"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." - C.S. Lewis

"Never part with your dreams. When they're gone, you might still exist, but you cease to live." - unknown

Showing posts with label Niche Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Niche Marketing. Show all posts

3 Ways a Mompreneur Can Survive During a Crisis

Presented By: EJ Cooksey | 7/13/2012 01:14:00 PM

As if being a mom isn't hard enough, many women have also taken on the role of entrepreneur. This is where the phrase, “mompreneur" comes from. 
It's a tough but generally rewarding lifestyle choice. Moms can be there for their children and family when they need them. They can create an online business and generate an income for the family.

However, sometimes being a mompreneur can seem as if you're standing on the edge of a cliff. A crisis can hit and depending on your business model, everything can go wrong at once.  

For example, a mompreneur who suddenly finds that a family member is having a health crisis may need to drop everything to care for that loved one. The business goes on the back burner. There is no time for online work and when the health crisis is over there's little or no business to come back to. 

That's an extreme example but it can happen as I found out when my mother-in-law became ill and I was offline for almost a year and a half. 

Here are 3 steps that I should have taken to help prepare for any potential crisis.

#1 Have a Backup Person to Help with your Online Business

You don't have to have a partner or divulge everything about your business to another person. However, it is helpful if you have a virtual assistant, friend or family member that can help you. That way, if a crisis occurs, you can quickly contact them and they can handle any communications and manage things while you're away.

#2 Network and Build a Community

Another way to help prepare for a potential crisis is to make sure you have connections in your industry.

If you're a blogger or information marketer, then make connections with other bloggers and writers in your industry. If you're going to be unavailable for an extended period of time, you can hire or partner with a writer so the content continues to flow on your site. 

For example, if you're a professional coach and are unable to meet your coaching obligations for a period of time, you might be able to offer your clients a substitute coach while you're away. They don't miss out on the coaching experience they've paid for and you don't lose clients. 

#3  Your Mindset Is Everything 

Having a positive mindset is what will help you not only come through a crisis personally but also professionally. Being able to stay positive and focused on your priorities helps you avoid feeling overwhelmed and out of control. 

Before a crisis happens, make sure to create strong connections with your niche community. Then you'll be able to quickly make a plan, know what you can handle and what you cannot, and know who to ask for help.  

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How to Start a Blog for Profit

Presented By: EJ Cooksey | 4/15/2010 09:59:00 AM

An online presence is important these days for whatever enterprise you engage in. To connect with a wide variety of people there is no bigger forum than the Internet. If you are looking for a way to show off your expertise and also make a little money while doing it, consider starting a blog.

What is a Blog?

A blog is actually an online journal of sorts. With a blog you can upload daily posts about anything that you want. Some people create personal blogs as a way to keep in touch with family members. Pictures, videos and other information are uploaded so your loved ones are current with what is going on with you.

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Review: No Brain Cash - Is it too EASY?

Presented By: EJ Cooksey | 1/27/2009 06:31:00 PM

No Brain Cash is the title of internet marketer Stuart Stirling's new "make easy money online" 3 volume ebook guide which launched on Jaunary 27th 2009.

As the title suggests, Stuart is sharing the easiest ways to make money online which are suitable for even the most inexperienced newbie internet user.

In all, there are 10 methods of making money online exposed in the No Brain Cash reports starting with the easiest and getting higher. Some of the easier methods include doing paid online surveys, selling on ebay, being a freelance writer to some more advanced methods such as bum marketing and viral video marketing.

These methods are not only dead-easy, but neither require a website or any money to start up! Some methods can be more effectively with some tools and equipment that do incur some costs, but Stuart makes sure that anyone with or without a budget at all can get started making money.

Not only does Stuart do a good job at explaining how to do every method in details like an expert, he gives you step-by-step instructions and advanced tips and tricks to increase your earnings. On top of that, he lists the pros and cons of the methods so you can know what you are getting into before you start.

The cost of No Brain Cash is starting at a low introductory launch price of US$17. But after 10 days, on Friday February 6th, the price is rising to $27. At such a low introductory price, it really is a "no-brainer" to get this guide if your want to know the easiest ways to make money online.

Click here to visit the No Brain Cash website.

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A Little Biz Can Make Big Money Online

Presented By: EJ Cooksey | 3/20/2008 12:58:00 AM

If you've EVER wanted to have a small niche business online that produces a consistent five or six figure income without a whole lot of work, now is the time to grab this. There are hundreds and thousands of niches out there that are virtually untapped.

By using this system you could be making money within days, and making a decent income in no time at all. It takes no special skill, just the ability to follow directions.

