Showing posts with label memes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memes. Show all posts

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sick & Tired: Two Words

Not feeling very well, sore throat and nose stuffiness. Plus? achiness and I am really tired. So I am taking the cheater's way get a meme.

1. Where is your cell phone?

by computer

2. Your hair?

sexy red

3. Your eyes?

tired now

4. Your brother?

ex rocker

5. Your sister?

no got

6. Your favorite thing?

my family

7. Your dream last night?

had blood

8. Your favorite beverage?

cold Pepsi

9. Your dream/goal?

get published

10. The room you’re in?

living room

11. Your Ex?

ancient history

12. Your fear?

Rubber Room

13. Where do you want to be in 10 years?

on vacation

14. Where were you last night?

beach party

15. What you’re not?

mean girl

16. Muffins?

chocolate chip

17. One of your wish list items?

Hawk Sidekick

18. Where you grew up?

Salinas, CA

19. The last thing you did?

made 'smores

20. What are you wearing?

stuffy nose

21. Your TV?

DVR Olympics

22. Your pets?

schizo cats

23. Your computer?

Macbook rules

24. Your life?

freakin' awesome

25. Your mood?

irritable PMS

26. Missing someone?

like who?

27. Your car?

Kia Sedona

28. Something you’re not wearing?

hate socks

29. Favorite Place?

right here

30. Your summer?

crazy busy

31. Your favorite color?

Starbucks mocha

32. Last time you laughed?

daughter spoke

33. Last time you cried?

in worship

T, who needs to go to bed

How about you? Two words to describe your day?

Monday, July 28, 2008

They're Going To Take Away My Cool Mom Club Card

The kids when they were younger. JBear is around 6 here, all about Indy

I hate Indiana Jones.

This is a confession I cannot make to my son, who is obsessed with All Things Indy. Since the age of four, (he's nine now) when he donned the infamous Indy fedora bought on a summer trip to Disneyland (it has the Indiana Jones logo inside, and he wore that thing for two straight years) We actually went through three hats because he wore them OUT. Indiana Jones has been a strong interest that my son comes back to again and again.

One of the hallmarks of high-functioning autism or Asperger's is perseveration. Really, it's a 50¢ word for "all the subject, all the time." Even when the last thing you want to hear about is said subject- for the love of God and all things Holy! ...It still continues.

As I said, this particular obsession has been alive since my son found out about it in Kindergarten and honestly? a lifetime of red Kool-aid and twinkies for the child that let that cat out of the bag. And yes, his mother, too. Especially his mother...

In our house, we have Indy action figures, Indy computer games, Indy Wii. We have Indy Legos, an Indy Whip, hell we even have Indy cereal. We have numerous thrift-store-find Indy outfits. It's so bad that my son commandered my tan messenger bag because he thinks it makes him look more like the satchel-carrying Indy. That's right. My nine year old carries a murse. I'm so proud.

Ask a psychologist and he will say that perseveration serves a purpose. It holds the child's anxiety often, and gives him a go-to subject ripe for conversation. Ask me, and I'll tell you that it's damned annoying.

Don't get me wrong. When my then-four year old came home and made it All About Indy I was thrilled. How cute, a four year old who has a role model! I admit, I indulged his play. A lot. I bought him tan pants, and shirts that looked perfect for his adventures. We bought him the aforementioned fedora. He watched Raiders of the Lost Ark and later, The Last Crusade. (he didn't see Temple of Doom, it's a bit rough around the edges for kids) We bought him the G.I. Joe Indiana Jones figure.

My adventurer, out and about

When people admired his appearance, I loved it. And when he was chosen to be featured at the Sword in the Stone show at Disneyland because he looked like such a cool kid? (and of course, cool kids have hip moms) I preened. I even overlooked the fact that he had to wear tan pants, everyday, even all through the 90 degree Southern California summer. "Creative Expression," don't you know?

My son vacillates between various interests. They are almost always mass-market media-inspired. The characters he has glommed onto have been a changing array: Robin Hood, Captain Jack Sparrow (I put a stop to that when he "stole" my wallet out of my purse and then told me about it... when asked why? "What do you expect, I'm a pirate!") Frodo Baggins, Peter from Narnia , Link from the Nintendo game, Legend of Zelda....and of course, the one that started it all: Indiana Jones. Each of these phases requires various accoutrements such as outfits, accessories and of course, toys from the lines of Commercial Cash Cow and Put China On Top By Importing Cheap Poisonous Plastic Crap. It keeps us on our toes.

