Showing posts with label duck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label duck. Show all posts

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Duck in watercolor

Watercolor, 2.5"x3.5" (NOT FOR SALE; matted prints available $15 USD)

I love Duck, my silkie chicken. I hatched her in my incubator and "hand-raised" her. She was a squidgy little thing that barely made it while in the incubator but she's a survivor, being the only one of four eggs that hatched. She's a beauty now and quickly becoming the queen of the coop. 

I really enjoyed painting this watercolor of Duck The paining is tiny, the size of a baseball card, but I think I was able to capture her very cute face (yes, I'm officially smitten and won't balk if you call me a chicken lady). The red stamp in the corner, while kind of crooked, is my family name in Japanese. I'm quite liking the look of it and am considering stamping all of my works with it. What do you think? Thanks for stopping by!