Here's just a little bit of what you'll find inside:

--Where to find new, untapped niches that you can exploit for a solid income, or even ridiculous amounts of money (Easy!)

--How to make YOUR website the "go-to" site in any niche you choose

--Rules you should NOT follow when writing copy for your site

--How to bring money-generating traffic to your site cheaply or even for Free

--How to make embarrassing amounts of money in almost any market

--How to send your initial Internet profits into overdrive

--The secret to creating products that SELL

--How to stick readers' eyeballs to your pages like super-glue

--Sale-stopping DEATH words you must never, ever use

--How to use the powerful "Jedi Mind Trick" to make your customers buy from you almost without thinking

--8 tricks for super-charging your conversion rates

--The fastest way to build your list

--Plus much, much more revealed for the very first time

What have you always wanted to do? What do you enjoy doing more than anything else? What would you do even if you didn't get paid for it? Whatever it is, I can almost guarantee there is a way to MAKE MONEY doing that very thing, online, with just a few hours per week.

If you're looking for a simple way to create your own income that is fun for YOU...based around an interest of yours...then the Average Joe Marketer Package will show you exactly how to have that, starting right now.

You'll discover the secrets here...Average Joe Marketer Package

To Your Success!

(this is an affiliate ad)

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How To Find A Profitable Niche Market

Presented By: EJ Cooksey | 12/09/2007 08:13:00 PM

A common mistake made by new affiliate marketers is choosing a product without determining if there is a hungry market. Why is this bad? Because the product might not cater to enough demand to be profitable. Without a demand, no one will buy the product, and that would not be profitable for their business.

So the first lesson in any internet marketing course should be about finding profitable markets.

It’s actually quite easy to do. All you need is an idea. Yes, like one of those eureka moments. This idea can come to you at any time…while watching a movie, reading the morning papers, or while viewing the billboards on the side of the road. This idea may also be inspired by your current or previous profession, or a passion you have had about something your whole life.

You should make it a habit to carry a small notebook with you, so that whenever any of these ideas pop up, you can write them down.

So how will you know if the idea that enters your mind is the right one to build a business for?

This is not to difficult to find out. An idea will bring various thoughts of other possibilities you can do with the them. An idea about dog grooming can make you think of a dog grooming service, for example. Or an idea about pest control can make you think of a do-it-yourself pest control eBook.

Once you have an idea, it’s time to determine if it will be profitable.

For this, you will need a tool like one of these:



Type in the idea you have in mind, and press the submit button. This will supply you with a list of keywords and key phrases that are related to the subject you have entered. Each keyword or key phrase will show you the number of searches that they have gathered from internet users. The number of searches made for a particular keyword or key phrase is a good indication of the demand for the same.

Naturally, you would want a keyword or key phrase that has gathered many searches, right?

Maybe, but demand is just half the battle. You will also need to determine how much competition you will have for that particular market. To do this, you will have to run a search on Google or whichever search engine you perfer using the particular keyword or key phrase enclosed in quotes marks - "keyword" - you have selected. Look at the number of web pages pertaining to your keywork or phrase. If this number is less than the number of searches made for the same, then you have a profitable idea indeed!

Here is an example:

Your idea is about dog grooming. So you use the tools mentioned above, and type in the phrase “dog grooming.” You’d immediately get some keywords or key phrases like “shih tzu dog grooming” or “dog grooming cases.” The searches for these terms are greater in number than the web pages catering to them. As such, you could consider them as profitable markets. These markets are what many people call niches. Finding a niche is the first integral step in making money online.

Once you have decided on a niche, focus on it. If you’re not familiar with the subject, do some research. Build a website that would provide accurate and educational information about the topic. Employ marketing strategies to give it the exposure it deserves.

It all starts with finding a niche. The sooner you discover one, the sooner you can start making money online with affiliate marketing.

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You Can Be The One To Snatch It At 2.5 Cents Per Site! Last time I checked the price was still under $2.00.

Do you think that some marketing product offers online are a bit too expensive? If they were cheaper, would you grab them to improve or skyrocket your online biz?

Today I have a nice surprize in store for you. If you thought starting an online biz was expensive, you are wrong! It can be VERY cheap...and I'm talking about dimes, NOT dollars.

Do you like Dime Sales by George Pluss? Have you heard of them lately? They are a huge success because of the value he puts in. I mean you can't go wrong with only $0.1 'investment'...

This time it is no different!

George jumped over himself and compiled his 2 most contoversial and yet most effective methods to milk Big Google for cash every month into a neat niche package...

=> Do you want to find out how to multiply all your efforts by 7 and even let other folks build your business for you at no cost?