I thought we had put the Indy love to bed, because we hadn't seen much of the fedora or the toys in quite a while. And then, the newest movie was announced. My son picked up his Indy Interest with a vengeance. He talked constantly about the movie.

What did I think it would be like?(I don't know)
Would Indy be old? (yes)
Would he still have his whip? (probably)
Would there be scary parts like in Raiders? (some intense scenes, I imagine)
Will you buy me the Lego Indy stuff (save your allowance)
Will I get to see the movie soon (when it comes out son)
What will it be like? (ARGH..the sound of me choking on my tongue as my brain explodes)

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

He saw the movie opening night. He very much liked it. Shortly after that, we bought the Indiana Jones Lego Wii game. It is very entertaining, even if you are just watching it, highly recommend it, as an aside. The obsession came to a full rolling boil. He played the game. He talked about the game. He played the game. He talked about the movie. And the game. GAH! I was never so happy as when he finished the last level of that game.

Things seem to be settling down, now. He is still crazy about Indy, and he will corner anyone to tell them so. But there are signs that Indy may have run it's course this cycle and there is an inkling that change is on the horizon. My son created a level in his Nintendo game after this particular interest. What's that? The newest interest? The one that with just a small nudge from me if I'm not careful, will become a monster on a feeding frenzy? Star Trek. Yes, you heard me right. my son is becoming a geek. I suppose it isn't surprising given his genetics.

But...but...Star Trek??

God help us all.

How about you? What you are sick of?

T, who figures she will be assimilated

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Oh Geez, Not a Meme!

This cow has not been is why she is happy

Laura @ Lauralovesart tagged me. So, here you go.

I apologize ahead of time, but I tend to follow rules...

Six Random Things About Me

(that I haven't already shared? Is there anything left??)

  1. I love the sound of the ocean, but I hate the beach. I hate the sand and that it gets all over everything. I can't stand carting me, the kids and all the paraphernalia necessary for the trip across the sand, trying to find a place, then traipsing back. I hate paying to park, and I can't stand that the beach is crowded with tourists.
  2. I have a grey thumb. It isn't black, because things don't die, they just limp along and don't flourish. I have tried, I am just really a lousy gardener.
  3. Before I had kids I had a job as a barrista (in an independent coffee store), a food server in an upscale Mexican restaurant and a multimedia producer. I have never had a "career," it just worked out that way. After the kids were born, I came home and have remained a stay-at-home./WAHM.
  4. I have actually been cow-tipping. I didn't participate, I stood in a pasture in my high heels and watched a bunch of drunk guys, while rolling my eyes. Contrary to the physics professors, it is possible: I've witnessed it. (What else do you do in a town called Prunedale?)
  5. I am trying to teach myself to play the piano. JBug and I started at the same time. She is playing songs out of books and I am....most assuredly NOT. Reading music is very hard for me. I think it is a spatial thing.
  6. If I was to give you directions to get somewhere, I would give you a list of turns to make and street names. I grew up with "landmark navigation (turn right at 7-11) which doesn't help in an urban environment that has three 7-11s on the same street. I can read maps, but I don't like to. I seriously <3 Google has step-by-step directions for driving.Sometimes it is wrong, though. My GPS is JAC..aka a frantic cell phone call to my dh...which has happened on more than one occasion.


  1. Link to the person who tagged you.
  2. Post the rules on your blog.
  3. Write six random things about yourself.
  4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
  5. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
  6. Let your tagger know when your blog entry is up.

The rules state I have to tag SIX other bloggers (sorry!) so I am tagging:

Shannan @ From Cribs To Car Keys
California Mom @ California Mom
Missy @ Meanwhile Back At The Ranch
Shash @ Diary of a Crazed Mommy
Mrs. Tantrum @ Momma's Tantrum
and to prove I am not a sexist, I tag: Shawn@ Backpacking Dad

T, who plays nice with others

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

And In the Narcisism Department: Why Would You Want to Know?

A few people told me I need to do my "50 Things" post. I have resisted, until now, but have a pretty heavy case of Writer's Block so... you are subjected to...

