Thursday, June 30, 2022

Checking Messages

Henry William Banks Davis, R.A. (1833-1914), A Spring Morning, oil, 30 x 60 inches

Is that shepherd checking his phone?

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The Day the Desert Lab Caught Fire

Something must have blown up in his desert lab out on Route 23. The fire burned for days with strange colors. Sketch for a sci-fi paperback cover, oil.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Alma Ta-drama

Unpublished concept sketch for magazine cover, oil, 6 x 9 inches.


Monday, June 27, 2022

Baby Sketch and 35 Years Later

On a hot, humid night 35 years ago, I sketched my new son as he slept, wondering where life would take him. 

Here's a video of him now. He's an Irish accordion player as well as a coder. He helped do the computer work for a new digital exhibition that will launch on June 29 called "From the Bridge: A View of Irish Traditional Music in New York."

ITMA is committed to preserving, digitizing, and presenting valuable recordings of Irish music.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Skimmers in Poseidos

Skimmers are floating vehicles based on the design of trilobites and other Cambrian and Permian arthropods.

I originally produced this small painting as a concept for a virtual-reality ride simulator. Note the riders seen through the windscreen of the main vehicle.

I included the artwork in the book First Flight, which is set in Poseidos, the high tech capital of ancient Dinotopia. In this spun-off sub-universe, people and dinosaurs challenge a dystopian society of drones, surveillance, and AI-powered robots, all of which have become increasingly relevant in the 23 years since the book came out.
(Link for signed copies)

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Dinotopia and Smithsonian

Dinotopia and Smithonian have a long history together. Here's some trivia:

• A paleontologist from the National Museum of Natural History, Dr. Michael Brett-Surman, was an early scientific consultant on the project. He and other Smithsonian colleagues dressed up in Dinotopian costumes and came on stage to answer questions after a lecture I gave in Washington. They knew the answer to every question the kids had.

• In September 1995, Dinotopia was featured on the cover of the Smithsonian magazine, together with a behind-the-scenes article. (There are signed copies in my online store.)

• In 2002, the National Museum of Natural History hosted an exhibition of original art from the books.

• The exhibition also included Arthur Denison's original journal of the lost world, complete with chain, lock, and writing in the footprint alphabet, stamped into what appeared to be its saurian leather cover.

Friday, June 24, 2022

How They Made Prehistoric Planet

This behind-the-scenes mini documentary (link to YouTube) shows how they made the nature documentary called Prehistoric Planet, which recreates the structure and movement of dinosaurs in strikingly believable ways.

To match the photo-real look of a David Attenborough narrated nature documentary, they consulted with scientists, extrapolated from modern birds and other animals, and used the latest digital tools.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Watkins Glen Study

The stream at the head of Watkins Glen in New York flows over fine-grained Devonian layers of sedimentary rock. 

Watkins Glen, Oil, 8x10"

When the layers were uplifted, they cracked through with joints that make straight sided, almost rectangular pools.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Mountain Stream

Here's another painting that started with a panel primed with a red or pink color. You can see that color in the shallows and in the little spaces left over between strokes.

Mountain Stream, oil on red-primed panel, 8x10" 

More on red priming in my new YouTube video.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Art of the Backdrop

 CBS produced this lively overview of the art of Hollywood painted backdrops, or "backings," as they're known in the business. (Link to YouTube)