=> Do You Want To GRAB Traffic/Money Generating Systems That Never Failed Since The Beginning of The Internet!

How about a system that combines BOTH and lets you drive autopilot traffic for cash clicks or sales?

Click here for more information now and to lock in your price!

This is the Package #4 - Improved, Bigger and Better than ever!

If you like or missed the previous packages, then it is time you checked this one out. You'll simply love it.

But, the catch is the price is going up and going up fast. But the good thing about it, you can lock this price starting at about $0.1. Just click one of the links here to lock in your price and then read all the juicy details there. You will be thanking yourself that you did, I promise.

Well, enough here, I think by now you should be clicking the following link to learn the exact details:

Click here to check it out!

Yep, you have no excuses now. Your good old "I have no spare cash, no budget for this, no...no..."does NOT work today! Don't stare at me like that...it's for real!

To Your Success!

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Because more and more people are turning to the web to find the information and products they need, opportunities for niche marketing have never been better.

The key to successful niche marketing, niche blogging and affiliate revenue is to find a niche and fill it. Products can be hand-picked to perfectly fit the content of your site, blog or niche. There is an unlimited number of niches you can profit from. How much you make is entirely up to you, all it takes is time and research.

What niche market is for you? Believe it or not, ideas are everywhere.

You never know when a niche opportunity might present itself. Try carrying a small notebook with you and every time you think of something that would make a good niche, write it down. Once you have your list, start researching them on Google or the search engine of your choice.

You can discover lots of niche finding tips, tools and ideas at these sites:

Andy Beard – Niche Marketing
Niche Marketing Explained
Niche Market Know-How

Or you can do a search for "
niche marketing" and find the ones that are the most helpful. Bookmark them to refer back to whenever you need new tips, ideas or tools.

Marketing to a niche means you have to be knowledgeable in that niche. If you don't have the knowledge yet, then choose a niche product that you would love to promote, and then spend the necessary time to research it and learn as much as you can, and you will eventually become an expert in your niche field. Marketing to a niche you're interested in will also make you a more effective marketer and will in turn increase sales.

Niche marketing is no different than any other online marketing, posting relevant content is the number one way to get the right type of traffic to your niche site. Writing keyword rich articles or reports and posting them to high traffic web sites is another way to make sure that you get exposure within your niche market. In no time, you will see the results of more sales and traffic.

If you spend the time to do your research and marketing…
then Niche Marketing can become a very profitable work at home business.

To Your Success,
EJ Cooksey

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Starting Out? - Main Common Niches For Your Home Based Business

Presented By: EJ Cooksey | 5/30/2007 02:09:00 AM

By: Jeff Casmer

More people are now looking for ways to make money online with a home based business. For those starting out, it can be very challenging to actually decide the type of home based business to start.

The main objective is to identify a profitable niche for the home based business. For your online home based business to succeed, you will need to have some good market for it, so it is important that you target a niche for which there is a huge demand which also has potential to grow in the future.

Besides the fact mentioned above, there are also several other factors that are important during your decision making process. It is a good idea to start your online home based business in a niche or topic that is of interest to you. Your home based business is not supposed to be another 'job' - which means you must enjoy it and you must want to be doing it in the long term. So, defining your interests and matching them to your business is recommended.

So what are the main niche ideas which you can focus on with your home based business?

· Health. Many people want to be in good health, and in recent years, this has been a rapidly growing niche. Your online home based business can offer dieting products and plans, nutrition supplements, disease prevention, or vitamins, among others possible products. You just have to do your research and find the popular products and diet plans which you can promote. You will also need to make sure that the commission structures for the products you choose to sell are appealing to you.

· Personal development. More people are searching for ways to develop their lives - financially, personally or in their businesses. Your home based business could focus on niches about personal development, achieving their goals, and helping people achieve their maximum potential.

· Wealth and home businesses. By setting up your own home business, you can help others looking for options for having a home based business. You could be an affiliate with various programs for earning money at home. The options are plenty - you just have to choose which business opportunities you would like to promote.

· Beauty. This is a very popular niche. More people are focused on being beautiful and keeping young and healthy. For your home based business, you could target product niches about the various beauty products that are available on the market. All you need to do is to do your research on the products you want to promote and also see if you like the commissions which they pay.

· Sports / travel/holidays. These days people want to give themselves more time to recreate and have a good relaxing time, away from their busy daily schedules. As a result, there are many companies that offer various 'packages' for vacations. Your online home business could be based on these niches.

· Gaining an education or skill - A lot of people now want to learn a new talent or skill. You could create your home based business by focusing niches like educational / training classes, home training, personal training, how-to publications or how-to videos, among others.

These are the key common niches which you can target with your online home based business.