50 Things About Me
  • 1. I have always wanted to be a writer I kept journals throughout my childhood and through the years until I had kids. They were destroyed in the fire of 2006.
  • 2. I fancied myself a poet, but haven't written poetry since before my kids were born.
  • 3. I have a perfection streak and a fear of failure= terrible combination
  • 4. I was an editor of both my high school newspaper and college, as well.
  • 5. I was once going to run for school board. I decided to put it off a few years, and now I homeschool.
  • 6. I was an Army brat until I was a teenager...then we settled in a small town. Wish we'd kept moving.
  • 7. lived in Alaska for a few years in elementary school; my brother was born there.
  • 8. my parents were asked to let me enter a study on giftedness at the University of Alaska when I was 5. They refused.
  • 9. I never lived up to that hype.
  • 10. I'm ok with that.
  • 11. I am a lifelong learner, I am happiest when I am learning something new.
  • 12. I was a voracious reader as a kid. Now I read when I can. I rarely read fiction, but am always reading for new information.
  • 13. To shut up the "Why?" questions, my parents bought me a set of encyclopedias. I was in Heaven.
  • 14. I used to keep a running list of topics I wanted to look up in the library.
  • 15. Now I keep a list by my bed, or just get up and Google it.
  • 16. The Internet is a dream come true for me.
  • 17. I was once told by my crush in high school, "The trouble with you is that we want to talk about what color the car is, and you want to know what the paint is made of."
  • 18. At the time, it broke my heart, but I had to admit he was right.(I still love sexy cars, though)
  • 19. I still want to know what the paint's made of.
  • 20. That quality has served me well.
  • 21. I have been married almost 19 years.
  • 22. I was attracted to his brain. The sex was a fringe benefit...
  • 23. I went through my stage of dating jerks, but found I really like geeks.
  • 24. I am seriously attracted to a large IQ.
  • 25. I realize this is truly pathetic, shallow (can it be shallow?) I'm ok with that.
  • 26. Talk nerdy to me... I'll be putty in your hand. TED? W3C? Extreme Programming? Java? Ubuntu? Ooh, baby. Don't stop.
  • 27. I have an affinity for tech, an intuitive understanding of how it is supposed to work...but cannot troubleshoot at all. Or code. Or fix my flubs.
  • 28. I have a very understanding partner who comes behind and fixes what I screw up.
  • 29. We have had more than one screaming fight late at night because I have messed up my template and am frustrated.
  • 30. I usually write after the kids are in bed; I concentrate better that way.
  • 31. I thought about not having children, I had cats. I thought it was enough.
  • 32. We said our lifestyle wouldn't change after kids. We would still take weekend trips. 14 years later...ONCE.
  • 33. I loved being pregnant, and thought I'd never looked better. Birth was easy. The first two times.
  • 34. My third child, JBean, was 10 weeks early. She was in the hospital for a month.
  • 35. I read piles of books, cover to cover, on prematurity. I taught the nurses.
  • 36. My motto: Knowledge is power. (and control, thank you very much)
  • 37. When I found out my son had autism, I locked myself in my room and cried. I did the same thing when my daughter was diagnosed.
  • 38. Then I started googling. Both times.
  • 39. I already knew a lot based upon a Wired magazine article years ago called The AQ Factor. My husband is an engineer. 'Nuff said.
  • 40. Now I feel like I have a handle on this autism thing. And that's usually when I fall on my face.
  • 41. If it doesn't kill me, it just makes me stronger. It is what it is. My six words: Plan B Now, but it's ok.
  • 42. I am a closet Emo fan. Panic at the Disco, Evanescence and My Chemical Romance rule.
  • 43. My 14 year old believes I should be the teenager. She is more conservative than I am.
  • 44. I am a night owl. I rarely am in bed before 1 a.m. I need two solid hours to decompress after kids are in bed. I have a 14 yr old who won't go to bed.
  • 45. I am bipolar, but mildly so. This is part of why I don't sleep. But I also just don't like to sleep.
  • 46. I haven't had a major manic episode in 17 years. I am hypo-manic. Creative, feel good, less sleep needed.
  • 47. I don't talk about it because I don't feel like it affects who I am. I definitely don't hide it, though.
  • 48. I have, in the past, been on meds, and wouldn't hesitate to go on them again if needed.
  • 49. I'm not a bitch, I only play one online.
  • 50. I seriously see the Internet as a community; a way to connect people and provide support. It is the 21st Century Kaffeklatsch, and I am privileged to be a part of it.
  • T, who is amazed if you made it all the way through that

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    Wednesday, June 25, 2008

    My Very FIRST Works For Me Wednesday (Like Water Under the Bridge)

    *This is my first WFMW, a meme that rocks in my dryer started....

