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Showing posts with label 2nd Hand Stores. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2nd Hand Stores. Show all posts

Monday, April 12, 2010

Re-purposing, Disasters AND a Giveaway

As many of you know, I'm always re-purposing and recycling materials of all sorts in my mixed media art. All the fine art chairs I've painted so far, are 2nd hand or gently used, if you prefer that term. I've been painting over the past month on my latest chair. It's a commission with a New York City theme ~ more about that adventure later. Because I've been working almost exclusively on this chair, I needed a little break. I felt I needed to do something completely different.

This is what I made. They are hand drawn bookmarks with pretty fibres ~ I call them Tree Hugger Bookmarks. They are all made out of pre-used cardboard. I am leaving them here and there in my travels for some unsuspecting person who comes along and happens to discover them. I hope whoever happens to discover them will enjoy using them.

About my New York chair. I have a funny story for you about something happened earlier today as I was painting. I had a major paint explosion! There I was, peacefully painting my chair, when I unexpectedly lost my balance. It has been said by some that I'm unbalanced, but this was ridiculous! Off balance, I knocked my water and paint brushes over, then my foot came down on some red paint and the tube exploded all over ~ all over the kitchen floor, table, drop cloth, my arm, shirt, apron and foot. This could explain why some artists actually have studios to paint in!
In honour of the "amazing" paint day I've had, I am going to have a giveaway. I will send the winner one of my Tree Hugger Bookmarks. Just leave me a comment. I'll make a draw from all the names of everyone who leaves a comment. Tell me about one of your art disasters, and I'll put your name in the hat two times! Let's give it until Sunday to make the draw. I wish you better luck than I have had today. Isn't that photo of my foot scary?

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Elephants and Roses

Besides looking for wonderful treasures, when I wander through a 2nd Hand Shop, one of my favourite things to do is to find the gaudiest, silliest, awful-est item possible and take a quick snapshot of it. Unfortunately the other day when we went to the antique mall, I didn't take my camera with me. So I can only describe the nastiest item I found that day. It was a brass elephant. Not only was it a brass elephant which is bad enough in itself (I've never been a big fan of elephant ornamental items) but it was also a rotary telephone. Had to be one of the tackiest things ever ~ and I didn't have a camera to capture the horror! Sad, sad me.

Learning my lesson, on my next outing to a local 2nd Hand Store, I took my trusty digital with me. And there it was in all its beauty! One can only imagine the creative individual who thought that this was a good idea.

Feast your eyes on the amazing Rosie ~ the latest in the Barbie line.
Uh, I didn't purchase her, in case you're wondering.

Monday, December 21, 2009

2nd Hand Christmas Shopping

Redeeming stuff from 2nd hand stores is one of my favourite things to do. I love it when I find something that someone else thought was worthless, and then bring it home where it will be used, loved and appreciated.

Then there is this wooden ornament. I found it while volunteering at the ReUse Centre last winter, in the bottom of a donation box. There I was sorting donations, and as I was just finishing up a box, I reached down and picked this heart up that said "Merry Christmas" on it. I was stunned! The reason I was so surprised by it, was that I had made it in the 1990s, and either given it away or sold it in a craft show, and here it was. I knew it was my work, but I turned it over anyway to see if it had my signature on the back, which it did. I decided it was destiny that I should take the heart home for my Christmas tree.

I bought this "TV Blanket" at Goodwill last week. It is a lovely patchwork mini quilt (47"x47") with an ultra soft backing. This gem, I imagine was handmade by somebodys grandmother or great-grandmother. It still had a strip of masking tape with a handwritten "Genevieve" on it when I purchased it for $6.99. I image that it was crafted by a granny who thought it would keep her sweet little grandchild warm while watching a favourite cartoon or some such thing. Unfortunately, it likely didn't "match" something so it was thrown into the giveaway pile. Lucky for me. This blanket is perfect for sitting on my chair, sipping tea on a cold winter's night or watching a favourite DVD. This is my Christmas gift to myself ;)

Finally these items, were also great finds at Goodwill. I can't reveal too much about them because I plan to use them as Christmas gifts. Let's just say that Santa loves brand new handcrafted items that appear on the shelves at these charity shops!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Get Well, my friend

My friend Shelly has been in hospital since Friday, May 22nd with a brain injury that she sustained when she fell backward out of her van, after adjusting a window for her daughter.

It's a very worrisome time for everyone who cares for her. I've visited with her almost every day since her accident, but today being unable to, I chose to send a 1960s circa Get Well greeting card along with some of her family who were going to spend some time with her. The card I picked for Shelly had a picture of three kittens in a basket with embossed lacy trim, transparent glitter and pink accents. She'll love it.

I have a cache of wonderfully glittery retro greeting cards which I only use on very special occasions. I have found these treasures throughout the years at Estate Sales, 2nd Hand Stores, Garage Sales and our local Reuse Centre. Unfortunately the glittery wonder that is these cards doesn't reproduce well in my scanner. You'll have to use your imagination.

Anyway ... while searching through my special "oldies", I was happy to find several Get Well cards. They are all very delicate and so much prettier than the mass produced cards we can buy at the Dollar or Hallmark stores these days. One thing that I noticed is the interesting messages that are inside these lovelies. Below, are some samples of their messages ...

Though times have changed Since Grandma's day
Some things are here to stay
Like these Old~Fashioned Get~Well Wishes
Sent in the same old sincere way!

If special hopes were sunbeams ~
Your room would be so bright,
Because such hopes are with you

From morning until night!

If special thoughts were flowers ~

How cheerful it would be,

With all the thoughts that blossom

For you especially!

The "bright room" mentioned in the verse above quashed using that card. I can't imagine Shelly enjoying a bright room at the moment when she has a serious concussion and the world's worst head ache ~ it's low lights and low voices for her, under the circumstances.

Get well Shelly.
You're in our hearts and in our prayers ~
we're all pulling for you!