Showing posts with label Drawings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drawings. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New Drawing

Well, here we are! Back after a long no-blogging spell. Sometimes, right in the middle of a painting project, I (Julie) will get the urge to start a new pencil drawing. It's relaxing because of two things--(a) I can draw ANYTHING I want, and (b) I can draw while I'm curled up on the couch with a cup of tea. Painting really needs to be done at the easel, but drawing is super comfy.
This drawing is called "Sunset Muse".

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Our Latest Book

Here it is!  We've compiled approximately 115 drawings of all our favorite fantasy subjects--a number of them are private commissions and have never been seen by the general public.   Separated into 5 chapters (women, men, beasts, product design, and composition), the text by Anthony Palumbo discusses our thoughts on each category.  Also, captions accompany each drawing with commentaries about the piece.
It's available now at major bookstores everywhere or you can order it from!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Life Drawing

Drawing the human figure from life is probably the Number One most important exercise (besides cardio fitness, of course!) for illustrators.  Even if you're painting regularly, drawing from life challenges your brain to solve problems that will come in handy with finished work later on.  We went to a sketch group earlier this week to practice our skills.  

Monday, January 12, 2009

World Fantasy Convention drawings

Last year at the World Fantasy Convention in Saratoga Springs, NY, a bunch of us illustrators were sitting around a big round table just drawing from our imagination for fun and that's exactly what it was, FUN! This kind of free-spirited drawing from imagination is like taking your brain to a day spa. I guess since we all used to draw without purpose or restrictions when we were children, it brings back that feeling of being a kid without the responsibilities we have as adults. Just lots of fun. We highly recommend it!

Julie and Boris

Sunday, December 28, 2008

John Carter of Mars

Here is Julie working on the last stages of a painting based on ERB's John Carter, a private commission from a friend of ours. We are taking turns in our usual unplanned way, There is no "you do this and I do that". One of us just takes over when the other is ready to stop. At the end of the day the only important thing is to divide the working time as evenly as we can and to have lots of fun!
The drawing below is the preliminary sketch for two of the white apes in the right half of the painting.


Friday, December 19, 2008

John Carter of Mars

We did this drawing as a private commission. One of the most fun and exciting things about working on fantasy art is the FANTASY part! The story of John Carter of Mars is such a blast. To do our research for this piece, we borrowed a copy of Edgar Rice Burroughs' "The Gods of Mars & The Warlord of Mars" from our own
Dave Palumbo who has an especially beautiful edition that has the cover art as well as interior illustrations by Frank Frazetta. What a story! If you haven't read these stories yet, better get to it!
--Boris and Julie

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Red Rider

Here's a drawing we did together that we just finished. Now back to work on the next thing!

Julie and Boris

Monday, December 1, 2008

New Biker Girl Drawing

In putting together material for our newest book, The Ultimate Illustrations: The Drawings of Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell (published by Anova Books and Harper Collins, text by Anthony Palumbo, scheduled for release in the Spring of 2009), we needed to fill a spot with a new drawing, so we figured that the people who follow our blog should be the first to see it!
There is something fun and exciting about having a mission where you don't have time to think about it too much, you just have to get down to work and do it. Save all that procrastination energy for a later date. I guess it's like double procrastination and it cancels itself out! Never thought of that before.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Placemat Art at Lunch

Firing up the crayons!

A pretty girl in Paris by Rebecca Guay

Portrait of Boris and David by Anthony Palumbo

Some intricate mandalas by Irene Gallo

A devilish collaboration by Scott Fischer and Greg Manchess


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

New Drawing By Julie

A sculptor for Yamato Toys is doing a sculpture of a painting I did in 1992, "Golden Lover". I did a drawing of the back view to help him with the process.