    With all the talk about "greening" and improving the environment, I have been trying to figure out what to do to reduce my carbon footprint. We were originally going to buy a hybrid vehicle, but with gas so high, it seems prudent to wait. Currently, both of our cars are paid off, and J is loathe to take on a car payment until his car completely dies. He drives a Kia Sportage ( Yes, we are a Kia household, we have been very happy with the way the cars hold up) that has been around at long as JBug has: 14 years. It is definitely on its last legs, though we have been saying that for years. Currently, the heater has to be on as he drives, or the car overheats. Yes, you read that right. But I didn't start this to talk about his car. I wanted to tell you about my Sigg bottles.

    First of all, no one paid me to write this, I just love my bottles that much.

    For about the last year or so now, I have been gradually replacing plastic in our house with healthier alternatives. I switched the kids plastic cups for glasses that were shorter and with a wider base to keep them from tipping. I only buy glass containers and only microwave in glass to keep us all from growing a third arm or something. But with three kids and being on the go all the time we were going through water bottles by the case monthly. All that plastic couldn't be good for us. (not to mention the expense of bottles that we use and then throw away).Then I read the report that some polycarbonate bottles were leaching BPA and whoa, nelly! That was enough for me! Being smart, I went to Target and bought the hard plastic nalgene bottles. Thinking I was done, and wasn't I smart, then I read this! The nalgene bottles aren't any better than the throw-away bottles! Ok, so clearly that wasn't enough. I had to figure out something else. I did some research and ended up on the Treehugger site, reading about BPA leaching. From the site:

    CEO, Steve Wasik says that SIGG uses a proprietary liner formula from a Swiss supplier with "an impeccable reputation for quality" but that "as there are many copy-cat manufacturers in the market (most based in China) that would like to get their hands on this formula, our supplier has an agreement with SIGG to keep his formula confidential." Wasik continues: "Very thorough migration testing in laboratories around the world is conducted regularly and has consistently shown SIGG aluminum bottles to have no presence of lead, phthalates, Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA), Bysphenol A (BPA), Bysphenol B (BPB) or any other chemicals which scientists have deemed as potentially harmful.

    That was enough for me. They could have looked like dog butts as long as they didn't smell that way! and I wouldn't have cared. But surprise! There are many designs, pick the one that strikes your fancy. And since they have been around for a hundred years, they are definitely trustworthy. From the website, there is a slideshow that talks about how a bottle is made. They say it undergoes twenty-six steps just to create the neck of the bottle! Then they spray the interior coating. The bottles are made of aluminum but are safe, and the coating won't flake off. My ice cubes fit right out of the ice maker, so I don't have to buy any weird-shaped ice trays. One thing, Sigg recommends that you do not put te bottles in the freezer, they might explode. Also, would you really want to ruin your bottles by forgetting they are there? Sigg is made to hold "fizzy" drinks and also fruit juices, and sports drinks, as well. You won't get a metallic taste.

    The bottle interior is now sprayed with a taste-inert, food-compatible stove enamel which is baked on.

    I liked the safety factor, definitely. But I also liked the great designs. I have this one:

    and it is even better looking in person! Each of my kids have their own water bottle, and they are responsible for filling it before we leave the house. The designs reflect their personalities:

    This is JBean's:

    This is JBear's:

    and this is JBug's:

    Currently, SIGG is having a really hard time meeting demand, but if you search, you can still find a few internet retailers that are selling the products. Hopefully, that will ease up in a few months. I am going to buy a couple back up bottles, just in case.

    So though it isn't much, it is something little that I can do...and that works for me!

    T, who likes being all environmental-y

    Thursday, June 19, 2008

    You Came To Read #20 and All You Get is Lolcats??

    SPECIAL 20th Thursday Thirteen...with 20 Items!

    13 LOLCats my kids like (and one I do)

  • close is the caption? cat
  • 2.after I pass Geometry I'll be a genius cat
  • 3. does it taste like chicken? cat
  • 4. Maybe FF3 will be better? cat
  • 5. it was a nice couch cat
  • 6. better adjust the settings on that monitor cat
  • 7.nom nom nom nom cat
  • 8. when ya gotta go... kitten
  • 9. so that's what happens! cat
  • 10. I was wondering where that was, but was too lazy to track it cat
  • 11. come on now, admit it, you squuueed cat
  • 12. another "squeee!" cat
  • 13. my cat rides the same place kitty
  • 14. truth in advertising kitty

  • 15. oh hunnee...there's something in the drain... cat

  • 16. Gotta watch out for those dingos kitty

  • 17. comfiest seat in the house cats

  • 18. I think its brother is still there humorous pictures

  • 19. that's how it always starts humorous pictures

  • 20. THIS is my favorite.. it doesn't look that evil... animal

  • Didn't get enough? more cat pictures

    T, who can't help it, finds these funnee

    Wednesday, June 18, 2008

    Some People Should Not Have a Driver's License

    I was turning. I had the right of way. He whipped around me, and smacked my car. Not Happy. He took off.