Of course, if none of these appeals to you, you can also set up your own business where you can offer some services. For example, if you are good at writing, you can set up a business where you market your writing services. This may also be related to what you are training on or what your current job is involved in. For example, if you are a nurse, you can set up a website offering some health tips and products. You can also set up various businesses that focus on more than one of the above stated niches. I hope that this will help you decide on the type of a home based business you would like to start. To your success!

Author Resource:-> Jeff Casmer is an internet marketing consultant with career sales over $25,000,000. His "Top Ranked" Earn Money at Home Directory gives you all the information you need to start and prosper with your own Internet Home Based Business.

Article From On Topic Articles

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I just got this today and I will be using it to try and increase my earnings.
I thought others might be interested in it too:

If you have been online long enough, you may have come across
websites offering to explain to you ways to make money from the
comfort of your own home office - 100% online. If you have been
doing some research into this, you may have found that all this...
is for real. Yes, you can make a part-time or even a full time living online.

There are dozens of different ways you can generate decent income online.
But you will very soon understand that in order to use them you need:
- to be a professional copywriter or
- professional software coder
- professional webdesigner or
- at least be able to buy ready made solutions or hire the folks with above
skills to do it for you and in this case you are facing $1000's bills.

But the good news is: you can actually invest only your time
and start finally seeing results online. You have one asset which is
absolutely the same that any online marketing guru has, any online
millionaire has. This is 24 hours in your day. And this can help you
solve ANY problems, break any barriers. And you don't even
need to invest a lot of your time.

You only need to be able to type. Time you already have.
And no, this is NOT a "'paid to type ads' sort of program.
(never fall into those scams!)

Bottom Line: if you want to get into Online Marketing, but can't
build sites, write converting salesletters, code scripts or software
and don't have $ thousands to invest, this may be ONE method
to get you started.

And here is the best part:

This is another one of George Pluss's famous Dime Sales.
You can check out what I'm talking about at the following link:

Click Here Now...

To Your Success

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Finding your “Niche”

Presented By: EJ Cooksey | 3/21/2007 12:56:00 AM

When you are considering starting an online company, you want to make sure you find the right product.

What do you want to sell.

What is your passion.

What subject or topic do you have a lot of knowledge about.

Let me start by telling you that selling an information product online is easier than selling a service. But, selling a service online makes more money with monthly memberships.

Before you spend all your time working on a website and writing up eBooks, you want to be sure that your customers are going to be interested in what you are selling. Do your market research. Start by seeing how many competitors you have -this is a good sign. Read through newsgroups, discussion boards, and chat rooms and learn about your target market customer base. If you already have an email list, send them a survey to see what they are most interested in.

Most internet marketers preach that there are three reasons why a customer will want to buy your product.

1. Your product has solved a problem for your customer.

2. Your product has made life easier or more comfortable for your customer.

3. You are very passionate about your product and it shows in everything you do.

When researching your niche, you may want to use
www.Amazon.com and find the current top sellers. Find out what people are reading about. You will want to research keywords with keyword tools such as http://www.wordtracker.com/. You need to discover which keywords are being searched for frequently.

Doing a little poking around your competitors sites isn’t a bad idea. This is one way to come up with ideas on what would make your company different or better. Take a look at their traffic rankings and their related links. By analyzing this information, you can see how many visitors they have each day and how profitable their company is.

Once you find your passion, ask yourself does this serve my customers.

You want to provide an excellent service to each and every person that spends their money with you. This cuts down on complaints, bad reputations, and, worse of all, chargeback’s.

Doing a little poking around your competitors sites isn’t a bad idea. This is one way to come up with ideas on what would make your company different or better. Take a look at their traffic rankings and their related links. By analyzing this information, you can see how many visitors they have each day and how profitable their company is.

Once you find your passion, ask yourself does this serve my customers.

You want to provide an excellent service to each and every person that spends their money with you. This cuts down on complaints, bad reputations, and, worse of all, chargeback’s.

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SuperAffiliateHandbookRead the amazing true story of how one woman, with no previous business experience, earned 436,797+ in 2002 and now earns MUCH MORE than that ... just by selling other people's stuff online!

In her down-to-earth, sincere and often humorous style, Rosalind Gardner guides you through the entire process of building an affiliate marketing business on the 'Net.

Frequently revised and updated to reflect industry changes, the Super Affiliate Handbook now consists of 235 pages and 235 screenshots that will show you step-by-step how to become a Super Affiliate. , you'll learn how to pick the best programs, negotiate a commission raise and save time, money and effort on everything from affiliate software to web hosting.

To learn exactly how she does it, Click Here.