surprise from Snapfish and Hewlett Packard later. What a great thing. And Michael if you come to visit here thanks for coming and talking with me.

Don't do a lot of zombies although I am a George Romero fan. Michael and I just had a conversation about zombies before class so I couldn't resist. I did some minimal digital work later.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thank You Drawings

So if you do nice things for Bill you get these really cool hand made thank you drawings. But it has to be something really nice and I have to like you a lot.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Super Turkey 2009

If you live in Boise ignore this post until the week after next. I just thought I'd give my loyal friends a preview of my new Super Turkey cover (I've done one every Thanksgiving here for the past 7 or 8 years at least). I've also included the original drawing done in ballpoint pen.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Just catching up with some sketchbook stuff. I know that I haven't done any really cool paintings lately, but I am working on them and they will not disappoint. In the meantime I never stop sketching.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

New Demo etc.

Started as a demonstration in class and I just carried it a little further.

Vigorous Flossing