    T, who says he hit, and ran

    Ahhh! Zombie Cat!

    This is my cat, Perry. She is a bit over a year now, I guess... She is possessed, as this picture shows. We found her at a park, along with her brother, Winkle (called Twinkie because he is, well, a Twinkie). They had been abandoned and we nursed them with a a baby bottle, fed them by hand and taught them to use the litter box. I apparentently wasn't very good at this last thing, because she used to pee on stuff haphazardly. I was at my wits' end...then I changed litter and she completely changed her personality, goes in the box and is the Sweetest Cat Ever. All because World's Best Cat Litter? Wasn' least not to her.

    Tuesday, June 10, 2008

    I Admit it, I Stole It...

    The Wishing Well of Creativity was a little dry today, so you get a stolen meme.

    1. Favorite Person - hands down, my husband. He is my best friend and partner in mischief

    2. Favorite Food - Starbucks mochas (they are too a food group!)

    3. Quirks about you - I cannot for the life of me use a thick-bowled spoon. We have both thin and thick and I will wash a thin-bowled spoon before I will use a thick-bowled one. I unplug all appliances after use except computers, tv and clock radios (but that is due to my paranoia after the fire

    4. How would the person who loves you most describe you in ten words or less? crazy, sexy, passionate, opinionated, talented, brilliant, moody, bobcat pretzel(see Two Weeks Notice and you will understand)

    5. Any regrets in life? - I wish I had finished college. I wish I had blogged through the fire instead of taken a break for a year. When I came back, I noticed bloggers that I had been blogging with getting noticed. I feel like, "Wow, that could have been me! A book deal? Sure, don't mind if I do!" Instead, I am limping along.

    6. Favorite charity/cause - autism advocacy and La Leche League

    7. Favorite Blog - that's like asking me to pick my favorite book. I just can't do it. There are SO many good blogs out there...that's probably why I have over 660 unread items in my Google Reader

    8. Something you can't get enough of? - erm, "marital congress." I know, it's my husband's curse.

    9. Worst job you ever had? - I worked as a bartender in a beer/wine bar in my 20's. I came home at 3 a.m. and reeked of smoke. I got fired because the owner told me I was "too good" to work there and to go back to school.

    10. What job would you pay NOT to have? - anything that involved poop or heights or exterminating anything.

    11. If you could be a fly on the wall anywhere, where would it be? - isn't that what twitter is??

    12****Breaking News*** - I just ate ice cream and am now watching soap operas! I have the most exciting life, ever!

    13. Guilty pleasure - A big bowl of Ice cream WITH Hershey's Syrup. Barring that, Grande Decaf Starbucks mocha w/ chocolate whipped cream

    14. Got any confessions? - My children were raised by wolves. Rabid ones.

    15. If you had $1000 to spend on YOURSELF, what would you spend it on? - I don't really want anything and $1000 is a lot to spend at one time. I have to have braces, and that is over 1K, but it isn't fun. Ok, I would go to BlogHer,aka Mommy Summer Camp... assuming my schedule was clear,because it isn't now. I have both youth summer camp and a homeschool convention to attend that month.

    16. Favorite thing about your house? - The fact that it is standing again? Seriously, after the fire, we did everything brand new. I love it. It is designed in the Craftsman style, and I adore the whole house. There isn't a white wall in my home, I love color, but it has to be harmonious.

    17. Least favorite thing: The weeds in the backyard as tall as my children

    18. One thing you are bad at - moderation. filtering noise. (thank goodness for headphones)

    more if you click below

    19. If you could change one thing about your current circumstances what would it be? - I honestly cannot think of anything. I was going to say not to have kids with autism, but they are who they are and I cannot imagine them any differently..ah I got it...I would have more time to write

    20. Who would you like to meet someday? - I can't think of anyone. How boring is that? I am not a huge fangirl.

    21. What makes you feel sexy? - getting all dolled up, dressing for my husband. Tight jeans, heels and a slim-fitting shirt. And my favorite music.

