Showing posts with label giveaways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaways. Show all posts

Saturday, March 20, 2010

GIVEAWAY: Better Living With Whole Foods Cookbook

Now that it's spring I have been thinking more about natural, good foods for my family. Recently I started walking and eating better, so that I can preserve what I have! So it was right up my alley when I received an invite to discuss it.

This last week I attended a blogging event a local natural baby store, Belly Sprout, located in Fullerton. We were there to hear about You Are What You Eat, a local event taking place at the Brea Community Center on May 15th.

Organized by owners of the Belly Sprout, Christy Funk and Yolanda Quiroz Soto, J.D. the goal of the event is to explore the connection between what we eat and how it affects us in body, mind and spirit. With Keynote Speakers like Mariel Hemingway and Ann Gentry, You Are What You Eat is a family-friendly program, run by women, for the most part. There are food demonstrations, panel discussions and book-signings. Childcare is provided. There will be a food truck with organic, sustainable food for your convenience. Are you in the mood? Make sure you attend!

But first, to get you started, WIN a copy of the book by local author, Alexander Morentin, C.E.S.: Better Living With Whole Foods. To win, simply leave a comment here and tell me what you are doing to improve your eating habits. MAKE SURE to leave me your email so I can contact you if you win. Contest ENDS April 1, 2010.

Want extra entries?

Tweet the contest. Then make sure to let me know. For another entry, subscribe to the RSS feed for this blog, on upper right of the page..

I did not receive compensation for this post, but I may have received free product to review.

T, who hopes this is helpful for you

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009


At the end of April, I started a giveaway for bracelets. Thank you all to those who entered! I wish I could send a bracelet to everyone. Here, in random order, are the winners:

Autism Is Beautiful

Please email or DM me on twitter so I can get your information and send your bracelet to you from Jularie's Jewels

T, who says wear them with pride

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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Giveaway: Aware of Autism? I'd Like To Buy You a Bracelet! (Since I Can't Teach the World To Sing)

Erin has stirred up quite the storm over at Queen of Spain, and I agree with her wholeheartedly. The timing is a bit awkward, because we are talking about giveaways and transparency and writing. My comments can be read over there, if you so choose, I won't beat a dead horse. The crazy thing is, though, I am doing a giveaway!

But here's the thing:: It isn't for some sponsored product, like bathroom cleaner or foot fungus soap, it's for autism awareness bracelets. And here's why: I bought three bracelets from Jularie Jewels at eBay at the beginning of April. They were very inexpensive, and despite being handmade, I didn't have high hopes. When they arrived I loved them sooo much that I contacted the seller and asked for 10 more to give away on my blog. I paid for them. Out of my own pocket, because it is a cause near and dear to my heart. And I wanted you to have one.

I purposely waited until almost the end of "Autism Awareness Month" because I wanted the bracelets to go to those who are intimately familiar with autism and would continue to wear them. For us, autism awareness occurs every day, when we interact with our children. So here is what I am asking:

While traffic is nice, please only enter the contest if you are intimately familiar with autism as in, have a child or family member close to you who has it.

To enter:

Please comment in comments with the thing that makes you the most aware of autism, or a story about how autism affects you and leave me your email so I can let you know if you win! (I promise I won't send you any fake British lottery notices or anything)

Everyone gets one entry. I would love it if you tweet the giveway, or if you wanted to sub to my blog because you think my writing is the bomb or if you wrote about the giveaway on your own blog because you believe in it, but I am not going to manipulate you into doing any of those things simply to raise my SEO or rank. And I don't think you should do any of those things just to get extra entries on anyone's blog. But...that's just me. You can disagree with me and I will still love you.

I only have EIGHT bracelets. (I bought 10, but my daughter whined and I had to give her two of them). I WISH I had one for everyone, because I wish all moms who desired a bracelet could have one. I really do think these are nice bracelets, as I said, I have three of my own, one for each of my children. I don't get anything special for giving these away, except satisfaction of knowing EIGHT more women have a bracelet.

GOOD LUCK! I will choose the winners by random number generator (because how can I judge the quality of comments??) the second week of May. Love you all!

I hope you love your bracelet as much as I love mine!

T, who hopes you enjoy the bracelets as my gift to you

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Starbucks Giveaway: And The Coffee Goes To...

Thanks so much everyone for helping me celebrate my birthday! So many people entered the drawing, I wish I could buy coffee for everyone!: But I let my trusty random number generator choose for me, by number of each comment and here are the WINNERS:(winners, leave a comment so I know you sent me email)

Happy Needle Blog

Congratulations to all the winners! Now, here is what I need from you... see the email link at the right hand top of the blog? clicky clicky and leave me your snail mail address (promise I won't stalk you, can't afford the airfare) l will mail you a Starbucks card, so you can have a coffee on me!

T, who wishes she could buy you a cup in person

Monday, July 07, 2008

For My Birthday, Let Me Buy You a Cup of Coffee

In TWO days, I turn the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything. I wanted to give me something for my birthday, but I have all the toys I need. This blogging thing makes me happy, so I decided to treat myself by treating you! After all, it is better to give than to receive. So I figured I will give you all some Sanity for my birthday. My sanity is Starbucks. So. In honor of my 40-something spins around the earth, I am giving EIGHT lucky readers a $5 Starbucks gift card. Just leave a comment in the comments and I will pick 8 readers at random to win! Two winners will receive an extra buck on that card, to make it an even 42. Starbucks, Starbucks, yeah, yeah, yeah!

T, who swears Starbucks is cheaper than therapy

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Look, free stuff!

Cool Mom has a cool giveaway for kids with autism. Kibbles playhouse is a company that makes CDs with content like music for kids on the autism spectrum. Go over and enter, and tell her TLC sent you!

T, who loves to give exposure to autism causes, you know it!

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