Showing posts with label washes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label washes. Show all posts

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Project No. 5 "non-traditional" ink & ink like - part one

Remeber to click on images to enlarge them - there are many techniques used in the above artwork - some areas were masked off with, masking tape to protect them while ink was sprayed, washed and rubbed into other areas. "Ah-sticks" were used below to make the stratchy wall surfaces.
Above, the wild patterns and swirls made by applying ink on wet paper is partially brought under control with a graceful network of lines. Below is a more tradition drawing done on a rubbed, gray wash. Above, much brushwork was used to add the different values of ink. Below, the dark values were added to wet paper. Some talble salt seems to have been used near the bottom to make the dappled effect. Above is the study for the artwork below which incorporates painting values done with diluted ink. Above and below are lots of drips done on wet paper to begin making the forms which were then worked on by drawing tools.

Project No. 5 "non-traditional" ink & ink like -part two

Above - controlled painting application of ink watered down to different values. Below - another way to apply ink with a brush.
Above (with detail below) ink dripping on wet paper with details added after drying with a drawing tool. Wet on wet effects controlled to make clouds above with some drawing.
These effects were made by using some kind of crumpled paper to apply the ink. Below, a student artist hurries to finish her project. The wet on wet technique formed the background with much use of a brush to add different values of ink. Details are being added by "traditional" ink pen with nib.