    22. Who is your real life hero? - I Me. I'm my own hero. I think I am pretty awesome for what I deal with on a daily basis..

    23. What is the hardest part of your job? - Being on call, 24-7. I'm the go-to person. I'm the Mama.

    24. When are you most relaxed? - After the kid are in bed, it is quiet, I have my Starbucks mocha (few times a week) and can just sit and vege,

    25. What stresses you out? - Two people trying to talk to me at the same time. Three sends me over the edge. Loud noises, like lawn mowers or weed eaters. Being CONSTANTLY INTERRUPTED when I am trying to get something done.

    26. What can you NOT live without? - besides my family? I am not going to say my computer, because it isn't going to happen that I will have to live without it... my iPod and my car dock.

    27. Do you agree or disagree with the recent article that reported that blogs are authored by narcissists? - See Question #22? no seriously. if that were the case, there are an awful lot of narcissists out there..because a LOT of people blog. So, I disagree.

    28. Why do you blog? - I blog because it allows me to release, and others can profit from my pain. I love to make you laugh, cry and just share. I love the Community of bloggers, and I love being a part of it.

    T, who promises something more substantial tomorrow, or even later tonight

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    Wednesday, May 28, 2008

    When I Run Away, I'm Taking My iPod With Me

    13 Songs in Heavy Rotation on my iPod

    1. Fallen by Sarah McLachlan
    love her gutsy, vulnerable voice 2. Hold On by Good Charlotte
    It's the song I wish I had as a teenager

    3. Drops of Jupiter by Train
    an oldie but a goodie < 4. I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance
    have to get my Emo on somehow 5. Swing by Trace Adkins
    I just love his deep, sultry southern voice 6.It Stoned Me Van Morrison
    It's Van, what's not to love? Bluesy, mellow

    7. You Can't Take the Honky Tonk Outta the Girl Brooks & Dunn
    you can take the girl out of the country, but can't, well, you know

    8. Bent by Matchbox Twenty
    Please help me, I'm bent..

    9. Not Ready To Make Nice by Dixie Chicks
    completely describes how I feel about this Administration

    10. Love Song by Sara Bareilles
    I am a sucker for smoky voice with attitude

    11. Stomp by Kirk Franklin & God's Property
    tried and true gospel hip hop...We havin' church we ain't goin' no where

    12. A Lord of the Rings Suite by James Galway
    we love instrumental here... also love George Winston and classical, too (use your imagination, techy glitches with You Tube and Flash)

    13. You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC
    my guilty secret, but in the interest of authenticity, here it is
    (this is where YouTube video would go, but at midnight it suddenly stopped using Flash Player 7 and I cannot upgrade to Flash 9... issues. So, sorry, but you probably know the song anyway, right?)

    Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

    The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

    T, who can't live without music

    Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

    The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, please leave a comment.It's rude to link and leave. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

    Wednesday, May 21, 2008

    Wordless Wednesday

    T, who took this picture from the 4th floor of the Metreon in S.F.

    Thursday, May 15, 2008

    A Hot Mess of T13

  • 1. Husband had oral surgery on Wed. the day I write, and I was dealing with his needs.

  • 2. I had to pick up my daughter from church.

  • 3. Before that, I had to put the kids to bed.

  • 4. My son didn't want to go bed.

  • 5. I had to 'splain it to him

  • 6..While I was doing that,the pissy cat peed on the area rug!

  • 7. I caught her in the act and grabbed her by the scruff of the neck

  • 8. Bad News: she was still in mid-stream and peed from the rug to the box!

  • 9. I had to refrain from killing her

  • 10.So I locked her in the bathroom

  • 11.Then I had to wash JBean's Littlest Pet Shop toys that had been dribbled on, just in case.

  • 12.I was very glad that they are plastic.

  • 13. That's why my T13 sucks today.

  • BONUS: 14. Anybody want a cat??

    T, who is about to make a cat-skin rug

    *no animals were harmed in the making of this post, but just barely

    Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

    The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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  • Tuesday, May 13, 2008

    Not the 6 Words I Would Have Originally Chosen

    I have done this before with some friends, but I borrowed the idea here from Los. I have always loved this concept. If you had to describe yourself, in six words, what would they be?

    I'll go first.

    Plan B now, but it's ok.

    Your turn.

    T, who really wants to hear your responses

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