Showing posts with label Danny Gregory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Danny Gregory. Show all posts

Sunday, March 21, 2010

For Danny and Jack...

It is with a sad heart that I report that Danny Gregory's wife, Patti, passed away on Thursday. Danny started Everyday Matters, a drawing group that has inspired thousands to pick up their pencils and draw, including me and I owe him so much! My heart aches over what he and his son, Jack must be going through now and my eyes have been filled with tears since I heard the news. My heart goes out to both of them and their families. I pray their hearts and soul will find comfort and peace through this very difficult time. Praying for you ...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

EDM #253 - Draw your socks

Felt like a quick sketch tonight, nothing planned, nothing serious. Just an ordinary pair of socks on the floor ...

If you feel the urge to draw but have a creative block, Everyday Matters group is a great way to overcome your hurdle. Everyone meets at the Everyday Matters Yahoo group and California artist Karen Winters provides the EDM list on her blog site. A new subject is posted each week. Start at number 1 or start at 256 or anywhere between, at your own pace, in your own medium. Pretty much anything goes. When you're done, you may post your work on the Flicker EDM group site after you've joined. It's easy and fun! All levels welcome! Come draw with us! :D (PS: I'd like to acknowledge Danny Gregory who started the group)