Love you guys!

Bluecrystaldude: A-Z Guide

I have this tag from Angelbaby. It's kinda long tag and you need to list out the A to Z facts about yourself. I change it a little bit so it would be in this form. I kinda enjoy doing it. I hope you will get to know me better after reading this post. Oh, and by the way, I received another awards from Moeha - Brilliant Blog Award, Nisha also kind enough to give a special award for me and (latest addition, I forgot to add it before), I Love Your Blog award from Angelbaby! Thank you so much! Oh, and please, do enjoy this A-Z guide about Bluecrystaldude!

  1. AWESOME! I have been hooked by this phrased since I watch How I Meet Your Mother. Awesome TV series!
  2. I don’t know why, but BABY love me! I mean, they love staring at me! LOL. Just to make thing clear, I love babies too but I don’t stare at them all the time.
  3. I have a CAT and his name is Heejeerah.
  4. When I was a kid, people said who is your role model? I would say my DAD. Until now the answer is stick with me.
  5. If there is a movie called Number 23 (which is awesome by the way) about the occurrences of number 23 in that man life, my life number is ELEVEN. I was born on the 11th day of the 11th month (11 November).
  6. I just love being FIRST
  7. I live in Malaysia, where the GOVERNMENT seems like using us as a lab mouse. Testing us with so many different policies and only stop it before we could see the results.
  8. Believe it or not, I love learning HISTORY if only if I don’t have to sit for a test about it.
  9. IMAGINATION is an excuse to day dream on work hour.
  10. My favorite drink is fruit JUICE. It’s healthy and expensive I just hope it goes easy with my bladder.
  11. I planted my first KISS when I was 12 *blushing*
  13. I planned to get MARRIED when I am 30-35 years old.
  14. Much of I like History subject, NUMBER is the one who keep me stay awake during the night.
  15. OMFG! – One of the catchy phrase I learn from Gossip Girl.
  16. I also like to study about other PEOPLE. The thrill of getting to know someone new is like the feeling when a tiger watches its prey. Watching how one person behaves different from another is arousing me. But unlike a horny hungry tiger, I don’t eat my acquaintances.
  17. QUOTATION is one of my favorite things to past time. You could read a person mind by what they said.
  18. RUMORS always make me SMILE!
  19. I love to TRAVEL as it opens me up to different culture, art and people.
  20. I am studying chemical engineering in a local UNIVERSITY.
  21. The last movie I saw is VIRGIN Territory, played by Mischa Barton as a virgin, yeah right. But she is a bomb though.
  22. The first time I eat WAFFLE is when I was 18 years-old!
  23. X-MEN, I love Storm played by Halle Berry. White and stormy seems like a ‘cool’ combination.
  24. When my ulcer and tonsil getting worst, I could only eat YOGURTS for breakfast, lunch and dinner. *Sigh*
  25. ZERO – finish, thank you.
As this is a tag, I would like to tag my friends along. I hope you guys don't mind :)

Tagging: Arms | Bluedreamer | Sweetiepie | Coolingstar | Wow | Shemah | Rizal | Ratu Syura | Nisha | Hye | Rozella | Bintang4 | Bidarlah | Moeha | Farah Deen | Axim | Katunx | Didi | Kak Emila | Faisal Admar | Fara | Fishy@ike | Hafidz | Mangosteenskin | Razif | Love-n-Hate | Noemesuff | Shahril Aley | Izzahismail | Adawiyah Juzailah | Akmal |Waliz | Zara |


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neomesuff said...

ADEH! so many laaaa...tetiba takleh type hehehee

Unknown said...

wow!This is long!!!This is interesting.Thanks

Faisal Admar said...

Alamak! I've been tagged again! Ok ok I will do it now...

Faisal Admar said...

Done here! Hehe I hate keep all the tags undone!

bluecrystaldude said...

Hi Neomesuff,

Hehehe.. I don't mind if you don't do it.. sobs.. sobs..


Hi Sweetiepie,

Huhu.. That's what I thought too. But it's kinda fun after a while. Hehe


Hi Faisal,

Wah.. That's fast :D Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

Dude, I know I wasn't tagged but I find this so interesting that I'm gonna steal the idea anyhow. And since it's Ramadhan, I'm being nice enough to inform before committing theft.


Pok Dell said...

This is an interesting tag..
Tak kan raya tak balik kampung kot ;)

izzahismail said...

1st,ur cat's name is heejeerah?
2nd, no 8, yup2,i love history. esp ebout the world but i hate exam!

and this is out of topic, but i havent watch any series from gg second season.
kat cni,cant download anything.

u take care!

bluecrystaldude said...

Hi xxeemm,

Hey, I am more than glad you are willing to do it :)


Hi Bintang4,

Sure balik raya.. But my bus only leave on Saturday night. Hehe


Hi Izzahismail,

Hehe.. I hope you could manage to watch some of these latest TV series. OMFG! They are awesome! I am glad writer strike is over :)

Anonymous said...

interesting post..u r very intelligent and i do believe u will be a millionaire by 40!

bluecrystaldude said...

Hi Waliz,

Thanks Waliz! I am flattered! It's very kind of you :D

Mutawwifah Maisarah said...

i enjoy reading ur A-Z!
thanks for tagging me with this interesting meme!

bluecrystaldude said...

Hi Mangosteenskin,

I am glad you like it as it took me half the day to finish it. Hehe. It's not that easy to talk pages and pages about yourselves you know. Yeah, even self possessed like myself was taking a dreadful long time to finish it. Yeah, it's hard to believe it right? LOL :P

Hey, can't wait for your update Mango!

Anonymous said...

Thank you follow my google follower. I follow your twitter.

bluecrystaldude said...

Hi Bonoriau,

You follow me first right? I don't noticed it until today. Huhu.. Thanks. I will follow your Twitter too.. But I have to do it tomorrow. Have another exams to attend tomorrow!! Crap...

Mariuca said...

Haaziq! I didn't know u have a cat, cute tak? Oh I love How I met Ur Mother too, waiting for the next season! ;)

Farah Deen said...

done~ and boy that's a long one.

bluecrystaldude said...

Hi Mariuca,

Well, I have couple of his picture here. hehe.. Check him out!


Hi Farah,

Thanks for participating! I really appreciate it. Very long huh? hehe

Rozella said...

OMG! I just did an uber long tag to, but A-Z... so susah loh want to fikir-fikir!

bluecrystaldude said...

Hi Rozella,

LOL.. No problem at all! I just post this for fun and there is no hard feeling if you don't want to do it :)

Anonymous said...



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Anonymous said...

You did a great job on this. I really enjoyed reading it. Thanks for joining in on the fun.

Love and Blessings,

bluecrystaldude said...

Hi Yan^s,

YEah, me too!


Hi Angelbaby,

Hehe. I am having a blast too while doing it! I am glad you tagged me along. Thanks for that! :D

Restnrileks said...

thanks for the tag,

i am still thinking whether i ll be doing this on not.. ayoyoyo.. "Mari belajar ABC.."

bluecrystaldude said...

hehe.. yeah, I know it's a little bit long and it will definitely takes your time. But if you are free, and has nothing to do while entertaining home guests, you could do it then! Heheheh :)

emilayusof said...

Wah! kena tag ya! nanti akak buat ya!

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