Showing posts with label Community. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Community. Show all posts

Monday, June 25, 2012

COMMUNITY; Six Seasons And A Movie Art Show

Got back from the Six Seasons And A Movie Art Show.  It was cool hanging out with friends and fans of the show.  I'm a huge fan of "Community" so you knowI had to participate!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Annie and Britta from Community

"Give me back my bra, Annie!"

Annie and Britta from one of my favorite show on tv, "Community"!

I've just finished artwork commitments to some friends and was about to finally step back into finishing up my creator owned comic, "Alcatraz High", when I was asked by Mark Batalla to join in on the "Six Seasons and a Movie" art show. I didn't hesitate to sign up.  I absolutely LOVE this show and I really wanted to show support, so I drew this image.  

I have a Troy and Abed drawing that I want to get to... Hopefully, I can find some time to do it before the submissions deadline...

Alright, gotta get back to "Alcatraz High",,, The Comic Con is coming!