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Showing posts with label Thursday Thumbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thursday Thumbs. Show all posts

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Thursday Thumbs

Another in a series wherein I express my approval or disapproval concerning news of the week, happenings, or other trivia through a cute graphic, rather than with my usual long, hard-to-follow, and humorless rants and rambling.

thumbs downThumbs down to Jessica McBride. Someone needs to tell her that the elections this week were non-partisan. She called it for Republicans on the radio; she thinks the fact that no Democrats won (in a non-partisan race) is bad for the Democrats; and she's giddy that a Democrat didn't win Milwaukee County in a non-partisan race. (Oh, and Jessica: City of Milwaukee turnout will be double or triple next year, as we'll be voting for mayor. Unless you think "ominous" means something else entirely.)

thumbs downThumbs down to Mark Belling, who is clearly dumber than a box of hammers, and only half as pretty.

thumbs upThumbs up to new and improved Hellfire and Damnation Tommy. (I think they airbrushed out the spittle.)

thumbs upThumbs up to Paul Soglin, who made my endorsement record look good.

thumbs downThumbs down to cancer. The folkbum household extends its condolences to Ken.

thumbs downThumbs down to the Bush Administration for killing SeniorCare. I'm not going to blame you, my readers, for not clapping hard enough. What's funny is how some people are the guy who tried hardest to save it.

thumbs upThumbs up to Georgia Thompson. And her attorney. And the appellate judges who saw through the crap.

Hm. Seems like mostly downers this week. Sorry bout that.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thursday Thumbs

by folkbum

Another in the (very) occasional series wherein I express my approval or disapproval concerning news of the week, happenings, or other trivia through a cute graphic, rather than with my usual long, hard-to-follow, and humorless rants and rambling.

thumbs downThumbs down to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for not having the guts to say that homosexuality is not immoral.

thumbs upThumbs up to Atomic Trousers, the blog of an immoral heterosexual who used to go by the blogonym Dennis York.

thumbs upThumbs up to the Nevada Democratic Party for deciding not to let FOXNews host a debate; after all, one time (in 2003) of watching the team of Tony Snow, Mort Kondracke, Bill Bennett, Sean Hannity, Brit Hume, and Carl Cameron discussing how much of a "snoozer" the "Democrat Candidates Debate" was is plenty for all of us.

thumbs upThumbs up to Bruce Murphy, Brew City Brawler, and Mike Mathias (or am I being redundant?) for asking questions about whether the US Attorney scandal has affected us here.

thumbs upThumbs up to Barbara O'Brien, who is consistently the best summer-upper of that US Attorney scandal. Read this and this and, for fun, this one, too.

thumbs downThumbs down to media bias--conservative media bias, that is.

thumbs downThumbs down to growing income inequality. If you don't click through to see the pretty graph, here's the key: "Median wages have been stagnant since the mid-70s. Today, the wages of everyone below the top 1% are stagnant. [. . .I]t's a grand time to be rich and powerful in America."

thumbs upThumbs up to Kevin Binversie, who is moving to DC for bigger and better things.

thumbs upThumbs up to MadTV for finding a way to mock both Steve Jobs and US foreign policy!

thumbs downThumbs down to ABC for putting "Knights of Prosperity" on hiatus. I was really starting to dig that show.

thumbs downThumbs down to losing your best friend.

thumbs upThumbs up to Mandy Jenkins, who manages to have a positive attitude no matter how much public nudity she has to endure.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Thursday Thumbs

Another in a series wherein I express my approval or disapproval concerning news of the week, happenings, or other trivia through a cute graphic, rather than with my usual long, hard-to-follow, and humorless rants and rambling.

thumbs downThumbs down to Fred Kessler. I like the guy, but his gift-card tax is a stupid idea.

thumbs upThumbs up to ClearChannel, the media giant that decided that maybe there is a market in Madison for explicitly liberal radio. (And all you conservatives were so sure it was dead.)

thumbs downThumbs down to Judge Annette Ziegler. You'd think I was being hard enough on her already, but she apparently doesn't know simple campaign techniques. And she hasn't entered our contest yet.

thumbs upThumbs up to the Brew City Brawler, for showing us all how your local daily buries the lead--and makes you believe that which isn't true.

thumbs upThumbs up to me; I don't remember exactly what I wrote, but I don't think they edited it too much.

thumbs downThumbs down to stifling information that makes you look bad. That list is bad enough, but Jonathan Singer and Gretchen Schuldt can both find things to add.

thumbs upThumbs up to Milwaukee County's unions. They at least know how to play the game so that everyone wins, even if some others we could name would rather pick up their toys and go home.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Thursday Thumbs

Another in a series wherein I express my approval or disapproval concerning news of the week, happenings, or other trivia through a cute graphic, rather than with my usual long, hard-to-follow, and humorless rants and rambling.

thumbs upThumbs up to you, you person of the year, you.

thumbs downThumbs down to Microsoft. I remember the old "Windows 95=Mac 88." We can now say "Vista=Jaguar."

thumbs downThumbs down to anti-Muslim bigotry. Keith Ellison, by the way, was born in this country to Christian parents. Jeebus save Ellison from his fellow Congressmen.

thumbs downThumbs down to anti-Muslim bigotry. (It's a different link this time; it's about Obama.)

thumbs upThumbs up to this metaphor: I would also like a president willing to stand up for me in a bar fight.

thumbs downThumbs down to Judge Zeigler, who still has geography issues.

thumbs upThumbs up to Aaron, who is walking us through all seventy-bleeping-nine of the Iraq Study Group's recommendations. Too bad for Aaron that the Decider done decided to ignore the ISG.

thumbs downThumbs down to the New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce. Would I like $100,000 a year? Yes. From a private company like Edison? No way.

thumbs upThumbs up to Midwest Airlines, and their cookies. And, sad to say, some of us need those extra two inches.

thumbs downThumbs down to people who don't understand the concept of satire. Not that I favor censorship in any form, however.

What are you thumbing up and down this week?

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thursday Thumbs

Thursday Thumbs is a new regular feature wherein I express my approval or disapproval concerning news of the week, happenings, or other trivia through a cute graphic, rather than with my usual long, hard-to-follow, and humorless rants and rambling. Today's edition is the inaugural one. Be nice.

thumbs upThumbs up to going back to grad school. Scott's time will get tighter, but it will be well worth it in the end.

thumbs downThumbs down to AirTran. Midwest Airlines has something special about it, and it isn't AirTran's dirty airplanes and cramped seats.

thumbs upThumbs up to Mel Gibson. Yes, he's crazy, but at least he's able to own his insanity.

thumbs downThumbs down to Michael McGee, Jr. He can't seem to own his insanity.

thumbs upThumbs up to the McIlheran Watch growing ever wider. I'm telling you, he's a tricky one.

thumbs downThumbs down to everyone who over-hyped the "spying on Di" story.

thumbs upThumbs up to a swift recovery for Tim Johnson. Our thoughts are with him and his family.

thumbs downThumbs down to everyone waiting for Johnson to die. Really, FOX, that's low even for you.

thumbs upThumbs up to Dean, for crossing enemy lines.

thumbs downThumbs down to No Child Left Behind, which seems to be falling apart all over.

thumbs downThumbs down to Peter Pochowski, who said, "he estimates 25% to 30% of local teens are carrying" cell phones. That's about 70% to 75% off from reality.