Showing posts with label pen and ink. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pen and ink. Show all posts

Sunday, June 7, 2015


Pigma micron 005 pen on Clearprint vellum, 5"x7"

This furball has my heart. He sheds like a husky. He is missing a lot of teeth. He loves to sleep on my head. And, I love him to bits! 

This is my pen drawing of Mr. Marmalade on vellum in my new Clearprint vellum notebook (6"x8"). It's a great surface to draw on and am loving it too!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Orchids preparing for the fall

I am so thrilled about my orchid plant because it has a new sprig! The flowers are whitish yellow-green, if you can imagine that. :) I did a bit of hatcharoo using the classic "Belleville-style" (now turned "Van Stone-style") in my moleskine and I think it gave the flowers a lot of depth.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A birthday quickie

This is just a little artcard that I started last night and finished this evening. It is only 2.5" x 3.5" so just the right amount of effort I can deal with after a long day at work. Thanks everyone for your well wishes for my birthday! I dedicate this little piece of nature to my dear friend France Van Stone (Wagonized) who was also born on April 14!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Rooting around

I had been "rooting" around the pantry for some tea (sorry, couldn't help myself) and found some ginger and decided to make some ginger tea. For some reason, it settles my stomach and after two weeks of holiday feasting, I really need it! Plus, it is supposed to be good for motion sickness and to ward off colds.

If you'd like to make your own tea, just slice up an inch or so of ginger root and boil it in a couple cups of water. I drink mine plain but you could add honey and lemon to taste.

This is my pen and ink tribute to my favorite cure-all.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ernie and my 50,000th visitor

Ernie was just lying around the house today. My Godson was over and I found this on the living room floor, under a chair and figured what the heck, I'll draw it as is.

Thank you everyone for all your visits. I'm having a glass of wine to celebrate my 50,000th visitor. Whoever you are, thank you! This one's for you.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day 16 of 21: Branch of `ohi`a (EDM 145: Tree in Autumn)

Can you see the little lacewing on the branch? Ok, they are not that large in reality but that's the beauty of drawing, right? Give me an inch of creative license and I just might take a mile! :)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The clutter

Since I had a 20-minute wait in the lobby of my hotel before the shuttle ride back to the airport yesterday, I started to draw my everyday thing ... my purse. As you can see, it is not quite as empty as my previous drawing (here). I finished it up at home while watching Blade Trinity (that Wesley Snipes ... wow!).

Friday, December 14, 2007

Get lost! (Everyday Matters Challenge #139: Draw something with a handle)

Tonight, I got lost in this drawing. I used my Pigma Micron 005 so it took a little longer than usual but it was a nice distraction. I might work on it some more later but I'll stop for now.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Lazy Saturday

On lazy Saturdays I sit on my porch with the pooch and a cup of Joe. Sometimes I sketch and sometimes I just sit and listen to the birds or admire the flowers. This is a view from my porch, looking out onto the street. The large stone lantern was made by my neighbor's father, given to my parents when they built the house.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Subconscious reflection

The first page of my watercolor moleskine ...

Ever notice how artwork reflects your mood, whether you intend it or not? The way lines are placed, the colors you choose, the intention by which they are laid down, are like little reflections that seep from your subconsciousness. I wonder how others would interpret this painting. Any thoughts?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Travel Sketches

Here is my last installment of my travel sketches. As you can imagine, I was busy with wedding festivities in NC and didn't have much time to draw ...

But, I leave you with these images of my trip that reflect feelings of excitement, boredom, exhaustion, and also wide-eyed wonder. I had fun!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Delta's in-flight magazine ad

I guess it has been a while since I've posted anything. I just got back tonight from a trip to North Carolina to visit with an old friend Karen who got married this weekend. The wedding was beautiful! I didn't have much time to draw, except for quick sketches in the many airports I visited both going and coming. I'll be sharing some of those in the coming days. Hope you are all well!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Everyday Matters Challenge #137 - Something to turn on and off

My new camera ... It's wonky! :)

Everyday Matters Challenge #54 - Draw someone

Children are the coolest beings. Their sense of wonder and excitement over the smallest things is fascinating to me. Here, a friend's son is watching his sister dig a hole in utter fascination. lol.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

EDM #8 - Watch or other piece of jewelry

A beautiful bracelet I bought yesterday from Pam. Gorgeous crystals and silver butterflies! I love it!

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Some mornings, it is enough to sit on the front porch with the pooch and a cup of strong hot coffee, watching the clouds float by.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


... and then the Funny Man lived happily ever after ... THE END

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Vroom vroom

Ok, I've been benched. It's been a long day. It's dark out and it's raining. So, what do I do when I'm stuck indoors? Draw my vacuum cleaner!

This vacuum sucks! I mean in a good way. It takes care of all my doggie dirt like a Bissell ought to.

Monday, October 15, 2007

First for Joan (EDM Challenge 30: Draw a chair)

This is my first new piece of furniture ... to be eventually accompanied by a couch and equally cool standing lamp.

It's brown and accentuates the color of my eyes when I sit on it. :) Can you tell I love it?

Monday, October 8, 2007

Everyday Matters Challenge #37 - Some keys

Today, at work, I mentioned my blog to the office staff and was told that they would be looking out for a new post tomorrow. Talk about pressure! So, I decided to draw my set of keys, complete with my office set, which comprises the bulk of the weight I carry around everyday.