Showing posts with label pediatrician. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pediatrician. Show all posts

Chickenpox Despite Vaccine

While waiting for the pedia

Three weeks ago, our nanny went on leave. She has been with us for only a little over a month. She initially said that she's allergic to chicken and it seems like she's getting some rashes on her back. We didn't mind it much. However, she said it was becoming more and more painful. It came to a point when she couldn't sleep lying down anymore. She'd She'd sleep sitting down. When we had her checked by the nearby clinic,  it was found out that she was suffering from herpes zoster, or a second bout of chickenpox. Too bad. Bea really liked this nanny. We liked her too, but we had no other choice but to let her go on leave. Berto, Bea and I have never had chickenpox before so we were all susceptible.

After a week, we noticed Bea developed some spots on her skin. I immediately thought it was chickenpox but she didn't have any fever and the spots didn't have liquid in them. Just to be sure we decided to go to St. Luke's to bring Bea to her pediatrician . Too bad daddy was out attending a workshop so it was just us girls. We took a cab to the hospital. Thankfully the driver knew the way thru Commonwealth. 

The doctor looked her over but even she was baffled. Apparently, Bea didn't manifest the typical symptoms of chickenpox and this was probably because of the vaccine she got when she was a baby. The doctor said that vaccines don't provide 100% protection. There is still a chance that she will be infected but the symptoms will be slightly different than the usual symptoms. If I didn't mention that Bea got exposed to her sick nanny, she wouldn't have even considered chickenpox.

I asked for the possibility of adult chickenpox vaccines for hubby and me, but the doctor said that if we were already infected by the virus, the vaccine will be useless. And since we all sleep on one bed, there is a very strong possibility that we already caught it. (Thankfully though we didn't manifest any symptoms.)

The pediatrician gave us a prescription for an antiviral medicine. Good thing, the spots that came out weren't that many. It was just less than 20 spots all over and Bea was able to go back to school after just 2 days.

Tips on Finding The Right Pediatrician

I remember when our little Bea was just an itsy bitsy baby, we had trouble looking for the right pediatrician. We knew we had to look for someone we would trust with our daughter’s health. I remember we had to go through 3 doctors before we finally found the right pediatrician for her. We were getting really frustrated because no doctor could address her feeding problem, they just attributed it to the milk and they just kept of changing her milk from S26 to a hypoallergenic brand to soya milk… to no avail. Finally, we decided to just go to St. Luke’s Medical Center in QC, looked at the doctor’s directory and randomly chose the first available doctor who had a Saturday clinic (hubby and I are both working). Of course, I also asked for divine guidance, because we had no other choice…we had to find a pediatrician as soon as possible. I just prayed that we be guided to the right one. Guess what, our prayers were answered! We found the best pediatrician who cared enough for our Bea to really try and figure out what we do to ease her feeding problems (acid reflux and food aversion).

Thankfully there is this article, Tips on Finding the Right Pediatrician that can hopefully help other parents out there to choose the perfect pediatrician for their children.
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